A few weeks ago I posted an email
I received in regards to internet radio and saving
it from being taken off the air due to the extortionate
fee's that they were going to be charged just for
bringing some music to the web. You can read the email
here. Not long after
that I get the following email...
Shannon Myers
Subject: internet radio
I am surprised and
saddened by your ignorant lack of knowledge and awareness
about the internet radio controversy.
How would you like it
if I took an exact copy of your website and began
to publish it on the web as if I owned it, without
your permission and without compensating you? I bet
that it would PISS YOU OFF big time. You wouldn't
like that at all would you?
If it did happen, you
would have remedy in court, because your website is
protected BY FEDERAL LAW under the Copyright Act.
Are you such a stupid
fuck that you can't understand that's exactly what
internet radio broadcasters are doing?, except that
they are using the copyrighted material of thousands
of publishers, songwriters, and artists. These creators
have the right BY FEDERAL LAW to be compensated for
their creations.
The RIAA and other agencies
protect the interests of copyright creators by lobbying
for increased awareness, protection and compensation.
These increases benefit all copyright owners, not
just those in the music industry.
Regardless of how much
we enjoy listening to alternative forms of music over
the internet, and how bad we want the stations to
survive, NO ONE, with the exception of the creator
and exclusive owner of any copyright, has a right
to exploit said material (including yours)in any manner
without the copyright owner's permission and without
compensating the owner
Why don't you use your
piece of shit brain and quit being such an idiotic
hypocrite when it comes to copyright protection.
A concerned Copyright owner
Subject: Re: internet radio
What the hell are you emailing
me for?
I didn’t write the letter
and I couldn’t care less about what someone
like yourself has to say on the subject.
Do me a favour and grow up
you foul mouthed whore.
Myers wrote:
Subject: Re: internet radio
I am emailing YOU
because the letter is posted on YOUR website you stupid
fucking idiot. I am emailing you because by posting
the letter you are condoning the activity. I am emailing
you because you are such a stupid piece of shit pus-brained
jackass that you obviously fail to realize that fact.
Subject: Re: internet radio
arrogant fucks like yourself that deserve to suffer
the repercussions of the internet radio movement.
All you've
done is swear and abuse without making any valid point
as to why that letter I posted was incorrect.
Before reading
your emails I would have been prepared to offer my
readership a second opinion on internet radio - the
other side of the story - however your obviously such
a moron I have my doubts as to whether you could actually
string a half-intelligent sentence together.
the way you are carrying on anyone would think that
you are the one and only person affected by it.
You are a moron and I am starting to hope that the
power of internet radio is such that it leaves you
broke and on the street like the bum you are.