I writing
to ask your support with the current RIAA situation.
These fucks want to make underground radio stations
pay per song, per listener basically causing them
to go offair because no one can afford the estimated
$1000/day fees that could potentially arise from this.
Sites like ours which attract a lot
of traffic can make a difference. If you feel like
participating and posting this info...please do. Internet
radio is freedom, and they want to take it away.
Fuck that.
We need to stop this because
WE could be next.
Read this from SOMAfm,
underground internet radio out of San Francisco:
URGENT! The future of internet radio
broadcasting is at stake. Please help SAVE INTERNET
RADIO. Hundreds of webcasters will be forced off the
air if current legislation passes. We need you to
Start calling, e-mailing, postal mailing and faxing
your Representative, Senator, the President and the
Copyright Office - REPEATEDLY. Tell them that the
CARP/RIAA proposal will kill webcasters and your only
source of exposure alternative, non-mainstream music.
Tell them how many CDs you've bought because of new
music you've heard on SomaFM. Do it today - time is
running out.
For more info, check out this
here is another link used
to fax...
thanks for your time