It looks like the and url's for my site arent very friendly and seem
to crash the occasional browser or two [although some dodgy HTML
around the place written by myself probably doesnt help!]. This
being the case I proudly present the new domain name for my site:
And my new email address:
While I think of it - are there any iiNet
users around the place that would be interested in donating their
iiNet web space
to me? Would be muchly appreciated.
Fuck knows how I have done it but I managed
to reach second place in the rankings on Stile
Projects Top 50. I'm impressed. Thanks to all you guys who
voted and to all you guys who are going
to vote for me by clicking these things everytime you come
to my site:

Anyways... let the update
This accident occurred a few days
ago in Cananea (Mexico). The truck driver lost control of the truck
and went over the protective barrier. The truck kept going for 30
metres (100 feet) and stopped just before a 200 metres (600 feet
+) free fall thanks to the tires being caught in the loose rock.
Now they don't know how to get it out of there.
Toy 1 - Tonka
Toy 2 - Tonka
Make SURE you check out Jack's
site - I
Want A New Girl Friend. I surf his site pretty much everyday
because it kick's ass.
Also worth the effort is
Unreal looking site and a shit load of Mp3's all for your listening
I Going Down - Animated
Karma Sutra - Class
Or Sex
Priceless Pics. Just added over
50 of them to the gallery and they start about here.
As usual there are a few good ones and a few crap ones...
Fine Naked Lesbians.... very nice
Blondes - Blondes - Blondes - Blondes - Blondes - Blondes - Blondes - Blondes - Blondes
Reader mail... SO much reader mail.
There seems to be a whole lot of
people wanting to do nasty things to Tikki God. Without even realising
what the fuck was going on this has turned into a big US Vs Canada
mud-slinging match. I am neither so dont really care too much -
it's just fun to watch.
God wrote:
Subject: the monkey matter
you misunderstood
what i was trying to say last time...I didnt mean that Americans
are monkeys that learnt to fly planes, I meant that they treated
the Chinese like monkeys who learnt to fly planes. It was just a
way of pointing out Amercian arrogance... although I spose they
can afford to be, being in possesion of the largest, best funded,
and most deadly defence force on the planet.
Brian Shannon
Subject: TIKKI GOD
Here's my response to [snipped
"Just a small note here to remark
on the stupidity and arrogance of the majority of the population
of Northern America."
Speaking of stupid! What do you know about the
majority of our population asshole?
"I've noticed, ..
that Americans and Canadians love to dote on the fact that Australia
was, in essence, a British gaol in the 19th and 18th centuaries."
Actually we don't spend a lot
of time "doting" on fact we don't think
about Australia a whole hell of a lot generally (unless a new Crocodile
Dundee movie comes out or an Aussie puts up a great website like
this one).
"While they
prance around"
Nope not much prancing here either
"that both
the United States and Canada started out the same way."
Huh? What do you do, make shit up as you go along?
Actually I don't give a rat's ass how a country gets started. Kevin
might..but that's probably because he wanted to learn something
about the country of a guy he admired.
"However as we managed
to stop the flow of criminals with a bit of reasoning, the united
states had to revert to a war."
Is that what the hell that war was about? I thought
it was to get away from the tyranny of my ancestors. Shit I didn't
know it had anything to do with convicts
"Kevin - are all
canadians as stupid as you?"
Well presumably so, I'm responding to a dickhead
like you who calls himself God
"and finally
George W Bush is a typical arrogant yankee as he shows with his
treatment of "
Shit I didn't think he was being arrogant. He
was in a tough spot. Frankly, I think he should've just appologized
right away if it meant getting their people back faster and what
the hell they WERE buzzing up and down China's coast. 'Course I'm
a Canadian, we tend to lean towards settling thingsamicably where
Chris Hayes
In regards to Tikki God I feel I must
rebut. Canadians and Americans are nothing alike. I have traveled
allot in my time (All 28 years of them), even living in your great
country for a good chunk of time. And in my endeavors Canadians
are treated with much more respect than Americans. Did you know
that 65 percent of American kids can't even find their home state
on a map. So please do not group Canadians in with them. We are
very proud to be Canadians as you guys are proud to be Aussies.
We are not rude, arrogant people. We are the funny fucks from the
North. ROCK ON!
Chris Hayes
Cheers for one of the more sensible
emails Chris. You actually would have won the prize for 1 years
free pizza but unfortunately I ate it. Why can't all the Yanks hug all
the Canucks - and then all the Canucks just go ahead and hug the
Yanks right back. There'll be no bickering then.
- Brunettes
- Brunettes
- Brunettes
- Brunettes
- Brunettes
- Brunettes
- Brunettes
- Brunettes
On with the reader mail....
Scoby wrote:
Subject: Stupid Shit
This talk about how Australia got
just plain fuckin' stupid, What the hell is the point in arguing?
All I know is that you have to respect a country that produces Paul
Hogan and The Crocodile Hunter. Keep producing quality actors and
Americans wont talk shit like we do to Canada for unleashing Celine
Dione on us.
It appears that you must be joking
so I can't take your email seriously. Paul Hogan? Yeah he really
is funny... actually make that he WAS funny - about 20 years ago.
Crocodile Hunter? That guy is probably
the biggest fuck-stick this side of the red stump in Kangaroo Creek
[if there is such a place]. I'm assuming that you are American right?
The same way that you guys churn out cinematic masterpieces such
as Beverly Hills 90210 for all the good little imbeciles like us
to lap up, we get clowns like the Crocodile Hunter doing it back
to you guys. It's only fair.
Like most Aussies, I shudder when
I think how badly people like these guys must make the rest of us
look, with the exception of Kylie Minogue coz she has a nice ass
and Russel Crowe coz he is cool.
Okay so I haven't posted any of
the lovely Aria for aaaaages but I had the feeling that there may
be some of you guys out there looking for something to get off on.
Anyone who has been reading my babble for a few months now will
remember when I posted the very first Aria pics which were sensational...
all the ones that followed weren't quite as good. Hopefully this
next series can change that a little. Check em out...
Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria - Aria
Subject: Chili Dog
Just the other
day i heard of something called the chili dog. No im not talking
about the food im talking about the sexual act. So hey if you could
enlighten us all what exactly it is and looks like, that would be
After setting my stand-by team of
Physicists, Scientists and Intellectuals off on the task they've
worked tirelessly to find out what this was. It can be defined as
Chili Dog - You take a shit
on a girl's tits and then proceed to titty fuck her.
There's also a whole heap
more of these type of sexual acts. I'm eager to try the last one...
1. Hot Lunch - While receiving
head from a woman, you proceed to shit on her chest. (i.e. the Cleveland
2. The Stranger - Sitting on your
hand until it falls asleep and then jerking off, eliciting the feeling
of a hand job from someone else.
3. Western Grip - When jerking off,
turn your hand around, so that your thumb is facing towards you.
It is the same grip that rodeo folks use. Hence, western.
4. The Blumpkin - You need to find
a real tramp to do this right. It involves having her sucking you
off while you are on the shitter.
5. Donkey Punch - Banging a girl
doggy style and then moments before you cum, sticking your dick
in her ass, and then punching her in the back of the head. This
gives a tremendous sensation, but for it to work correctly, the
girl must be knocked out so that her asshole tightens up.
6. Golden Shower - Any form
of pissing all over a chick (i.e. water sports)
7. Pearl Necklace - Well known.
Whenever you cum on the neck/cleavage area of a girl - it takes
on the look of beautiful jewellery.
8. Coyote - This occurs when you
wake up in the room of a nasty wombat and you know you've got to
give her the slip. However, you realize that your arm is wrapped
around her. Therefore you must gnaw off your own arm to get out
of the situation. Can be very painful.
9. Purple Mushroom - This occurs
when a woman is giving you oral sex and you withdraw your penis
in order to poke it back into her cheek. It should leave a lasting
impression similar to purple mushroom.
10. The Flying Camel - A personal
favourite. As she is lying on her back and you are hammering her
from your knees, you carefully balance yourself without using your
arms to prop yourself up. You then proceed to flap your arms and
let out a long, shrieking howl, much like a coyote. Strictly a class
11. Fishhook - A variation
of the shocker in which you pull back towards the pussy after you
stick your finger up her anus.
12. The Ram - Again, you're attacking
from behind, when you start ramming her head against the wall in
a rhythmic motion. The force of the wall should allow for deeper
penetration. Very handy for those lulls in penile sensitivity.
13. Bismarck- This is another one
involving oral sex. Right before you are about to cum, you pull
out, shooting your load all over her face. Follow that with a punch
and smear the blood and cum together.
14. Jelly Doughnut: A derivation
of the Bismark. All you have to do is punch her in the nose while
you are getting head.
15. The Woody Woodpecker:
When a girl is sucking on your balls, tap the head of your cock
on her forehead.
16. Dog in a Bathtub - This is a
proper name for when you attempt to insert your nuts into a girl's
ass. It is so named because it can be just as hard as keeping a
dog in the tub while giving it a bath.
17. Tossing Salad - Another prison
act where one person is forced to basically chow asshole with the
help of whatever condiments are available, i.e. Jell-O, olive oil,
18. Rim Job: Another name
for tossing salad. Focuses on the use of the tongue.
19. The Bucking Bronco- An all time
classic. You start by going doggy style on a girl and then just
when she is really enjoying it, you grab onto her tits or hips as
tightly as possible and call her a big fat no-good worthless slob.
More than likely, she will try to escape. This will give you the
feeling of riding a bronco as she tries to buck you off.
20. Pink glove - This frequently
happens during sex when a girl is not wet enough. When you pull
out to give her money, the inside of her twat sticks to your hog.
Thus, the pink glove.
21. The Fountain of You - While
sitting on her face and having her eat your ass, jerk off like a
madman. Build up as much pressure as possible before releasing,
spewing like a venerable geyser all over her face, neck and tits.
(Better in her bed).
22. New York Style Taco - Anytime
when you are so drunk that when you go down, you boot on her box.
Happy trails.
23. The Dirty Sanchez - A time honoured
event in which while laying the bone doggie style, you insert Your
finger into said woman's asshole, pull it out, wipe it across her
upper lip leaving a thin, shit moustache. This makes her look like
someone whose name would be Dirty Sanchez.
24. The Fish Eye - From behind,
you shove your finger in her ass (or his if you are in prison).
Thereupon she turns around in a one-eyed winking motion to see what
the hell you are doing.
25. Tuna Melt - You're down on a
chick lapping away and discover that it just happens to be the time
of the month. By no means do you stop though. When the whale spews,
tartar sauce with a hint of raspberry smothers your face.
26. Fur Ball - You're chomping away
at some mighty trollop who has a mane between her legs the size
of Lionel Richie's Afro, when a mammoth fur ball gets lodged in
your throat and causes you to beat the piss out of her.
27. Rear Admiral: An absolute blast.
When getting a chic from behind (while both partners standing),
make sure you don't let her grab on to anything when she is bent
over. Then, drive your hips into her backside.
28. Glass Bottom Boat: Putting
saran wrap over your partners face and proceeding to lay a hot shit
29. Ray-Bans: Put your testicles
over her eye sockets while getting head. (Picture it: ass on forehead)
It may be anatomically impossible, but it is definitely worth a
30. Snowmobile: Always a
blast. When getting a girl while she's on all fours, sweep out her
arms so she falls on her face.
I was looking
through some of the sickening shit you guys send me. Firstly, you
should be disgusted with yourselves and secondly you should keep
sending it to me. This week's theme is what I have dubbed 'violated'.
It's refers to either the person in the pic being violated in some
way or me feeling violated after looking at it.
NO they
are NOT rape pics and stuff like that so don't even go there. Just
click the links, sit back and be enlightened at the shit people
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
- Violated
A lady approaches a priest
and says to him, "Father, I have a problem. I have two female
cocky's but they only know how to say one thing".
"What do they say?"
the priest inquired.
"They only know how
to say, Hi, we're prostitutes. D'ya wanna have some fun?"
"That's terrible!!"
exclaimed the priest, "but I have a solution to your problem.
Bring your two female cocky's over
to my house and I will put them with my two male cocky's who I taught
to pray and read the bible. My cocky's will teach yours to stop
saying that terrible phrase and will learn to praise and worship
"Thank you!" the
woman responded.
The next day, the lady brought her
female cocky's to the priest's house. His two male cocky's were
holding rosary beads and praying in their cage. The lady put her
female cocky's in with the male cocky's and the females immediately
said "Hi, we're prostitutes. D'ya wanna have some fun?"
One male cocky looks at the other male cocky and exclaims "Put
the fuckin bible away - our fuckin prayers have finally been answered".
I'm posting this next link not only
because it is pretty cool but also because I keep getting the file
sent to me over and over and over again...
- Fight
Did you ever find yourself wondering
what it is that the people in Iraq watch on TV? I know I do - all
the time too. Check out their weekly TV Guide....
8:00 Husseinfeld
8:30 Mad About Everything
9:00 Suddenly Sanctions
9:30 Allah McBeal
8:00 Wheel of Misfortune
8:30 The Price is Right if Saddam Says its Right
9:00 Children are Forbidden to say the Darndest Things
9:30 Iraq's Funniest Public Execution Bloopers
8:00 Buffy the Yankee Imperialist Dog Slayer
8:30 Diagnosis: Heresy
9:00 Just Shoot You
9:30 Veilwatch
8:00 Mahatma Loves Chachi
8:30 M*U*S*T*A*S*H
9:00 Veronica's Closet Full of Long, Black, Shapeless Dresses
9:30 My Two Baghdads
8:00 Judge Saddam
8:30 Captured Iranian Soldiers Say The Darndest Things
9:00 Achmed's Creek
9:30 No-witness News
Vid's time. I thought I'd keep within
the Violated theme and post some stuff that I just didn't think
was possible to do. So here goes....
Video - Violated
Video - Violated
Video - Violated
Video - Violated
Video - Violated
Video - Violated
Video - Violated
Video - Violated
Video - Violated
I think that'll do for this
week. I've spent way too long updating and I'm tired. Poor me huh?
The Priceless Vids section of my
site is about to fatten up again. Maybe today, maybe tomorow, maybe
when ever the fuck I feel like it but it will happen I swear to
god and may he strike me down where I sit if I don't.
Don't forget to vote for
Don't forget too publically
belittle me here.
And don't forget to email
me with something good.
Adios Amigos. Enjoy. Mr.