With Reader Mail on hiatus for a week things
get backed up very quickly and I suddenly have more email than I
can possibly fit on the main page... thus the Email Overflow is
alive and kicking again.
The last few weeks have been busy on and around
the site and in the real world with some topical stuff causing people
to drop their pencils and fire emails my way. That's all good too
- there's nothing I like more than seeing my inbox inflate to the
size of a pregnant woman with elephantitis.
Before we get on with it, if you would like to
contribute to Reader Mail
and have your stuff viewed by millions, maybe billions or possibly
tillions then we are always more than happy to receive absolutely
anything you wanna send! Funny videos, naked pics of your ex or
current girlfriend, jokes or practically whatever else you can staple
to an email are all welcome... all you must do is click
here and get it happening.
The death of Steve Irwin had a big impact and
stirred a lot of emotions for people and there was plenty of mail
about it...
Subject: Steve Irwin - Dangling the baby..
Hey Mr Orsm. I'm just writing this to
say that i was actually at Australia Zoo, in the "Crocoseum"
as its called, the day Steve was supposedly dangling his
baby near the crocodile. I just want to say that a real
life view of the situation, basically shits on any camera
shots taken. Steve had complete control over the situation,
the crocodile was close to his child, but not dangerously
so. Everyone who knows anything about Steve knows that he
has a certain affinity with animals, crocodiles especially.
Because of this bond with the animals, his child was at
no time in any danger. And to contradict his actions, is
a disgrace to the name of a great man. Cheers.
<with held>
Subject: Ode to Steve Ode to Steve
A bright and brash Australian
The "Hunter" was his name.
And all those slimy reptiles,
brought him wealth and fame.
Some say he was a looker
To girls, he was a dish
He knew everything about crocodiles,
But f uck all about fish. |
Per-Erik Persson
Subject: Had it coming
Hi. Read your site "Croc hunter
didn't had it coming". Hell no. He knew he lived on
the edge and he loved it. That was all he was about, living
on the edge. I'm from Sweden and we had a crazy ashole that
took his bike and road it to the Himalayas, climbed Mount
Everest and took his bike back to Sweden. Everything he
needed was on the bike. No TV crews, nothing. A digital
camera was all he had. (Can you see yourself getting on
a bike after climbing Mount Everest and taking it through
half of fucking Siberia to get home????) He broke his neck
while climbing a small cliff that for him was easy prey.
They live close to death and sometimes shit happens for
Danny Do
Subject: CRIKEY ...I HATE YOU!
this from here...
I am speaking on behalf of ALL
Australian residence when i say that you are the BIGGEST
waste sperm ever to walk this planet. You were better placed
in a tissue, sock or dribbling off your mothers chin.
The way you spoke of Sir
Steve Irwins existence, esp immediately after his death was
THE most un-Australian dribble i have ever heard of.... and
not surprisingly out of a stupid feminist mouth!
Sir Steve was one of the
greatest human beings to walk this earth, and we are EXTREMERLY
fortunate enough to have him grace the shores of this wonderful
land we call - Australia!!! His humour, personality and vibe
touched our hearts, from young to old, white to black, east
to west, country to country. His fight for animal rights and
conservation will carry on forever and if young Bindi has
anything to do with it, your views wont count for diddly squat!
I can only thank the powers
to be (god or whoever is out there) that you were shipped,
shot, booted or F**CKED out of this beautiful country of ours.
Please do not taint this magnificent country of ours by returning
to our shores... as i can promise you, you are NOT WELCOME!
Please do a good deed
by return your hairy muff to the kitchen where it belongs,
I have no idea who in their right mind gave you the rights
to leave your domain to write such a preposterous article.
In closing please do us
Aussies a favour and remove yourself from any reference to
this Steve Irwin loving country! Steve is the biggest living
Australian legend in our eyes and you are the biggest disgrace
to the human race.
Sir Steve Irwin
Subject: Irwin And Brocky
Your Royal ORSM'ness. As a fellow Aussie
i must say this is a very sad week for Australia, to lose
Steve Irwin one of Australia's greatest known persons and
ambassadores is a tragic within itself, despite what some
narrow minded, publicity thriving, old mole lesbian thinks.
Then to lose another legend like "King of the mountain"
Peter Brock is a kick while you are down. Both men are undoubtably
the best in there field and did so much for Australia. Rest
in peace my friends, Australia will never forget what you
have done for us and how you entertained us in many ways.
Lets just hope that this doesnt happen in 3's..
Subject: steve irwin
Dear Mr Orsm, Steve Irwin dead. Germaine
Greer still draws breath. There is no god. RIP Steve. Another
dead Hero. Who would you like to have the rest of the world
think that all australians are like? the crocodile hunter
or some washed up dike who thinks growing armpit hair and
working a cigarette lighter on a bra is a great life achievement!
I would like to adopt one of the positive muslim beliefs
in regards to her and issue a fatwa on her, but instead
of muslims going after her, anyone who has felt proud to
be an australian because we were lucky enough to be born
in the same country that could produce a maniac like irwin
could also help with the greiving process by fucking her
in the ass with a chainsaw.
Yeah you better withhold my name and
address. With the new anti-terror laws i may have asio kicking
in my door at dawn one morning????????
This is meant be humourus. not an incitation
to violoence. Shit, should i even send this? Fuck it, Rock
on. Nuke all stingrays.
Subject: Germaine Greer Competition.
Introducing the all new Germaine Greer
caption competition. All you have to do is make up a smart-arse
caption that goes with this picture and you are in the running
to win incredible prices. ( look up the word incredible
in the dictionary ) So get busy with your digital pens and
paper and make someone happy today!
All entry's should be sent to
as many people as you can so that your unimaginable wit will
spread joy among the thousands of internet users worldwide.
Don't delay folks as Germaine just loves publicity and will
be excited to see just what literary genius ( apart from hers)
may be laying dormant out there in cyber space. Note, that
this is a form of free speech and artistic expression so lets
not mince words.. And for Gods sake don't be cruel or get
to close and invade her space.. And by the looks of it there
is a bit of space down there. We have had the Hoff pics and
the Beer dude but this round is all about Germaine.. Here
is a blank Jpeg and sample caption. Go forth young humans. |
Peter Brock being killed within the same week
was just as big a deal for most Aussies also...
Subject: Vale Brockie............
Lookn forward to reminiscing and rejoicing
the life of "Brockie, King of the Mountain" lets
get a couple of hot Torrie pics up here, throw in a couple
of Gtrs / Slrs and A9X's both past and present , as I will
be doing the obligatory video reruns of Bathhurst, with
the nude nut from Midnight Oil cranking out the chorus with
a slab of the best, a few mates, all between a grandfinal
victory to West Coast and the next Hardie Ferodo. But it
does make u wonder where our next legends are coming from?
Lose a Doc Neeson, DK Lillee, Marshie , Boonie were cactus....
be better if we lost a few dipstick pollies b4 our icons.
Great stuff on here, but i must admit for the first time
in my life i felt a need to buy a gun, all over the islamic
punishment of that kid having his arm held down by a man
as a car drove it. Dont want to sound like a talk back radio
host or a redneck, but while the vocal minority decree that
our kids cant celebrate Xmas at schools, or have Christmas
decoration in our citys we are heading that way..........I
love being an Aussie having lots of wogs mates, enjoy there
food / culture and friendship but please dont make me be
one and lose our Australian identity and heritage in the
Subject: Brocky
What a shit week for Australia with the
death of Steve Irwin and now Peter Brock . I have watched
or been there every Bathurst since 1969 . I was a flag marshal
at Bathurst between 75 and 79 and saw Brocky at his best
. I was lucky enough to get
a lap in his 79 Torana as I sent you in June 2006 (archives)
.He was more than a legend to thousands of motor sport fans
. He was a great Australian icon . We will sadly miss the
king of the mountain
Subject: a bit of a rant
hey orsm, love the site man, check your
updates every week, but I've got one thing to say, WHAT
ABOUT BROCKY?? <--- just as you said, superheros don't
die, and Australians everywhere should sit down and take
stock of the terrible tragedy that has befallen our proud
country with the death of two absolute legends, true iconic
Aussies that died this week, and thank their stars for the
gift of life. On another note, If you are one of the people
who refuse to integrate, learn the language and play a decent
role in society (and that includes illiterate bogans as
well) and you just don't understand the sense of pain we
are all feeling at the moment, FUCK RIGHT OFF, cos I dont
want the values of your fucked up countries being instilled
in Australian suburbs, unless its going for compo, cos thats
really Australian. Anyway, have a good one.
These was a bunch of email in regards to the
series of pics I posted entitled 'How
Islaam Punishes an 8 Year Old'. Some of the comments I recieved
were probably quite justified however you guys really need to keep
in mind that there is just one person that runs this entire website
[me] and I don't always have time to check facts so things do end
up on Orsm.net as they have come to me.
Saleh Gandeel
Subject: What islam does to kids - links
Orsm, If you feel bad for the kid, you
can feel better knowing that its just a circus act and that
no one was harmed in the making of these photos. Notice
the bare pickup, the mic, and the towel under the arm. By
the way, Iran uses millitary to carry out punishment, not
some peasant off the street. ORSM's a good site, a real
site, so don't spoil it with propaganda.
Link - TruthOrFiction.com
Link - Snopes.com
Saleh Gandeel
Subject: How Islam treats kids
Hey Orsm, I've been checking your site
for a few years now. I can't help but notice that you've
joined the bandwagon for anti-Islamic propaganda. You know
thats all it really is "PROPAGANDA", and I can't
see how you could have an agenda for this! You simply don't
know enough about Islam to be a true "crusader"
against it. I don't know what it does for you but I must
say that it makes you seem very ignorant, and quite honestly
your starting to sound like an excited hill-billy who's
doing bubba's work. Your site Rocks. Cheers.
Koenig wrote:
Dude, I normally wouldn't bother,
but I think you made a very poor choice in naming that photo
set. I wont bother going into detail about what is wrong
with that statement, but it really seems that you're letting
political bias or resentment of some sorts show. Please
try to stay politically neutral.. Either that or perhaps
do something to show you're not just trying to bash any
particular group of people for no good reason. What I mean
by this is that if you bother to look you can find equally
disturbing photo sets from so perceived civilized western
and Asian cultures. One other thing, how did you know those
people were Islamic? I don't see a sign on them stating
that they all are of any particular religious or cultural
group. ... hmm....
reza khayatian
Hello there Mr. ORSM. Big fan of your
site, i count the seconds on thursdays till that clock hits
12:00 and logon to your site to view the reality of the
incredible world through your site.
Though,,,one thing i saw today
made me shiver and want to hate every muslim ou there: The
series of pictures showing the 8 Y/O kids arm getting run
over. IT IS NOT REAL!!! After doing some research to see if
it was infact real i found MANY credible sources tell me it
isn't real. The newspaper which these pictures are taken from
Already stated that these are pictures of a street act in
iran. Heres an article about the pictures. I am a muslim...or
try to be and like MANY OTHER MUSLIMS do not apreciate my
religion being slandered like this.
Comments: The preceding images
are apparently authentic -- they were published as such in
2005 on the Iranian news Web site Peyke Iran, at any rate
-- but the accompanying caption doesn't jibe with the original
report and was clearly fabricated after the fact.
According to a Peyke Iran spokesperson
who corrected the record last November in a note posted on
Little Green Footballs, the young boy whose arm was run over
was not being punished for a crime. He was part of a "Maareke
giry" or street magic act and allegedly performed the
stunt for money (note the gentleman speaking into a microphone
in image #1). The seventh and eighth pictures in the series,
which appear to show the child shaken but otherwise unharmed
after the ordeal, were omitted from the email flier but can
still be viewed on Peykeiran.com (where all the images are
attributed to photographer Siamak Yari).
Anyways, keep up the good
work and for god's sake MORE RS PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I blogged in my 7th of September
update about Australian Prime Minister, John Howard's comments on
Muslims refusing to integrate into out society...
"At the risk of being
labeled a racist or bigot or whatever I say regardless of your ethnicity
or religion if you don't want to integrate, if you don't want to
share our values, if you don't want to adopt the way of life then
please fuck off back to where you came from. I'm sick of it. Don't
bring your shit here and fuck up a good thing."
Subject: your comments
That's not racist. It's not bigoted.
It's correct. If you move to another country -- another
culture -- then you integrate. Full stop. No questions.
You can't expect those around you to adapt their beliefs
and customs to suit you. Living in New York City disgusted
me. The wags waving their foreign flags and going on about
how great their home countries were made me ill. If your
country is so great, why the fuck did you leave it? Go home.
No one's making you stay.
I might get labeled as well, but I'm ALSO an immigrant.
I currently live in Germany. I accept German laws and German
customs and live like anyone else in the country I voluntarily
entered. I did the same in England. I do the same in Iceland
since I'm halfway there to becoming a resident. Expecting
Johnny Foreigner to learn the language and become a part
of the culture of the place which he voluntarily entered
isn't wrong -- it's in his best interest.
Failing to integrate into the surrounding culture guarantees
you and your offspring nothing but poverty and menial jobs
not to mention the wrath of those around you for coming
in and expecting the world to revolve around you.
Subject: or leave...period!
I couldnt agree with your more Mr. Orsm.
I am not a racist, nor a bigot, but 110% sure that if they
want to stay bad enough, they'll learn the language...and
integrate. Enjoy your work immensely, will be a lifelong visitor,
thank you!
Subject: Just on the non integration of Muslims.....
I'm not taking sides here but this article
may make you see things from an alternative
Subject: understand if you dont post it....
Bit pissed off that's all.. Is it true
that I have to watch whatever I say and do? This is a strange
concept. It seems that if I don’t behave in a manner
befitting (most recently, and I am sure the Anglican Church
will be next), a Muslim person, this is offensive and I
must fall in line with their beliefs, and if not, a protest
will be made, or other, etc. This means I must convert the
way I have leant to live my life in accordance with a belief
system I do not have any belief in, taught by simply a man/woman
with the know how to spread his/her interpretation. I, apparently,
have no rights to voice my beliefs and, although I never
voiced my offence at statements made by other belief systems
against me, I must adjust myself silently, without complaint
into Political Correctness (UK Styley) for risk of causing
more offence and protest. If I behave in the manner expected
of me at present, will that make me a Muslim? Just wondered.
Subject: Actually, no, fuck off...
My earlier diplomatic "sit on my
finger" statement has actually made me vomit, seriously.
My own statement. I am not of any religion, and am quite
sick to death of being told what to do by religions (at
present, Islam). As the current preacher of right, it is
your duty to be the morally and forgiving high grounders.
With the current attitudes shown, why in any God's name
would I want to have any dealing with such a vague, ever
changing, and intolerant part of society. I protest. I am
Subject: ...no, even more....
..actually, if my belief system gets
out, there's trouble. I mean, I think God would like to
know I washed my hair for him, and that everyone has. Covering
your head would be a sin and punishable by "Stonining
to Death". It's going to kick off, I tell you....
Surely I'm not a terrorist
now, am I? Yes, probably inflammatory or something. Love you
though. Not. |
Dave wrote:
Subject: Muslims
Mate I am all for being Australian because
we are a top bunch of people, but to find an answer as to
why people stay who they are I suggest you migrate to a
country that you would like to live in, and see if you like
being asked to be a local. People are who they are, if we
accepted them into this country as Muslims then let them
be. Muslims did not bring their shit over here, John Howard
did by kissing American ass, involving us in a bullshit
war, and making racist remarks like the one you have highlighted.
If we want migrants to assimilate and be more Aussie why
do we make such a fuss of Aussies such as Greg Norman for
loosing his Australianness.
And now on with everything else. Keep in mind
that the Overflow is to clear some of the backlog which may or may
not have bee sitting around for a while patiently waiting to be
posted so if stuff below is out of context that's why!
Tim Chmielewski
Subject: Photos from a launch I went to last week
Hi there, I took these at the launch
of the Faster
Pussycat clothing store in Melbourne last week. Enjoy!
Jose Gabriel
Santiago wrote:
Subject: Something for your site
Dear Mr. Orsm Dude, Greetings from sunny
California. I must say that I have been a fan of your site
for years and it keeps gettin better and better. I have
recently started up my own production company called San
D. Chacho Productions and have released my first piece on
YouTube.com. It's a comedy piece of the trials and tribulations
of being a dad. Check it out yourself and if you find it
worthy to post on your site, then it would be an honor.
The title of the skit is THE
held> wrote:
Subject: Letter to Bank
Hi Mr ORSM, Great Sight! Finally
I have something to contribute!!!!!!! I have attached a letter
I wrote to my local bank (ANZ) who I moderately dislike (they
may change there minds one day)...... in infact I dislike
banks full stop wheather there mine or not. I find nothing
better then wasting there time with pointless dribble....
in an attempt to become a millionaire, I
sent the bank the attached letter....... |
Subject: The wrap up
Its time to face the realities of Season
2006 in the AFL........ What an absolute pleasure it was
to see Carlton get flogged, as Collingwood pushed Carlton
to another likely wooden spoon. As a true Collingwood supporter
I thank our team for inflicting more pain to carlton in
more ways than one.
I thank the
Pies for getting Carlton closer to that much awaited third
wooden spoon. I thank the Pies for witnessing the Blues
have a sook and blame the umpires for all their Misery.
I especially thank Alan Didak for laying out another Carlton
player and watch the Blues sook again as the game slipped
away from them.
Yes, my friends....
the Alan Didak situation may of come at a bad cost, but
we must question ourselves on one thing....... Was it worth
him laying out a Carlton player and getting suspended for
several weeks with the possability of missing the finals?
Well my answer to that is....... SHIT YES, it was worth
every bit. !!!!!!!
P.S Who said
Collingwood supporters cant count......... 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
Wooden Spoons
digital blasphemous
Subject: The TRON guy
the picture you published of this
retard is the famous TRON
guy. a very proud fan of a famous "matrix like"
movie of the 70 if I remind correctly. Check out the other
pictures inside.
Subject: Is someone copying your site?
this and wasnt sure if you were doing your site in another
language, but it resembles a striking resemblance to your
site mate...
Subject: out of the closet
hey Orsm hows it going dude. Can you
please post these pics up of my mate. It was his 21st and
he'd decided to come out of the closet.
eather right
Subject: What Do You Think Of This!!!
Hello Orsm... I'm a huge fan of the site...
Here is a picture from a local church... Don't you think
the church should stay out "Banging Chicks"...
I guess we should all go to church and get married before
screwing our wife... By that time after marriage, the good
sex ends very fast... Anyways keep up the good work... I'm
a regular fan from Vancouver , British Columbia, Canada...
josh G
Subject: Great Picture
This picture was taken at a Putt-putt
course in Little Rock, Arkansas. There's NO WAY this was
an accident. Enjoy
<with held>
Subject: My hyundai
Sup bru! im a long time reader, 1st time
i ever found something i think is worthy of ur site. this
is a pic of my 1996 Hyundai elantra 1.6l GLS which i have...
er... altered a bit, not bad fort a 1.6l hey? i havent seen
alot of these kinds of pics on ur site recently there was
a time when they were on like every week so i thought id
send mine in. fucking love ur site bru! even if u are a
ozzy and im a south african :P (by the way, Warne is my
Stuart Kinner
Subject: Tony Blair
Remember the BBC error last week...?
Here's Tony Blair...
Subject: Unfortunate ad
Hey mate, I was just reading CNN about
the dude that threw his kids off a balcony and jumped (heard
about it on the news all day). Then I noticed the ad about
"COOL GIFTS FOR DAD" next to it.
martin cawkwell
Subject: french in prague!!
Hey Hey Mr Orsm... been following the
sit for time since "ii.net" and decided its now
time to contribute to the orsm world you have created for
us minions, i would be grateful if u could include a pic
a mate took when in we were in prague last yr. looks like
some french guy named his coach company after himself, what
do you reckon?
<with held>
Subject: Cool pic
A friend of mine took this pic last weekend
along a bayou near his home. This is in Louisiana just a
little southwest of New Orleans. Kinda creepy, huh?
Subject: Crazy
Hey there. This sign is on an automated
gate at a storage facility not far from where I live. Must
be a crazy place. I don’t know of ANY dogs that can
smoke, let alone drive???
Subject: W.A. Crays
This must be true, after all the Sunday
Times of this date wrote it and they wouldn't lead us astray
(would they?)
<with held>
Subject: Pwn'd mower
G'day mate, Love your site, long time
reader, first time poster. Thought you may like this, was
taken from the front of Willamtown RAAF base near Newcastle,
was bogged good. Sorry, no piccies of my misses......
Subject: Seals attacking humans!
Hey Mr. Orsm, I don't know if you've
heard about the recent seal ATTACKS in San Francisco (no
joke), but I wanted to share my recent encounter with one
of the frisky mammals. We had just left the Oakland A's
game and decided to stop at Treasure Island (an old Naval
base) for a few pics and such....when out of the corner
of my eye, I spotted this HUGE seal giving me what can only
be described as the 'look of love'. Luckily, when I went
closer to investigate...my wife was able to snap a quick
pic of the over-amorous bastard!! Bottom line... I got his
digits and will be calling him once I can lose the wife....
but don't tell her!
Hey... love your site!
I'm a part-time rock-n-roll DJ in Northern California. If
your readers are so inclined, they can go to www.myspace.com/fmvoice
or www.earthquake-jake.com for some funny radio clips....
certain to give you a laugh (and I would be forever in your
debt for the linkage shout-out)! Thanks bro! |
Subject: pierced
Hey, dude, I realy like the site, keep
it up. Here's a picture when I got my dick pierced last
week. my girlfriend loves it. Greetings from Belgium.
Subject: Traffic Cones in Hong Kong
Dear Mr Orsm. Thought you might like
this pic of a mate in Hong Kong next to a sign stating the
fucking obvious. They must get their fair share of fuckwits...
<with held>
Subject: Caught this little Freudian Slip on CNN
Caught this little Freudian Slip on CNN.
Breaking Down instead of Breaking News. LOL
Vinicius Negrisolo
Subject: princeless file
Here it is the pic. My girlfriend is
gonna kill me he he he. I am going to have famous balls.
Subject: pranks
howzit goin man. ya got an older brother?
if you do, do you remember the shit he used to put you thru
as a kid? i do on both counts. so when my older bro went
to sleep at a bux party at my house, i took full advantage
of it. if you cant quite read it, it says "i'm a cocksucker".
and it was oil-based paint. take it easy and keep up the
good shit. wiggy
<with held>
Subject: Triathlon pictures
hey dude, attached are a couple of pictures
from a recent Ironman Triathlon in the states , think about
wearing these clothes for 4k swim , 180k bike and 42k run
. That chick is fairly well built but dont know about the
guy !
Subject: Random Shit,
G'day Orsm, After a few years of visiting
i found something to send.I stumbled on the picture and
thought of you instantly. I dont know the stor behing it
but fark, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Subject: 2 funny pics
these 2 pics are of a mate and need to
be shown love the site put these pics up and il email 500
ppl and tell them you site rules
If you've got something to say or share
then drop me a line here. |