This much love and sadly neglected section
of is where all the reader mail I couldn't fit on
the main page ends up. This is in no way indicates the quality of
course - I'm just limited by space and with the sheer volume
of mail that comes in it's impossible to post it all every
Anyway if you would like to contribute
to Reader Mail and have your stuff viewed by millions then we
are always more than happy to receive absolutely anything you wanna
send! Funny videos, naked pics of your ex or current girlfriend,
jokes or practically anything else you can attach to an email are
all welcome... all you must do is click
here and make the magic happen.
Let's start with a chunk of the email that came
my way in response to the 'heads
off to you' vid that was posted in Reader Mail in my August
3rd update...
stephens wrote:
Subject: please post this
to all of you who think that a website
owner should censor what is posted on his/her site because
children might see it, you need to watch your kids better...
it is not the worlds responsibility to watch them, or what
they watch, for you. also, it's better that they see the
atrocities that occur elsewhere... it makes them glad to
live in a place where that sort of thing isn't accepted.
in addition to that, there was a warning in place... if
you watched the vid anyway, it's noone's fault but your
own. there IS a stop button. i, personally, am glad that
there are those out there that will post things like beheadings...
not because i necessarily want to see them, but because
IT HAPPENS!!!!! there is no way for us to do anything to
stop it if we don't know it's going on. welcome to reality
people.... the world is not always a pretty place. as far
as a 'niche' goes, i say fuck you. rules were
meant to be broken. in an environment like the internet,
there are no rules. that means that noone cares whether
your childish sensibilities were encumbered. if you can't
run with the big dogs, stay on the porch! p.s. you may post
my details as i welcome any debate on the matter.
<with held>
Subject: beheading
Dude, I've been a fan of your sight
for quite some time now and love your shit, but. That beheading
shit is the sickest shit I have ever seen, and I felt fucking
ill for hours. Keep up the good work but keep that shit
off the air mate. Don't let those pricks have any
Subject: fuck
I didn't know that the heads off to was
gonna show a man's head being hacked off. Geez.. I'm still
in shock.. Could you do me a favour and give others a warning
about what they'll see?... I mean .. this is about a man
who loses his life in a horrible way right before our eyes..
I better avoid that stuff from now on. Funny.. pics aren't
as bad as movies because the person is already dead and
I guess we're immune to that via the media.. but wow.. I
feel sick.:(
<with held>
Subject: About the beheading video ...
I want to thank those who wrote in with
all the complaints for calling the beheading video to my
attention. Without you guys I would never have seen for
real what's been happening to innocent men and women for
the last couple of years in a perversion of the Islamic
faith. I hesitated to download and watch it, just as Orsm
hesitated to post it for us.
My brother-in-law worked in
Iraq for almost a year recently. This video could have been
him. Thankfully, he returned ok. If this had been him would
I have watched this? Yes. I would owe him that. I think somewhere
in here we have a responsibility to the innocents to know
what happened to them, and maybe, THINK about what's wrong
and what can or should be done to prevent things like this
from happening next week, next month and next year to others.
One has to wonder where someone's
mind is to do something like that to another person. If religion
were not involved there would be no hesitation to say this
was criminal insanity. I also wonder about the purpose of
the guys who film it and post it on the net. Is it supposed
to incite people to bloodlust, perverted religious fervor
and similar acts? Is it supposed to teach us non-muslims a
lesson? I think everyone either reacts with fear (especially
if these guys live down the block) or revulsion and a need
to punish those responsible. If it's targeted at us it's a
failure, because it leaves no doubt we have to do something
severe to stop it.
One elusive thing has
been accomplished anyway. Obscenity has finally been defined.
Thank you Orsm, for having the guts and public spirit to do
the hard thing. |
CK wrote:
Subject: reply to beheading feedback
Could people be any more stupid? This
vid had a disclaimer on it. It was clearly advertised. If
you don't want to see this shit then DON'T FUCKING CLICK
ON IT! Why downoad a vid when you know exactly what it contains
and you know you don't want to see it? Clearly this site
is not for children. If 8-year olds are on this site their
parents should be monitering them more closely. There is
fucked up shit all over the internet. Is this the first
time you have seen something wrong on this site? Maybe
you're a first time visitor? Note to everyone - you are
responsible for your own internet consumption, if you see
something you don't like, blame the idiot who clicked on
the link, not the webmaster.
nate cole
Subject: I dont get it
hey orsm, was reading your viewer mail
on the beheading video. post what you want man, its your
site. you do us a favor by providing a nuts great site with
no popups, then have to deal with complaints? its bullshit
man. i read the disclaimer, so i didnt watch the video.
ill agree with Michael Tucker that you have a niche market,
but its your market. do what you please. keep up the great
Subject: Continue Doing What You Do!
This site is one of the best on the web
by far! End of discussion! Don't let all the e-mail you
received about the beheading video make you think any different.
I don't like the gory stuff at all: I just want to get that
out there. So you know what I do? CHOOSE NOT TO LOOK AT
IT! All these dumbasses that sent you the e-mail should
not have clicked on the link! You put out a warning (and
thanks for that!) and I chose not to watch the vid. I also
don't enjoy pictures of fat people, pictures/vid of chicks
with dicks, those blurry pics of speedometers going way
too fast on public streets (probably while drunk), those
videos of the fake Jackass people hurting themselves, and
a few other things that come up on You know what
I do about it? DON'T OPEN THE MEDIA! I don't want to get
on a soapbox here, but please don't stop doing ANYTHING
involving the site just because some viewers can't pass
up an opportunity to be offended. You keep doing what you
do, and I'll choose what I watch. If you decide to include
gross stuff, rock on! Just continue to warn me so I don't
have to watch it if I choose not to. If you start censoring
your content, the terrorists win.
Subject: Hey Orsm.
Hey mate was just reading the crap that
some of your FANS wrote to you this week. I especially love
the guy that TOLD you how to run and what should be on YOUR
website! Id like to reply to them for you, and tell them
all to get FUCKED and stop winging about stuff that is posted
on your site,It is and should be entirely up to you what
goes on there and as far as i thought the site was dedicated
to random shit that people world wide send you. And 'dickheads',(you
know who you are) you might like to take his warnings of
gore etc a bit more serious in future,especially if your
going to carry on like a bunch of bitches! Orsm, fuck em,
carry on! do what you do, Im not alone here when i say your
site kicks ass!!!
Ken P
Subject: Hello Mr. Orsm
Hi Mr. Orsm, Nice site. Cool looking
chics too. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I don't know
why everyone got so pissed off at that beheading vid. Every
beheading vid that's ever been taped can be seen at
Granted, it's not for the squeamish, and it's got other
gory stuff on it also, like car accidents and murders and
dead and mangled bodies. Once you've been to that site,
that one vid of yours looks like a Disney movie. hahaha.
Have a nice day.
Subject: beheaded
dear mr. orsm, i think you are in the
right for showing that video of the man being beheaded,
if people dont want to watch it, they wont, if they do,
then u cant stop them. if they have the internet, they will
find a way if they want it bad enough, to everybody hating
on you mr orsm, this is all i have to say to them, shut
the fuck up. and to you mr orsm, keep up the good work!!
Subject: on the beheading vid...
G'day Orsm, just had to put my 2 cents
in. I agree with what mick said on your page on your last
up date about 'that' video. 'There are a
lot of things that I've seen that I want to unsee'
comment hit home with me too. I didn't initially watch the
vid but came into the room as my missus and mate were watching
it. I don't know if it's a sad indication of the world these
days or not but it didn't affect me as much as it probably
should have. I can tell you what though, I wouldn't have
been sitting there waiting for it to happen, they'd have
had to work hard to get my friggen head off. Anyway. I agree
that it doesn't really have a place in the 'Orsm'
site that is yours. Personally I'd like to see more of those
huge tits that keep appearing at the top of the page :).
The ancient egyptians had a thing they used to do. If they
wanted to condemn someone to having no chance at immortality,
they'd never speak their name or make mention of the person
in question by his name, because to do so would make them
'alive' and exist. I think the same should be
done with those videos and the fucking nutters that are
in them. They who shall not be named can fade into obscurity
and we can once again live a life filled with backyard cricket,
old holdens and dirty old uncle charlie who'd always be
the first to fall off his chair pissed at family functions...
Troy Hallam
Subject: Beheading
Hi, am I the only person to frequent
this site that didn't watch the beheading video? I mean,
seriously, what did you idiots expect? It was clear to even
the stupidest person what was going to be shown. Sure, Mr
Orsm dangled the carrot in front of you, but he didn't make
you take a bite. What's next? No more porn? No more rude,
crude, hysterical jokes? Please, he can put whatever the
fuck he wants on his website, and if you don't like it,
too bad, make your own website. (Ha ha, good luck...) I'd
rather he put anything on and gave me the choice of what
to look at, than make the choice himself. Seriously, one
disturbing video doesn't make this site a or
whatever, if you're gonna have a go at someone, have a go
at yourself for your own curiosity getting the better of
you, and suck my balls while you're at it you pack of sooks.
And then some other random commentary...
Eugene S B
Zhang wrote:
Subject: RE: anthony gatt's most powerful street ute in
In regards to Anthony Gatt's mail
about the holden ute being the most powerful. I'm
sorry to be a critic, but on the dyno graph of one of his
photos the IT (Intake Temperature) is at 230ºC -
Not only is this incorrect, but will also increase the power
output dramatically as the algorithms for the program try
to 'correct' the power figures. Can't
stand a cheat... It may be one of many powerful utes in
Oz, but definitely not THE MOST powerful ute.
Subject: Need a favor
Mr. Orsm.... Our politicans in the good
ole' usa spend my money like it doesn't cost them anything.(Politicians
being politicians, I'm assuming yours do too) Is there a
site I could go to so that I and anyone with a brain could
look at it and get some idea of what a million of something
looks like? Ditto a Billion. I have no idea what a billion
toasters looks like, do you?? Thanks, Love your site.....
Jason wrote:
Subject: nice tshirt for sale on ebay
But does the
piercing come with it???? |
Spoon wrote:
Subject: Be Still Kat...
Greeting Sir Orsm.. Just a quick little
poem i wrote a while ago, that i thought you might find amusing...
I had a little kitty,
We lived in the city,
I gave her everything I could.
One sunny day,
my kitty ran away,
my love just wasn't any good.
I hunted kitty down,
and chased her all around.
It was the only thing I could do.
I peeled off kitty's skin,
to see what was wrong within,
and now kitty doesn't move. |
And not forgetting everything
else. Please keep in mind that some of these have been sitting around
for a while and may be out of context and not relevant...
Johnathan Price
Subject: The Original Happy-Meal
I don't think I've seen this one on your
site yet. If you'll believe it, my Fiancee sent this one
to me. I know it made me pretty happy.
Jannes Vogt
Subject: german police
peace mr.orsm, your site is awesome.
we made that pic from my car... it's typical for german
police ;)... suckers. police train comes.. greetz from hannover
K W wrote:
Subject: A Photo For You To Use Here
is 'shite' photo for you to use if you want. That will teach
him to use my pc for cam sex! |
Subject: space porn
Hi Orsm, I found this picture on NASA's
website. It's apparently a photo of a black hole, but I
think it looks very much like some other kind of hole. Hope
you can use it.
Subject: Give us a KISS!
This is Luci My Goliath! She's
looking for a kiss & Cuddle, Does anyone dare??
Christine Cameron
Subject: moose head
This is how the FRENCH-CANADIANS celebrate
a moose kill by be-heading the giant beast a parading around
with the head mounted on the vehicals.Hope you use it.
Subject: pictures
Hey Orsm, Great site, look forward to
your updates everyweek. Keep up the great work. Heres a
few pics of a wierd ass statue I found in Prague.
Subject: Big High-Res Photo's
One of the phases on the power poll next
door went up. This is how Western Power decided to fix it.
It has been this way for over a month!
Subject: little tid bit for you
Mr. ORSM, Long time reader first time
Emailer. First off love the site. Since you went to weekly
updates i can't wait for Thursdays. Anyway what I'm sending
you is a flyer sent out to local business owners and wealthy
residents of our little shit hole we call our town. The
mayor and mayor of a neighboring shit hole have decided
to have a fund raiser. As you can see in the image they
really didn't think this through before distributing. Hope
you get a laugh. I sure did.
Heather &
Tymen wrote:
Tofie Chidrawi
Subject: erdem kilic
My only question to erdem is 'and
if we do? you will do what?' Ever heard of Freedom
of Speech and Expression? The Western world lives this way.
The attached really sums it up.
<with held>
Subject: the hunt
Hey mate, I have attached a few pics
for your enjoyment/use. Should you find them of use, please
keep my details confidential. Photos are from a camping/hunting
trip earlier this year. First photo is me being a bit arty
I suppose and the second one is simply gore.
Subject: Funny Picture
I found this at a local grocery store
the other day. Rather comical placement of some frozen chicken
products, haha.
<with held>
Subject: monkey statue
Thought you'd like this - it's a statue
at the St. Louis Zoo in StL, Missouri. I'm not sure what
the message is supposed to be.
James demchenko
Subject: Hey ORsm!!!!
Dear. Mr Orsm. I just got this picture
of a friend of mine who previously posted my ass on your
web site. Now i want to show the world what a raging homosexual
he is. According to him, and i quote' Me, Christian,
and justin and jordan fucken walk and lots and lots of girls
turn their heads to look at us, mainly cuz they are so big
/ strong' well now the world is lookin at you Buddy
R peace!!
Subject: hey,huge fan,sent some of my drawings i think you
might like.
hey name's zack,been a big fan
for several years now. it would be an honor if you'd post
whichever ones you like up on the page. if you'd like to
see more,you can head to
thanks for your time.
<with held>
Subject: Something for your site.
After taking a few snaps from outside
the shops like some private detective I decided to have
a bit of fun so I sauntered into the shops each side of
the deaf institute and earnestly inquired if they had any
literature in brail. One salesperson in the community church
just started talking louder at me even though it was plainly
evident I wasn't deaf. I considered acting hearing impaired
to amuse them but I honestly feel sorry for the deaf and
so won't take the piss out of them (unless they're also
arseholes that is).
Subject: Aussie I knew i'd seen him before.
Tell me he does not look like the Nik Naks Man????? |
Subject: BSOD Tourist !!
Hahaha - saw this at Melbourne airport
yesterday - had to take a pic ... Would hate to be a tourist
looking for info, huh .... Is the phone to dialup for a
reboot ??? *lol*
<with held>
Subject: She thinks she's hot, she actually posted these
on a website! YIKES!
Hey Orsm, Thought you might like to show
the world this (truly sexy?) specimen of a middle aged,
crying for some attention, obese female who thinks she's
hot. Believe it or not she actually posted these (And some
truly disgusting full nude spread shots etc.) on a website!
AND, some sick bastards actually wrote how hot and sexy
she was and all the sick fatty fucking things they wanted
to do to her!
Subject: Big Gator
Great Site! They found a 23 ' 1 '
(7.01 meter) gator near in a river in central Florida. For
a while nobody believed he really existed other than the
old couple who's yard he frequented at night. Suitcases
are on the way!
Steve &
Mary Viana wrote:
Subject: passed out pussy
Here is my beloved cat after one too
many Coronas. Please let me know if u post it. Cheers !
Subject: aquarium in Durban
Orsm. I went to the aquarium in Durban
with my parents while on holiday, this notice had me puzzled.
How many kids and pets have been left in cars while the
parents went to play? And why pay on exit? P.S. Keep my
details clear please?
Subject: Beach in Japan
This is mad. This is an indoor beach
in Japan that is packed all year round as it is kept at
28 degrees all the time. It has a painted illuminated roof
that stays constantly sunny and the same temperature even
when its snowing outside. It even has sea and marine life.
Subject: Hey !
Hi, French reader of your stuff, here
is a cute french chick during the CPE contestation in France,
who's (un)dressed like Marianne , a french symbol (cf. a
Delacroix painting). I found the pic on (a
newspaper). Hope you'll enjoy her!
<with held>
Subject: P-shopped RS Pic
Here's my photoshop rendition of that
short-bus you posted under Random Shite in your last update.
Here in the US we tend to refer to them as the ' 'tard
Kart' seeing as retarded students tend to ride them.
Its mean, but funny as hell. I'm not going to blow sunshine
up your ass and tell you how much I love the site, blah,
blah, blah. I'll be lookin forward to your next update.
Subject: New member of G-Unit
I was in Key West, Florida this past
weekend with some friends. We ran into the newest member
of G-Unit...89 Cent!!! Hopefully you can use this in the
'Random shite' section.
Stuart Kinner
Subject: Anti Chelsea brigade again...
For all you jealous fans out there.
For all you small minded, bitter, anti Chelsea brigade.
Subject: V8 Supercars
Hey Mr, Got some pics from the V8 Supercars
at Wakefieldpark in Goulburn on Saturday. enjoy
Subject: pics
This woman is a dancer for the wichita
aztecas a smi-pro football team and a local radio station
power 93.9 fm in wichita, kansas, usa.
Subject: brokeback wookie
Hey Mr ORSM.... My mate started to take
the piss out of a mutual friend, 'Wookie'....
and this is the result. Please encourage others to use the
face of 'Wookie' to further our cause. Thanks
man.....PS... SNOGGA is responsible for this and I really
can't take the credit. Cheers.
Subject: Greetings From Detroit
Greetings from Detroit. This thing here
is Scion Fuse. I dont really understand what purpose Scion
cars serve, but they still look neat. Well any way, enjoy
this gallery, have fun and keep up the good work.
If you've got something to say or share
then drop me a line here. |