Such has been the volume of email to come my
way in the last few weeks I am once again forced to bump off all
the stuff that was too good to delete but didn't make the main page
off into the Overflow. There is some cool shit in here this week
too so start your scrolling...
Azaria Chamberlain
Subject: A big dilema
G'day, I've been visiting your site for
around 5 years now and obviously I enjoy it. I know this
jokes been done before but I've updated it to make it to
reflect recent events. It beats the shit out of me, knowing
that the Indonesian justice system is corrupt and fucked,
why the hell a collection wasn't started (for a start with
money diverted from all the aid we give these pig fuckers)
that most Australians, I am sure, would have been happy
to contribute to and we just pay the bastards off. It's
the only sort of justice they appear to understand.
Indonesian justice is an oxymoron.
I urge all Austarlians to avoid
travelling there and avoid buying Indonesian produce. We shouldn't
be supporting them anyway, as their human rights record has
been piss poor for years.
A big dilema. The situation:
You are in Asia in the monsoon
season, and there is a huge flood in progress. Many homes
have been lost, water supplies contaminated, and infrastructure
You are an award winning photographer
out getting still photos for a news service, travelling alone,
looking for particularly poignant scenes. You stumble across
one of the Indonesian judges, that convicted Scharpelle Corby,
struggling to keep from being swept away in a raging river
and you have choice of rescuing him or getting a Pulitzer
prize-winning photograph of the death of a well respected
The question for you is: What
shutter speed would you use?
I also hear that in light of
the bad publicity Indonesia and particularly Bali is getting
a new promotional advertising campaign is about to be released
in Australia:
"Visit Bali - for the trip of a lifetime"
The Great Indonesian paradox
- Do the Maths
1 Muslim Cleric, masterminds Bali Bombing, kills 200 people
= 2 = years
1 Australian Girl, 4.1 kg of dope, no proof it's hers = 20
Indonesian justice - An oxymoron
Boycott Indonesia - Free
Sharpelle |
Subject: Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) Topless
Hi there, Check out Posh
Spice topless in hi-res pics. Looks like a Spice Girls
reunion might not be so bad after all.
Subject: porn star party pics
Hi. I went to the porn charity event,
Bowling For Scholars, in Torrance, CA on Sunday. It was
fun, lots of porn babes, like Victoria Givens, Lexi Tyler,
Avy Scott, Belladonna, Shy Love, Malou, Gina Lynn, Brandy
May, Gina Wagner, Vicky Vetter, Rayvness, Flower Tucci,
Tianna Lynn, and Maripossa were all there. Here
are the pics. I think your surfers will like the photos.
I had fun shooting them!
Chris Brown
Subject: Died and gone to heaven...
Hey Mr O. Check the girl out in these
pics. the one with the plaster on her arm... nice!
Isabelle wrote:
Subject: My 21y-old brother always laughs with me, because
he think he's smarter.
But: he sold his computer to me and forgot
to erase some pics and I found some pics showing his cock
is very small. Sweet revenge!
Subject: What is it?
Mr Orsm. You are the most depraved and
base person on the net today and for that I want to congratulate
you. Please keep up the good work. I have been a regular
visitor for 4 years now and I think we share the same birthday.
21/09? The problem is that I have never had anything to
contribute. But a few months ago I found this on a car park
floor in Birmingham, UK. I have asked loads of people but
no one knows. So I turn to you, oh Orsm Omnipotent, and
ask: “What the fuck is it?”.
Subject: Episode III photoshop
Hey ORSM, as you know, everyone is going
to see the new Star Wars movie. I was included in this bunch.
I must say it was one kick ass movie, but I couldn't help
but laugh at Darth Sidious with his nasty baked bean teeth,
especially at one part, right after he got turned into a
thing where his head looked like a penis, and he went "Goooooooooooooooooood",
so, I have concocted a little something in photoshop having
to do with his oh-so terrible hygiene.
Subject: pic for your updates
I have enclosed a funny picture of a
friend of mine in a garbage can, he was hiding from the
ex girlfriend, we found him. please post it if you have
any room. Oscar, your a funny guy.
Prape McPrape
Subject: I got my thumb stuck in a cardboard roll. Just
thought you'd like to know. |
Subject: hyundai 'tiburon'
Dear Orsm, I've been a big fan
of yours since I discovered you in People Magazine (you
can't buy publicity like that bet you were fucking
happy). Anyway here are some more photos of the Tiburon
(Hyundai slk) for your viewing pleasure. Keep up the good
max wrote:
Subject: french hairy naugthy girl have
fun |
Fabrice wrote:
Subject: [no subject]
ci joint des photos de moi et de mon sexe,
peut tu le publier sur ton site merci
Something about publish on the site
thankyou... any one speak French? |
Jesse Chenoweth
Subject: More Revenge
Thanks Orsm, for posting the previous
pics of my best friend's ex. Here are the rest, and if anyone
recognizes her they might want to go have themselves checked
out. Love your site and keep up the awesome work!!
Original set can be found here.
Andy wrote:
Subject: pics from Germany hi, here are
the new pics from Germany, only for your site. |
Paul Maack wrote:
Subject: Cool Pics
Hi! Been visiting your site for a while
now, but I just saw probably the coolest thing EVER! Well,
to me it is. In your selection of "Cool Pics" you
have a picture of a castle. I instantly recognized it. It's
Neuschwanstein Castle. The reason I know this, is because
my mom is really into geneology and she's traced our family
lineage back far enough to know that that castle is my ancestral
home! Anyway, I didnt know if you knew what it was, but in
case you didnt, I figured i'd let you know. And here's a few
more pics of it. You should look into it, it's actually kinda
interesting. The king who built it was a freakin psychopath
(yeah, I know... genes...) and he built staircases that went
nowhere and stuff like that. He was also a crossdresser. Anyway,
the castle was never finished, but it has some REALLY beautiful
scenes in it. I've attached pictures of the outside, in a
similar view to the one you have already, a picture of the
Grotto, and a picture of the Throne Hall. Hope you enjoy them,
they are really quite stunning! I really enjoy your site,
and so do all my coworkers! YOU ROCK! |
Subject: Apache Well - 2 mi. S. of Britt Ranch on Hwy. 152
$50 barrel of oil = oil boom = green
rig crews. Tool pusher said that they were going to pull
40 joints out of the hole to put the tubing above the perfs.
They pulled 20 joints and the tubing parted. They had 1500
psi on the backside. The tubing came out of the hole so
fast the crew didn't know it had come out. They thought
at first the rubber had blown out. The tubing was NEW! It
knocked one of the hands off the floor and he broke the
tip off of his hip. This occurred this past Saturday. BobCat
crew leaving the Newfield Britt Ranch D 5-8 carried one
of the injured workers to hospital and took the pictures.
Subject: Why God put handbrakes in trucks
Story: Truck rolls from the top of the
hill. Misses 5 cars parked on the street. Rolls past my
house, and up the next hill. Truck jumps the gutter, hits
a tree, steering wheel turns, starts rolling back down the
hill, now heading for my house. Hits another tree in neighbours
yard. Truck spins 90 degrees, rolls down neighbours driveway.
Hits neighbours house. Neighbourhood wakes up to sound of
breaking glass. Things that are sheer luck: I didn't park
my car on my side of road where I normally would, where
the truck rolled through. Neighbours had just concreted
driveway, and didn't have cars under the house. The girl's
bedroom it destroyed had gotten up and taken her dog for
a walk 10min before truck hit. Truck spun 90 degress, otherwise
it would have hit our house. I got interviewed on the news,
even though I didn't see anything.
Subject: my truck
Hey Orsm man, (that any relation to Trojan
Man?) Since everyone is sending in pics of their cars, I
thought I'd change the tide of the pics and send some of
my trucks. These are M35A2's affectionally known as a "Deuce
and a half." Here's some ballpark figures. Almost 10
feet tall. Almost 15,000 lbs. Can carry 5000 lbs cross country
(2.5 tons hence deuce and a half), can carry 10,000lbs over
the road. The troop transport is a 1974 model with 2880
miles and is a multi-fuel turbocharged engine. It can run
on gas, diesel, jet fuel, vegetable oil or whatever else
can burn. The command center is a 1984 model and is just
a turbo diesel. I donated it to my local sheriff's department.
We got an escort from where I got them from to the department.
Will be running the troop transport in the memorial day
parade. Needless to say, I think I've got the biggest truck
Subject: Stuff for your website...
Orsm - Been a while since I emailed you
anything. I sent you a picture of a corkscrew road sign
in the mountains of Tennessee a while back, and I felt that
you should know that stuff along (and on) the roadways in
the US is just as bizarre as ever (see attached pic). I
wonder what they use this stuff for - but am not sure I
want to find out!
Subject: sup dude
Sup dude, ive bin checking the site out
for a few months now and me and ma mates in the UK fink
its badass, anyway theres this lad called billy in ma class
and he gets pissed off ded easy so me and ma mate woodz
made sum photo up of him to piss him off and it worked,
so i thort it would be even funny'er to put his ass on the
net, anyway check em out n c if there worthy.
If you've got something to say or share then
drop me a line here. |