The overflow is something I do every now and
then to clear the back log of email that has come my way, which
was too good to send to the trash but didn't make the main
page due to space constraints. Simple enough concept wouldn't
you say?
This weeks OverFlow is substantially larger than
most of the previous ones because I've been doing some serious
housecleaning on my computer. The email below is a combination of
stuff that's arrived in the last week to anytime in the last
year and in a couple of instances maybe even longer. Check it...
Subject: mine
I've been putting something together
for quite a while and would like to share it with you so
all may use it and enjoy. Who knows, someday it might end
up in the movies or at least be old news by the time it
circles the earth and comes back to us.
I've smoked dope, chewed rope,
dirty danced, French romanced, fought, farted, fucked, shot
at the moon and drove big trucks. I've been to Maine, Spain,
Spokane(Spoke Ann) and Fort Wayne. I've traveled around
the world twice, seen three worlds' fairs, been on two safaris,
rode a bucking bull, looked danger in the face, shook hands
with Gandhi and watched goats fuck in the market place.
But I ain't never seen no shit like the shit that goes on
around this place. Drink up!
OR, maybe this one.
Here's to the winds, that blows through
the treeses. Lifts their skirts, uncovers their kneeses.
Exposes the hole that quivers and queezes. It looks like
a taco and smells like Oh, Jesus!
Subject: B & Q
Reported In The Daily Telegraph 14/2/05.
A Letter To B & Q's London Branch Manager (leaked by
someone at the company)
Dear Sir/Madam,
My heartiest congratulations to you on getting your B&Q
yacht, skippered by Ellen Mc Arthur, to leave the UK on 28th
November 2004, sail 27,354 miles around the world and arrive
back 72 days later. Now, could you please let me know when
the f**king kitchen I ordered 96 days ago will be arriving
from you warehouse 13 miles away ? |
p s
Subject: Hey dude, Some interesting conpiracy stuff for
Hey man, dunno if you are into it or
not, but theres a couple of good sites out there about secret
societies and global consipracies made by Alex Jones, a
great spokesperson for anti-corruption in the US. Pretty
much all of his stuff factual, and they even allow you to
download their movies at low quality so you can view them
and buy if you like them.
Check it out:
Thats the main site, with most of the information and such.
And thats the site where you can download the movies and stuff.
Its an interesting read / watch.. Check it out |
<with held>
Subject: Hey Orsm, You Gotta check out this wierd site man
What the hell is this
company??! These guys have a do it yourself cryo genics
kit for animals? UM.... can we say unethical and creepy. Who
the hell wants to freeze their cat and stick it in their fridge??! |
Dee Thomas
Subject: N-I-C-E.
Mr. Orsm, First and foremost. This update
was worth the wait. OUTSTANDING JOB....You did such a wonderful
job that I am going to try and get my wife (She's a hottie
5'3, 98lbs perky tits GREAT ASS) to let me snag a few pics
of her....If I get them they are yours..... I've been follow
the site since about October of 2000..... I feel like we
have grown up together....Keep up the wonderful work and
don't let those shitbags you bitch all the time get you
down.....Keep giving us the gift that keeps on giving...
porn.... aww.... I do love it.......Again wonderful job....
How bout another nipple gallery.... you give me a good one
of those and I'd probably buy you a little some'n some'n.....Take
care and God Bless....
Subject: You Are Da Shizzeh ORSM
Hey Mr ORSM, I have been cruisin'
your site now for about a year and a half. I must say you
are the shit. Big props to you for updating the site so
frequently. Me and my buds just wanted to say “What's
Up Eh!” from the kick ass country of Canada. Oh yeah.
Here are some pics of my girlfriends worst enemy. She hates
it! ?
Gigi wrote:
Subject: funny pics to post Greetings
from Switzerland |
Ouellette wrote:
Subject: Steve Irwin
Last week there was a big to-do
over Steve Irwin taking his newborn baby boy Robert to his
first crocodile feeding. Ol' Steve held his son with one
hand while throwing to Harold (the croc) his meal of whole
chickens. I found a picture of the 'event' (courtesy of
the Associated Press) and with a little photo-editing, I
gave the media something to REALLY be shocked about! Poor
Old Steve. Strewth! Bugger never gets any respect. From
me, that is! Bwah hah hah haaaaah! Cheers!
Subject: [no subject] Hey Mr Orsm, Found
this old-school pic on my comp. Thought you might like it! |
<with held>
Subject: Hello, heres a pic for you
"I think this dude was owned in
some computer exhibition". Love your site, dont post
my infos! ORSM ROCK!
JJ wrote:
Subject: Funny Pic
Hey ORSM! Here is a funny pic I got of
a friend as he was about to piss in the woods! Had no idea
I was sneaking up on him. Anyway, I thought it was funny.
Serge Boudreau
Subject: Friends like to share, redux
Dear Orsm, In my attempt at making a
lame joke, I got caught up in myself and forgot the picture.
Here it is...
DJ Rudy
Subject: weird i thought this was funny,
what were the sign makers thinking. By the way, ur site makes
the weeks fly by |
McDonough wrote:
Subject: Tequila Shots
.....told me wife I was going up to the
bar for a tequila shot...boy was she pissed when she came
looking for me......
Rick Cabus
Subject: interesting pic kim clijsters
and serena williams |
Da Phr3ak
Subject: mp3 count
Hey mr orsm, Thought you might like to
see the abundance of mp3's that have been accumulated from
many lan's work! can anyone beat this?? It's game on!
<with held>
Subject: pikcha
hi mr orsm, I love your site, it is teh
rox0r what an exilent site. Well there's this pic going
around which i thought you might want to see. This chick
goes to my college and she looks like a sloth.. apart from
that i really don't get it..anyway here it is. (plz with
hold my details thanx)
Lil' Newbs
Subject: Evac Device Heh, This is a picture
I took at my college. Like a sandwich motherfucker...
Sue wrote:
Subject: tits throw these on ur site
if u like someone might like to see |
Subject: cool pic in kuait
over in kuait translation sometimes realy
fucks shit up. If you did this in the states you would be
Subject: French party ....
Hi guy, U can have a look of result's
britany party in Oleron Island ..... 4 guys .... 4 days
..... Cheers ....
C Stevenson
Subject: Does not compute
Here is a picture of an old monitor casing.
Not quite as cool as the gerbil cage but the cats seem to
like it. Keep up the good work and stay off the chems!
Now for some video emails. Once again -
it's a shame they didn't make the main page but no point
wasting them huh!?
KO wrote:
Subject: take a look
hey man heres a video of my buddy shayne
downin a pint of colt 45 in less than 2 seconds, he doesn't
swallow he just inhales. peace.
gerard johnson
Subject: storm vid heres a clip i took
of a killer storm in brisbane, and me going strewth me bloody
corka! |
Subject: Boredom
G'Day Orsm, Boredom.... Boredom can lead
to many things. Please withhold my name and email address.
Guy Stevens
Subject: dEAR.. dEAR.. DEAR mr. orsm?
most people refer to you as mr. orsm..
but I think mr. awesome will surffice. so someone from australia
refered me to your site and I think it was the best thing
I've seen in a LONG time.. your archives are great. I can
spend weeks here... ohwait.. I have. anyhow.. keep up the
good shit and maybe you can add this to your site in some
Subject: The Donald
Yo Orsm! How's it hanging dred? Usually
known for his bad hair days, here's a funny little clip
of Donald Trump getting his knickers - or should I say socks
- in a twist. More here.
gerald camp
Subject: when the sun goes down magoo our
bird magoo dancing |
If you've got something to say or share
then drop me a line here. |