2006.03.30-23.06 |
Welcome to Orsmnet. Look, I don't
come down to where you pray and knock the Koran out of your hands...
There seems to have been some
speculation in the last week or two about exactly what I may or
may not have been planning for my traditional
April Fools prank this year. I've had a steady stream of emails
and messages from Orsmnet regulars with everything from "I'm ready
for whatever you try and pull this year" to "a good idea to mess
with people would be...".
So what's it going to be? Well
as there is absolutely no fun in me telling you I am just going
to leave it for you guys to figure out... just don't look too hard
Now for a recap of the last week
in my life because as well know - that's why you're all here...
right? Thinking about it now, last weekend was pretty much just
three long days of 'finally's' [okay so finally's
isn't a word but this is my site and I can make up waords if I want].
I'll start at Friday because
that is what that will forever be remembered as the day my carport
was finally finished! Yes... you can now look forward to
the cessation of stories about this little venture - almost. There
are still some niggling little bits and pieces remaining but at
least it's now finally functional.
Friday was a crappy, humid, patchy
rain filled shit of a day and like most other Fridays I was stuck
in the car running errands and catching up on things time and the
rest of the week doesn't permit. Around midday I got a phone call
from the concrete guys who were supposed to be coming the following
day but due to them being 'rained-off' another job they were going
to do mine. Sweet. I legged it towards home at light speed to find
them waiting in my driveway and ready to get moving. I spent the
next two or three hours supervising and making sure they did a good
job and by the end of it I finally had a concrete pad to
park my car on!
After that it was time to remove
the dog for the weekend to the parents place so she wouldn't leave
paw prints in the fresh concrete although as I would realise the
following day she did manage to get all four into without me seeing...
little bitch.
This 20 minute round trip wasn't
entirely without drama - for the millionth time my car decided to
develop problems with the cooling system. It didn't stop there though.
As I was heading out that night and didn't need my car I just left
it, went home and jumped on the computer for a while before getting
ready. It was about this time I decided the other PC I use day to
day needed a reboot but as it turned out the computer had other
ideas and sat there idly protesting: 'NTLDR MISSING: REBOOT'. Fucking
Friday nite was a big boozy one.
We headed to our local to hit the booze and celebrate a friends'
engagement. That was the first big one I have had in far too long
but I definitely paid for it. I woke up around 4am in desperate
need of some bladder relief and water due to having the driest mouth
ever. Back to bed, skulled my water down and was basically stuck
there half awake, half asleep for the next few hours until I could
finally slide out of bed and rehydrate myself again.
Once I finally got going
for the day I decided it was time to fix the car then finally
mow the lawn. The thing about mowing the lawn is when it hasn't
been cut for a couple of months it takes for-fucking-ever to cut
and i ended up with my entire wheelie bin full without even tackling
the front lawn. Guess what I'm doing this weekend?
The rest of the weekend was frustratingly
spent trying to get my computer back up and running. With the way
I have the machine setup and the amount of data stored on it I was
somewhat terrified I was dealing with a hard drive failure but after
almost all of Sunday invested trying one thing after another I finally
got it running again. Relief. As far as I can tell I only lost a
few non-important bits and pieces too so not such a huge drama after
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't
wondering what's going to fuck up next. Maybe I'm just overly superstitious
or pessimistic or whatever but I've been waiting for the last few
weeks for something to fuck in a big way and with the considering
how everything has been going lately you can't really blame me!
Okay I think this little addition
is long over due. I get daily emails from people asking where to
find the Chopper vids and it's pushing me closer and closer to insanity!
So... IF
Don't even think about paying for porn on the
net! What's the matter with you? Why are all you new surfers on
the net running around with your credit cards and paying for porn?
Don't you see that by paying for porn it ruins it for all of us
who get
it for free? Don't you see that the more people give in and
accept paying for porn the less free
porn we will see on the net? FreePornLessons.com
teaches you the in's and out so check it out now!
Napster Of Porn - Nancy Hall at FreePorn-Resource.com
has been fighting for a free adult internet since 1999. As featured
on Howard Stern and featured adult resource on the top major search
engines. Surfers should never have to pay for porn ever again if
they use her free
adult comsumer resource.
If you've been reading my site for any period
of time you would notice that each week I plug Newbie
Nudes. This just isn't because they are paying me to do so...
it's because Newbie
Nudes is easily the best site of its kind on the net today.
Hundreds of thousands of pics which are added to daily, tonnes of
vids and the ability to interact with thousands of people that love
to get their gear off and show what they've got... did I mention
it's all free too? Check
it now!
I can think of two reasons why you haven't checked
out Revenge TV
yet. First up it's because you are new to the net and haven't heard
about what will long be remembered as one of the greatest sites
to ever be surfed. Secondly, because you are a spastic. This is
truly the ultimate revenge site - thousands of vids and pics of
ex's that managed to leave a jilted lover in their wake. How does
that jilted lover get his own back? Revenge
TV is how! Click
here to see what I mean...
Fucker - Piercing
Pain - Whack-Job
- Rejection
Hurts - Lesbians
- Doggie
Style - Amateur
Sex - Rate
My Pix!
Theron Hotness - Street
Banter - Lil
Psycho - Hot
Sauce -
Shannon - PS3
Demo - Cartman
- Cam
There are two muffins in the oven. One muffin
turns to the other and says, "Hey, is it just me or is it getting
hot in here?" The other muffin turns and says, "OH MY
A man scanned the guests at a party and spotted an attractive woman
standing alone. He approached her and asked her name. "My name
is Carmen," she told him. "That's a beautiful name,"
he said. "Is it a family name?" "No," she replied.
"I gave it to myself. It reflects the things I like most -
cars and men." "What's your name?" she asked. "Beertits,"
he said.
Did you hear about the magician who went into a gay bar and disappeared
with a 'Poof'?
These three guys die in a car wreck, and they
all go to Hell. When they arrive, the Devil asks each of the men
what their sin was. The first guy says "It's gotta be the booze.
I'm always drunk."
The Devil decides to lock him in this room for
100 years with nothing but shelves of every kind of alcohol you
could dream of. The guy's thinking, "Fuck yeah! Look at all
this alcohol!" and runs into the room.
The second guy says, "It's the women. I
could never stay faithful to my wife." The devil opens the
second door and nothing but the finest-looking naked women that
you have ever seen. And he would be the only guy in there for 100
years. He couldn't believe it. His dick was instantly hard and he
went hauling ass into the room and the Devil shut the door.
The third man said "It's gotta be the bud.
I'm always tokin' up." The Devil opens the third door to reveal
nothing but fields of 10-foot tall, icky, sticky, take-a-toke, make-ya-choke,
chronic, green, death bud. The stoner can't believe it. He goes
in and takes a seat Indian style with his back to the door and the
Devil shuts the door behind him.
One hundred years go by and the Devil comes back
to check on the three men. He opens the first door and the man comes
crawling out. He's got an empty bottle in one hand, he's completely
naked, hasn't shaved or showered in years, and is covered in his
own puke, shit and piss. "I'll never drink again!" he
says. The devil tells him that at least he learned something and
decides to give him a second shot at life.
The devil then opens the second door and the
man comes running out even faster than when he went in. "I'm
fucking gay!" he screams. The devil decides that at least he
learned not to cheat on his wife and gives him another chance as
The devil then comes to the third door. He opens
it and nothing has changed. The stoner is still sitting in the same
position that he was 100 years ago. The devil asks him if he learned
anything. The stoner turns around as a tear rolls down his cheek.
"You gotta a light man?"
A man and a wife had recently dropped their six-year
old girl off at a friend's house for a slumber party. It was the
first time that they had let the girl sleep over at someone's house
so they were very worried about the whole thing. On the way home
they discuss their worries and decide that it will be okay for the
girl since they know she's only a phone call away. Then a semi-truck
runs head-on into their car.
The man awakes hours later to find himself in
a hospital bed. He takes a look around and then calls for a nurse.
The nurse comes into his room and says, "Good you're awake!
I'll get the doctor".
The doctor comes in a few minutes later and talks
to the man about what happened. "Well, Mr. Johnson, you were
in a head-on car collision in which you broke your right fibula
and your right shoulder was dislocated. We have set your shoulder
for you and in a few weeks you should be back on your feet and fine
The man replies, "That's great news doc.
I've never broken a bone before and I was worried about why I couldn't
move my right arm or leg, I thought I had a stroke!" The man
can tell that the doctor is waiting for something and then it hits
him. His wife! The man asks, "Doctor what about my wife? She
was in the car with me, is she alright?"
The doctor's face turns grave. He starts, slowly,
"Well, your wife is in worse shape then you are. She's been
paralysed from the neck down and will probably never walk again.
I wish I didn't have to say this but you will have to change a lot
of the daily things you do to accommodate her back at your household.
It will also take a large monetary commitment to ensure her well-being.
She will have to be fed, walked around, cared for, bathed, and watched
over at most hours of the day. I know this must come as a large
shock for you but I want you to know that if there's anything you
want to ask me while I'm here, please ask away."
The man is silent for minutes. He then replies,
"Well doctor, if that's the way it is, then that's the way
it will have to be. I love my wife very much and I will have to
sacrifice my own comfort to ensure she lives in the best condition
she can. I will do whatever it takes and personally account for
her bathing, feeding, and making sure she stays in the best possible
The doctor then says, "I'm just kidding
- she's dead!"
Have you guys checked out MyFreePaysite.com
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yourself and have
a look!
You will probably notice a rather
chubby Reader Mail section this week, all owing entirely to the
sheer amount of quality email you guys have been sending
me. The worst part? There was a crap load more quality stuff
that I couldn't squeeze in. I really need to bring back to the Overflow
because I still have it all kicking around and its well worth a
Anyway if you'd like to submit
your own pictures, videos, jokes, stories or anything else you have
lying around then we'd love to see them! All you must do is click
here and make the magic happen.
Big Daddy C
Subject: Cute little dog or piece of shit that I shot out
of my ass?
I was amazed when I looked at what I
had created after I took a shit that i decided to take a
photo of it. this piece of shit resembles a dog and you
are kidding yourself if you say it doesn't. it could even
be a Dalmation if you include the sesame seeds and sweetcorn
lodged within it (The toilet paper underneath is a preventative
measure i take to avoid the usually inevitable "backsplash").
Some of you may think that this was hand crafted in some
way but I assure you this is straight from ass-to-toilet.
Any challengers?
Brian Costich
Subject: Daddy's Gonna Be Mad
Two of the world's rarest exotic cars,
the Lamborghini Murcielago, and the newly introduced Ferrari
Enzo, crashed today in the Park Cities area while street
racing. The Lamborghini Murcielago apparently was driven
by minor Courtney Shannon, daughter of Danny Shannon the
owner of a large exotic cars dealership. The Ferrari Enzo,
the world's rarest car, was driven by Rebecca West who's
father is a prominent attorney. Both girls are age 17.
Subject: Pamela David and Mr Smiley
Greetings Mr Orsm, Cool Pamela David
video, always keeps the attention, does anyone know who
sings the background music to the video? I've attached a
couple pics of some poor bastard who died whilst watching
the Benny Hill Show, or perhaps Breakfast with Frost (if
you're a pom) Emailed it via a mate from South Africa. Smile...
you're in South Africa!!
Subject: Broken Bridge
This truck was hauling the track hoe
illegally, not permitted. The bucket hit the bridge causing
the boom to swing up and cut through the deck above. Bet
he shit himself pretty good!
Ooops... -Orsm
<with held>
Subject: the riddle
dude, I was in Norway and me and 2 other
mates all thought this chick was hot. no really. like 8
out of 10 hot. I got with this.... this.... beast. this
abomination. Once the nightmare was over my mate produced
photos. i deleted what i could but alas her hideousness
was too magnificent to be deleted from the anals of history.
Presenting............. a woman so ugly...so hideous...
so indescribably bestial and repugnant that words simply
fail me and only a picture can do it justice. definately
definately do not print my name or email.
<with held>
Subject: Ex GF
Hey Mr. Orsm... great site bla bla bla.
here are some pics of the ex from a friend from holland.
he didn t knew she was such a freak and we believe she was
doing that shit even when she was dating my mate. anyway
somehow he got these pics and sent them to her parents,
co-workers and more or less everyone she and we know. so
just enjoy, and please don t put my name nor e-mail. keep
up the good work.
Subject: MY EX
My ex told a friend of mine that i didnt
have the gts to pt her pucs on the internet so here they are.
Tell her she was wrong. -Orsm |
<with held>
Subject: Some pictures of the Clipsal 500
Hi Mr ORSM. Just some pictures from this
weekends Clipsal 500 race in Adelaide that you might like
to show the world.
the australian
prime minister wrote:
Subject: Clipsal 500
Hi. took about 150 photos today like
this [at the Clipsal 500]. (the real interesting part of
the race)
Subject: Innisfail Disaster
Mr. Orsm. your site rocks man keep it
up..i made a powerpoint show of a few clips i captured from
TV hope the world appreciate it cheers
Purky wrote:
Subject: Cyclone Larry - Innisfail Photos Here
are some pics of the poor buggers up in north QLD. Take Care. |
Nothing 2 Wait
4 wrote:
Subject: Arab Nights
Dear orsm ... This is a sample video of
arab nights ...
I have absolutely no idea what Arabian Nights is all about
but I would definitely like to try some... -Orsm |
a fan
Subject: video showing an idiot ;-), for your site.
hi orsm, or whatever, gratz for your
site, peeping around in here every day. heres a video showing
maybe the biggest fag in the world talking about gta:san
andreas for ps2 (expert tips) , i laughed my ass off. maybe
you can use it.
Shane McKenzie
Subject: F1 footage
Hi Orsm, Been a fan for many years (about
4 or 5 now I think), referred your site to planty of friends
over the years, and have to say that the F1 footage was
pretty damn ORSM, I also have some footage of the same car
at the opening ceremony of the Torino Olympics. My footage
was filmed from about 10 meters away, I was sitting in the
second row from the stage. I was one of the athletes in
the opening march and we scored the best seat in the house.
See it all on my website, shanemckenzie.com
I also got some amazing pics of the torch being lit and
some other cool things too, feel free to have a look and
share if you feel fit.
<with held>
Subject: homemade bombs video
My brother and I filled empty co2 cartridges
from a pellet gun with gunpowder and blew some shit up with
them. The first thing is a coffee can filled with water,
the next is a metal garbage can filled with water and the
last one is taped onto a 20 oz. bottle of gas. Keep the
stream of cool shit coming, great site.
A trucker picks up a hitchhiker
who climbs up in the cab and notices a monkey on the dashboard.
After a few miles, he asks the driver what the monkey is for.
The driver says "I'll show you," and
with that he hits the monkey with the back of his hand, sending
the poor creature rolling across the dash.
The monkey goes down between the drivers legs,
unzips his pants, pulls out his unit and proceeds to give the trucker
oral gratification.
When finished, the monkey pulls out a tissue,
cleans the driver up, puts everything back and jumps back up on
the dashboard.
"See that?" said the trucker. The man
said, "Yeah." The trucker ask the man, "You want
to try it?" The man said, "OK, but don't hit me as hard
as you hit that monkey!"
Two women were playing golf. One
teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward
a foursome of men playing the next hole. The ball hit one of the
men. He immediately clasped his hands together at his groin, fell
to the ground and proceeded to roll around in agony.
The woman rushed down to the man, and immediately
began to apologise.
Please allow me to help. I'm a physical therapist
and I know I could relieve your pain if you'd allow me," she
told him "Oh, no, I'll be all right. I'll be fine in a few
minutes," the man replied. He was in obvious agony, lying in
the fetal position, still clasping his hands together at his groin.
At her persistence, however, he finally allowed
her to help. She gently took his hands away and laid them to the
side, loosened his pants and put her hands inside. She administered
tender and artful massage for several long moments asked,
"How does that feel?" He replied, "It
feels great, but my thumb still hurts!"
The year is 2222 and Mike and Maureen
land on Mars after accumulating Enough Frequent Flier miles. They
meet a Martian couple and are talking about all sorts of things.
Mike asks if Mars has a stock market, If they have laptop computers,
how they make money, etc.
Finally, Maureen brings up the subject of sex.
"Just how do you guys do It?" asks Maureen. The Martian
responds, "Pretty much the way you do." A discussion ensues!
Finally the couples decide to swap partners for the night and experience
one another.
Maureen and the male Martian go off to a bedroom
where the Martian strips. He's got only a teeny, weenie member about
half an inch long and just a quarter-inch thick.
"I don't think this is going to work,"
says Maureen. "Why?" he asks. "What's the matter?"
"Well," she replies, "It's just not long enough to
reach me!" "No problem," he says, and proceeds to
slap his forehead with his palm. With each slap of his forehead,
his member grows until it's quite impressively long.
"Well," she says, "That's quite
impressive, but it is still narrow." "No problem,"
he says, and starts pulling his ears. With each pull, his Member
grows wider and wider until the entire measurement is extremely
exciting to the woman. "Wow!" she exclaims, as they fell
into bed and made mad, passionate love.
The next day the couples rejoin their other partners
and go their separate ways. As they walked along, Mike asks, "Well,
was it any good?" "I hate to say it," says Maureen,
"but it was wonderful. How about you?" "It was horrible,"
he replies. "All I got was a headache. She kept slapping my
forehead and pulling my ears.
1. Never start a trio with a
married couple.
2. Your manager's not helping you. Fire him/her.
3. Before you sign a record deal, look up the word "recoupable"
in the dictionary.
4. No one cares who you've opened for...
5. A string section does not make your songs sound any more "important".
6. If your band has gone through more than 4 bass players, it's
time to break up.
7. When you talk on stage you are never funny.
8. If you sound like another band, don't act like you're unfamiliar
with their music ("Oh does Rage Against The Machine also do
rap-rock with political lyrics?")
9. Asking a crowd how they're doing is just amplified small talk.
Don't do it.
10. Don't say your video's being played if it's only on public access.
11. When you sign to a major label, claim to have inked the best
contract ever. Mention "artistic freedom" and "a
guaranteed 3 record deal".
12. When you get dropped insist that it was the worst contract ever
and you asked to be let go.
13.Never name a song after your band.
14. Never name your band after a song.
15. When a drummer brings in his own songs and asks to perform one
of them, begin looking for a new drummer IMMEDIATELY!
16. Never enter a "battle of the bands" contest. If you
do you're already a loser.
17. Learn to recognize scary word pairings: "rock opera",
"white rapper", "blues jam", "swing band",
"open mike", etc.
18. Drummers can take off their shirts or they can wear gloves,
but not both.
19. It's not a "showcase". It's a gig that doesn't pay.
20. No one cares that you have a website.
21. Getting a tattoo is like sewing platform shoes to your feet.
22. Don't hire a publicist.
23. Playing in St. Cloud and Mankato doesn't mean you're on tour.
24. Don't join a cover band that plays Bush songs. In fact, don't
join a cover band.
25. Although they come in different styles and colors, electric
guitars all sound the same. Why do you keep changing them between
26. Don't stop your set to ask that beers be brought up. That's
what girlfriends/boyfriends are for.
27. If you use a smoke machine your music sucks.
28. We can tell the difference between a professionally produced
album cover and one you made with the iMac your mom got for Christmas.
29. Remember, if blues solos are so difficult, why can so many 16
year olds play them?
30. If you ever take a publicity photo, destroy it. You may never
know where or when it will turn up.
31. Cut your hair, but do not shave your head.
32. Pierce your nose, but not your eyebrow.
33. Do not wear shorts onstage. Or a suit. Or a hat.
34. Rock oxymoron's; "major label interest", "demo
deal"," blues genius", "$500 guarantee",
and "Fastball's second hit".
35. 3 things that are never coming back: a) gongs, b) headbands,
and c) playing slide guitar with a beer bottle.
36. No one believes it when you say that this is the best audience
out of any town/city/country you've played for.
You know what? I think
that pretty much about does it for this week. As always I hope you've
enjoyed surfing this bad boy as much as I have sticking it all together.
As for my next update - make sure you check back next Thursday for
a whole new one that I'm sure in one way or another will knock
your socks off! In the mean time feel free to tell the world
about O-R-S-M-DOT-NET!!
Until next time be good, stay
off the chem's and watch out for April Fools! Enjoy. Mr. Orsm. |
2006.03.23-23.06 |
Welcome to Orsmnet. Cyclone proof
since 2000.
First, before we get moving...
for the love of god PLEASE stop
sending me this! Yes it's hilarious but I must have received
it over 100 times already and it's driving me insane.
So how are all you guys this
week? Everyone well? Happy to be here? Me... I'm good although I
seem to have done myself another injury which makes two from the
last two weekends. You'll probably remember me crapping on about
the first one which involved a rather heavy concrete slab, my finger
and geyser of blood. Probably not all bad as the aforementioned
finger has gone on to provide countless random moments of entertainment
as I poke and prod whilst wondering when the finger nail will finally
fall off.
The next self-inflicted infliction
came after [or is it during] mixing a wheelbarrow full of cement...
actually it wasn't full - only about half a bag so we're talking
15 kilograms. Fuck all. The result was some sort of concentrated
pain in one particular spot of my back. Since then it's hurt to
bend, hurt to lean, hurt to stand, sit, lay down, drive... you get
the idea. Odd because over the last few months I've managed to build
a solid brick wall, dig up and move enough sand to fill the Grand
Canyon, construct a mini-Eiffel tower and all without even the slightest
tinge... until a few kilos of cement comes along and stops me.
Anyway this got me thinking once
again about health insurance. I'm pretty sure the last time I had
any was when I were still covered under my parents policy so it's
been a few years now. That's not to say I've forgotten about it
though... it just hasn't been a priority. Why? Once simple reason:
it does my fucking head in!
Every time I sit down and try
to understand what the hell it all means, what I need to be covered
for, how much its going to cost me and so on it doesn't take too
long before I close the relevant website or just tuck the papers
under a pile and give up. For the most part I would say I'm a relatively
intelligent person but I just cannot get my head around what I need
to know. There are so many different types of cover and options
and blah blah blah that it confuses the hell out of me. I want to
be covered but I don't want to pay for shit I don't need.
Admittedly it's been easy to
remain nonchalant for so long due to the simple fact I hardly ever
get sick and go to great lengths to avoid doctors when ever possible.
But with events over the last couple of weeks it occurred to me
that with practically every weekend spent outside using various
potentially harmful power tools it's not beyond the realm of possibility
that I'll one day hurt myself in such a way that requires an operation
or on going treatment or whatever.
With this little revelation in
mind I spent half of my Monday trying to get it sorted. I spoke
to parents and friends and health insurers and surfed online and
so on and so forth until it started to make some sense. Of course
as it stands now I still aren't covered but at this rate I think
I'm a chance to have it sussed and be insured by the end of the
On to the coming weekend... we're
kicking it off on Friday evening with some drinks in the city to
celebrate the engagement of two of my closest friends [congrats
D & D]. Unfortunately it won't be a late boozy one because I
have been assured/guaranteed/promised that the guy is coming to
lay down the concrete pad for my carport... something which has
me all giddy and excited because it will mean that my car is closer
than ever before to being parked under cover!
I don't really know about the
rest of it but if I there's nothing better or social to occupy my
time you can bet it will likely involve some god damn fucking gardening.
One thing I've learnt living here is that one wheelie-bin emptied
weekly is not big enough to cope with the Amazonian-like amounts
of foliage that needs removing. Oh how I yearn for the subdued photosynthesis
of winter...
Napster Of Porn - Nancy Hall at FreePorn-Resource.com
has been fighting for a free adult internet since 1999. As featured
on Howard Stern and featured adult resource on the top major search
engines. Surfers should never have to pay for porn ever again if
they use her free
adult comsumer resource.
Don't even think about paying for porn on the
net! What's the matter with you? Why are all you new surfers on
the net running around with your credit cards and paying for porn?
Don't you see that by paying for porn it ruins it for all of us
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it for free? Don't you see that the more people give in and
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teaches you the in's and out so check it out now!
If you've been reading my site for any period
of time you would notice that each week I plug Newbie
Nudes. This just isn't because they are paying me to do so...
it's because Newbie
Nudes is easily the best site of its kind on the net today.
Hundreds of thousands of pics which are added to daily, tonnes of
vids and the ability to interact with thousands of people that love
to get their gear off and show what they've got... did I mention
it's all free too? Check
it now!
I can think of two reasons why you haven't checked
out Revenge TV
yet. First up it's because you are new to the net and haven't heard
about what will long be remembered as one of the greatest sites
to ever be surfed. Secondly, because you are a spastic. This is
truly the ultimate revenge site - thousands of vids and pics of
ex's that managed to leave a jilted lover in their wake. How does
that jilted lover get his own back? Revenge
TV is how! Click
here to see what I mean...
Brawlin' - Territory
War - Clumsy
Woman - Are
We On? - Rate
My Pix - Deep
Inside - Spanish
Bubble Prank - Hilarious
Reporter - Silly
Boy - Wild
People - JackAss
- Family
Guy - Doggie
Style - Beach
A black guy walks into a bar with a Parrot on
his shoulder, they walk up to the bar and the Parrot orders a Strawberry
Daquiri. The bartender is amazed and says "Wow! That's pretty
cool, where'd you find him?" And the Parrot replies "In
Africa! They're everywhere!"
My wife was in the kitchen making soft-boiled eggs for breakfast
yesterday morning. I walked in and said "Morning baby? what's
for breakfast?" She turns to me and says, "You've got
to make love to me this very moment". If ya'll know me, I thinking,
damn it's my lucky day, so I stand her over the kitchen table and
have some Sunday orning sex. Afterwards I looked at her and said,
"What was that all about?" She smirks as she smiles and
says "The egg timer's broken!"
You know sometimes I get the sudden urge to run around naked but
then I just drink some Windex. It keeps me from streaking.
A man named Leroy is drinking in a bar and President
Clinton is giving an address on the radio in the background. Leroy
looks at the bartender and says, "Yeah, me and Bill go a long
way back, used to hang out together and do alot of fun things before
he became President..." The bartender looks at him and tells
him he doesn't believe him. Leroy asks for the phone, dials the
White House and asks for "Bill"; he talks for awhile joking
and laughing and presently hands the phone to the bartender who
is flabbergasted to be talking to the President of the United States.
A couple of weeks later, Leroy comes back into
the bar. They are watching a golf tournament and Jack Nichlas comes
on the screen for a putt. Leroy is like"Yeah, ole Jack and
I go way back..." At this the bartender figures Leroy is full
of it so he bets him 20 dollars that Leroy is trying to put one
over on him. Leroy grabs the phone and dials and presently is talking
animatedly with someone who seems to be named Jack. Bartender steals
a glance at the TV screen and sure enough, Jack is talking on a
cellular phone; Leroy hands over the phone and the bartender just
shakes his head as he discovers that sure enough, it IS Jack on
the phone and hands over his 20 dollars.
About a week later Leroy comes in once again
and this time the Pope is on the television giving a televised benediction.
Leroy is like "Yeah, the Pope and I go way back, to before
he became Pope" and now the bartender is sure that he has him.
After the bet the men purchase flights and head for Rome for the
moment of truth because the bartender is thinking the phone won't
be good enough for this one.
They are standing in the crowd at the Vatican
watching the Pope and as the Pope finishes the Mass, Leroy works
his way through the crowd, up the steps, and the bartender is amazed
to see him shake hands and the conversation appears to be that which
would be expected between long acquaintances.
Presently, Leroy and the Pope come out into the
crowd to meet the bartender and Leroy sees the bartender sprawled
flat on his back, passed out cold, and looking pale. He splashes
water over his face and shakes him until the bartender finally starts
to come out of it. "What happened?" asked Leroy.
The bartender replied: "While you were talking
to his holiness, some little old lady tapped me on the shoulder
and asked if I knew who that was up there talking to Leroy..."
Alice and Frank are Bungee-jumping one day. Alice
says to Frank, "You know, we could make a lot of money running
our own Bungee-jumping business in Mexico." Frank thinks this
is a great idea, so they pool their money and buy everything they
need: a tower, an elastic cord, insurance, etc.
They travel to Mexico and begin to set up on
the square. As they are constructing the tower, a crowd begins to
assemble. Slowly, more and more people gather to watch them at work
When they had finished, there was such a crowd, they thought it
would be a good idea to give a demonstration.
So, Alice jumps. She bounces at the end of the
cord, but when she comes back up, Frank notices that she has a few
cuts and scratches. Unfortunately, Frank isn't able to catch her
and she falls again, bounces, and comes back up again. This time,
she is bruised and bleeding. Again, Frank misses her. Alice falls
again and bounces back up.
This time, she comes back pretty messed up -
she's got a couple of broken bones and is almost unconscious. Luckily,
Frank finally catches her this time and says, "What happened?
Was the cord too long?"
Barely able to speak, Alice gasps, "No,
the Bungee cord was fine... it was the crowd. What the hell is a
piñata ?????!!!"
A man walks into the street and manages to get
a taxi just going by. He gets in, and the cabbie says, "Perfect
timing. You're just like Frank." The passenger asks "Who?"
The cabbie says "Frank Feldman. There's
a guy who did everything right. Like my coming along when you needed
a cab. It would have happened like that to Frank every single time."
Passenger: "Yeah. But there are always a few clouds over everybody."
Cabbie says "Not Frank. He was a terrific
athlete. He could have won the Grand-Slam at tennis. He could golf
with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone, danced like a Broadway
star, and you should have heard him play the piano." The passenger
replies "Sounds like he was something really special"
Cab driver responds "There's more... he
had a mind like a computer. Could remember everybody's birthday.
He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat
with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the
whole street blacks out." Passenger: "Wow, some incredible
The cabbie goes "He always knew the quickest
way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams, not like me. I always
seem to get stuck in them." "Passenger: "Mmm, there's
not many like him around."
Cabbie: "And he knew how to treat a woman
and make her feel good. And he's never answer her back even if she
was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes
highly polished too." Passenger: "An amazing fellow. How
did you meet him?"
Cabbie: "Well, I never actually met Frank."
Passenger: "Then how do you know so much about him?" Cabbie:
"I married his fucking widow..."
Have you guys checked out MyFreePaysite.com
yet? Its the webs only FREE
adult megasite where you can see the hundreds of nude
webcam girls, stream thousands of DVD-quality full-length adult
movies, and even download
all the celebrity videos all for free. And all you need is an
email address to join! Shit, theyll even let you signup with a free
hotmail account! You will not believe this, just go over there for
yourself and have
a look!
My email inbox has been constantly
jam-packed all week, brimming with some of the coolest stuff I've
seen in a long time. For this I thank all of you who have submitted
- myself and the several hundred thousand people that stop buy over
the course of the next week will be forever grateful!
If you'd like to submit and possibly
have your wares displayed on the site then we're big on jokes, pics
and vids of any kind and pretty much anything to do with that Ex
your desperately seeking revenge against! All you must do is click
here and make the magic happen.
Subject: Thanks FoxSports
Hey Orsm, I'm a long time reader first
time emailer!! There I was cruising around my favourite
web sites the other day and low and behold what is this
I spot on the foxsports website? Didn't even know they were
making a second one - but I certainly do now. Kudos on the
site mate - Its smeggin fantastic!!
I actually got this when I was
surfing News.com.au as well... I hope they keep up the good
work! -Orsm
Some Stooge
Subject: Somebody Trying to tell me somefing??
This is how I woz greeted at work this
morning.... humph! nice way to start the week! :\ hehehe..
I think they're trying to tell
you something mate... -Orsm
Frank Nastasi
Subject: CYCLONE LARRY (from the eye of the storm)
Hey Orsm! I am up here in Far North QLD
and have just survived the distruction of CYCLONE LAZZA!!
Although we had it pretty easy where I am (about 45 minutes
inland from Cairns) there were still strong winds which
caused fallen trees and flooded cause-ways!! Attached is
a pick of what the winds did at the Cairns Airport. BTW->
Your site is ORSM
Subject: RS
Went to France at the weekend to find
my great-grandfathers grave - he died in the Somme in 1918.
Puchevillers is only a small graveyard compared to some
in the area, with 1756 graves, over 400 of which are of
Australian servicemen. Attached a pic for you to use if
you want ..
<with held>
Subject: Twin Airbag Model from Hyundai
Hi Mr. Orsm, I know you must get heaps
of request to put stuff on your site, but I'm begging you
to put this photo I took at the Brisbane International Motor
Show 2005 she was one of the highlights of the show - as
I heard from some staff at the show apparently this is the
new "Twin Airbag Model from Hyundai".
Dark Lord
Subject: titties
Gudday Mate, A few weeks ago I went to
the "Fremantle International Beer Festival" and
snapped a few photos of the beauties there on the day, a
few of the pics I believe are post worthy.... so post away
if u like :)
Despite the excrutiating heat
on that day I'm now almost sad I missed it. Gotta love Perth
girls... -Orsm
Subject: This one must have hurt!!
Hello MR O. One of our friends went on
a trip to France a few years ago and took some pictures
of (no not some one elses bike) His own bike after he had
tried to destroy a caravan with it. I reckon he did a pretty
good job aswell. Believe it or not he actually walked away
from this without a scratch. The caravan owner for some
reason didn't see the big yellow motorcycle coming towards
it and decided to put out in front of it. FUCKIN CARAVAN
Austin Reed
Subject: Random Spring Break Stuff
Hey what's up, I have a few random pics
from our trip to South Padre over Spring Break, Enjoy! (they
might need to be resized btw) |
Subject: Media For The Masses
don't know, if you've got this already...
bye, bye, Berlusconi (the italian prime minister, known
for his "culinary" taste)
Mmmm TASTY! -Orsm
Big Nic
Subject: broom game
Hey Orsm, Don't know if you're familiar
with the broom game (10 spins then jump over the broom)
but here's a drunk mates attempt. Enjoy.
Hugo Potts
Subject: Dolly take-off
Thought you might like to see what kind
of aviation things they do in the Great White North. You
have seen hundreds of float planes come and go...but bet
you haven't seen one take off like this. Video was taken
in Prince George, British Columbia. You have got to give
the pilot full marks for guts. I imagine you only get one
shot at this... notice the fire truck following them...
they obviously had a few doubts themselves. When a floatplane
is landed on the grass and taken to the hangar for maintenance,
obviously it has to depart once again. Landing a floatplane
on grass is easier than becoming airborne on grass. This
is where "Dolly" comes in. Put the aircraft on
a "dolly", fire it up, tow it down the runway,
and, once a certain speed is attained, push the throttle
to "Warp Factor 9", and you are airborne. Here
is how the good people at Hill Aircraft Service Ltd. in
Prince George, B.C., accomplish a "dolly take-off"!
Three Englishmen were in a bar and spotted an
Irishman. One guy said he was going to piss him off. He walked over
to the Irishman and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, I hear your
St. Patrick was a fagot." "Oh really? Hmm... didn't know that."
Puzzled, the Englishman walked back to his buddies.
"I told him St. Patrick was a fagot and he didn't care!" "You just
don't know how to set him off. Watch and learn."
The second Englishman walked over and tapped
the Irishman on the shoulder. "I hear your St. Patrick was a transvestite
fagot!" "Oh, Wow, I didn't know that. Thank you."
Shocked beyond belief, the Englishman went back
to his buddies. "You're right - he's unshakable!" The third Englishman
said "No, no, no, I'll really piss him off, you just watch."
The Englishman walked over to the Irishman, tapped
him on the shoulder and said... "I hear your St. Patrick was an
Englishman!" "Aye, that's what your buddies were just telling me..."
An elderly man in North Queensland owned a large
property. He had a dam in the next paddock, fixed up nice - picnic
tables, horseshoe courts, and some mango and avocado trees. The
dam was properly shaped and fixed up for swimming when it was built.
One evening the old farmer decided to go down
to the dam, as he hadn't been there for a while, to look it over.
He grabbed a five gallon bucket to bring back some fruit. As he
neared the dam, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee.
As he came closer he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping
in his dam.
He called out and made the women aware of his
presence and they all went to the deep end. One of the women shouted
to him, "We're not coming out until you leave!"
The old man frowned, "I didn't come down
here to watch you ladies swim naked or make you get out of the dam
naked." Holding the bucket up he said, "I'm just here
to feed the crocodile..."
Moral: Old men might walk slow, but they can
still think fast.
Believe me when I tell you
that RS is where it all happens. You wanna know why? I'll
tell you... it's because you never know what the hell you're
going to get. Check it...
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS |
An emperor of the Rising Sun advertised for a
new chief samurai warrior. Only three applied for the job; Japanese,
a Chinese and a Jewish samurai. "Demonstrate your skills,"
commanded the emperor.
The Japanese samurai stepped forward, opening
a tiny box and released a fly. He drew his sword and, Swish! The
fly fell to the floor, neatly divided in two.
The Chinese samurai smiled, then opened a tiny
box, releasing a fly. He drew his sword. Swish! Swish! The fly fell
to the floor neatly quartered.
No. 3 samurai stepped forward, released a fly,
and drew his sword. SWOOOOOOOOSH! The speed of his sword created
a gust of wind. The fly let out a high-pitched sound, but continued
to fly around. "What kind of skill is that?" asked the
emperor. "The fly isn't even dead."
"Dead, schmead," replied the Jewish
samurai. "Dead is easy. But circumcision - that takes skill!"
A man walks into the bank of Ireland and
shouts to the woman at the counter: "I want to open a fucking
bank account". The astonished woman replies "I beg your
pardon sir. I must have misunderstood you - what did you say?"
"Listen up, you fuck. I said I want to open a fucking bank
account - right now!!" demands the man.
The shocked woman remembers her training and
says "I'm very sorry sir, but that kind of language is not
tolerated in this bank, I will get you my Manager".
The cashier leaves the counter and goes over
to the bank manager to inform him of her situation. The manager
agrees that the teller does not have to listen to that foul language.
They both return to the window and the manager
asks the man, "Sir, what seems to be the problem here?"
"There is no fucking problem" the man says. "I just
won 15 million dollars in the fucking lotto and I just want to open
a fucking bank account, you stupid fuck... is that okay?"
"I see," says the manager, "and
is this fat ugly bitch giving you a hard time?"
Okay girls and boys its time
to proclaim this update as done. The last few days compiling this
bad boy have been long and arduous and I look forward to waking
up tomorrow without the first thought to race through my head being
something along the lines of "how
on Earth am I going to get the update finished on time?".
In case you were wondering, I
will return next Thursday with a whole new update and a whole lot
more of what you guys come here for and all I will ask in return
is that you spend your spare time telling the world why they should
visit O-R-S-M-DOT-NET!!
Until next time be good, stay
off the chem's and where the bloody hell are you? Enjoy. Mr. Orsm. |
2006.03.16-22.38 |
Welcome to Orsmnet. Any of you
boys seen an aircraft carrier around here?
Not to pat myself on the back
or congratulate myself [too much] but I don't know how I do it sometimes.
Remember Sliders? Where at the end they always miraculously reunite,
get the timer back and manage to slide to the next dimension on
time? I swear my updates are exactly the same... mid-afternoon EVERY
Thursday it looks like I have no hope of getting the update finished,
I stress out, do the impossible and then SOMEHOW it suddenly all
comes together. Maybe I should do a TV show based around my life...?
I'd watch it...
Now for a recap of the week's
events... last weekend was a bit frustrating although I will admit
this was entirely of my own doing. The first half of Saturday was
spent doing what I will loosely describe as work - basically myself
and Orsmnet tech wizard Honer sat around and worked out some shit
that we have planned for the coming months. After that it was action
stations... time to fire up and finish repairing the little footpath
that borders my carport.
All was going well to start but
after not too long karma kicked in and decided to spank me. You
see I had the angle grinder out to cut the concrete slabs to size.
As you would expect this generates a fair amount of dust and with
a slight wind it ends up being blown every which way... with one
of those ways being out the front towards where my neighbour was
washing his car. Usually I would be more concerned but as you may
remember me mentioning a while back I owed him one or [or three]
for cutting his lawn whilst I was washing MY car...
Anyway I finished cutting one
particular piece, dropped it in to place and realised some adjusting
was required so with the aid of a crow bar and my hand I tried to
pop it back out. Only problem was that the crow bar slipped bringing
the slab [all 30-40 kilograms of it] back down to where it originally
was thus sandwiching my middle finger between it and a brick. Painful.
My knee jerk reaction was to
yank my hand back and flick it which left a rather impressive splatter
of blood across my face. Even more spectacular [all things considered]
was watching my finger nail go from white to red then purple in
less than a second whilst blood gushed from under my finger nail
at a rather impressive rate.
Unfortunately that pretty much
put an end to my weekend as far as doing stuff around the house
was concerned so I moved activities inside and ended up working
for the rest of it. Sad I know.
I did manage to squeeze in a
DVD though - Batman Begins. I was seriously expecting a big pile
of shit but was pleasantly surprised at how well it was done. Christian
Bale was almost as good as he was in Equilibrium. If you haven't
seen it then its worth checking out.
This weekend isn't looking all
that exciting either. The weather forecast is set for a hot one
but top of my list is to finish what injury/self-mutilation prevented
and beyond that who knows.
It may well be time to recommence
my efforts in the now much neglected garden. Honestly, I thought
it was bad before but the entire back yard is bordering on something
resembling overgrown bushland. I now finally understand why the
lawnmower guy has stopped coming despite the fact I owe him money
- its all so fucking fertile out there. Everything grows like crazy
and in the lawns case it requires the lawnmower catcher to be emptied
every couple of metres. As a matter of fact the grass is so long
in places that my fully-grown 46 kilogram German Shepherd is almost
lost in it...
Before I get too far into my
update this week I need to plug a little book a friend of mine is
responsible for. Why? Because she has threatened me with death and/or
dismemberment if I don't so PLEASE check out and buy How
To Do It Like An Aussie!
Don't even think about paying for porn on the
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If you've been reading my site for any period
of time you would notice that each week I plug Newbie
Nudes. This just isn't because they are paying me to do so...
it's because Newbie
Nudes is easily the best site of its kind on the net today.
Hundreds of thousands of pics which are added to daily, tonnes of
vids and the ability to interact with thousands of people that love
to get their gear off and show what they've got... did I mention
it's all free too? Check
it now!
I can think of two reasons why you haven't checked
out Revenge TV
yet. First up it's because you are new to the net and haven't heard
about what will long be remembered as one of the greatest sites
to ever be surfed. Secondly, because you are a spastic. This is
truly the ultimate revenge site - thousands of vids and pics of
ex's that managed to leave a jilted lover in their wake. How does
that jilted lover get his own back? Revenge
TV is how! Click
here to see what I mean...
Freak - Heather
Graham Sex - Chuck
Norris - Rate
My Pix! - Poor
Lil Girl - G-String
- Godess
- Beach
Monkey Diving - Hitler
As A Child - Mini-Michael
J - Got
Speed? - Foamy
- Amateur
Sex - Thwack!
- Frat
She told me we couldn't afford beer anymore
and that I'd have to quit. Then I caught her spending $65 on make-up
and I asked how come I had to give up stuff and not her. She said
she needed the make-up to look pretty for me. I told her that was
what the beer was for. I don't think she's coming back.
George W Bush has declared war on birdflu! The US has declared war
on Turkey and the Carery Islands. Let's hope he has never heard
of Birdsville...
News from London: The latest craze with clubbers is to fill a woman's
vagina with vodka and drink it out of a straw. Experts are now warning
of the dangers of minge drinking.
Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned
by the monarch of a neighbouring kingdom. The monarch could have
killed him but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch
offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult
question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and,
if after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death.
The question: "What do women really want?'. Such
a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to
young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better
than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer
by year's end.
He returned to his kingdom and began to poll
everyone: the princess, the priests, the wise men and even the court
jester. He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory
Many people advised him to consult the old witch,
for only she would have the answer. But the price would be high;
as the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant
prices she charged.
The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had
no choice but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer the question,
but he would have to agree to her price first.
The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, the
most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur's closest
friend! Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunchbacked and hideous,
had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc.
He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life.
He refused to force his friend to marry her and
endure such a terrible burden; but Lancelot, learning of the proposal,
spoke with Arthur. He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared
to Arthur's life and the preservation of the Round Table.
Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the witch
answered Arthur's question thus: "What a woman really wants", she
answered "is to be in charge of her own life".
Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the
witch had uttered a great truth and that Arthur's life would be
spared. And so it was, the neighbouring monarch granted Arthur his
freedom and Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding.
The honeymoon hour approached and Lancelot, steeling
himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what
a sight awaited him. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay
before him on the bed. The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened
The beauty replied that since he had been so
kind to her when she appeared as a witch, she would henceforth,
be her horrible deformed self only half the time and the beautiful
maiden the other half.
"Which would he prefer? Beautiful during the
day... or night?"
Lancelot pondered the predicament. During the
day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night,
in the privacy of his castle, an old witch? Or, would he prefer
having a hideous witch during the day, but by night, a beautiful
woman for him to enjoy wondrous intimate moments?
Noble Lancelot said that he would allow HER to
make the choice herself.
Upon hearing this, she announced that she would
be beautiful all the time because he had respected her enough to
let her be in charge of her own life.
Now... what is the moral to this story? The moral
is: If you don't let a woman have her own way things are going to
get ugly!
Hi guys. We've all been putting in long hours
recently but we've really come together as a group and I love that!
However, while we are fighting a jihad, we can't forget to take
care of the cave, and frankly I have a few concerns.
First of all: While it's good to be concerned
about cruise missiles, we should be even more concerned about the
dust in our cave. We want to avoid excessive dust inhalation, (a
health and safety issue) - so we need to sweep the cave daily. I've
done my bit on the cleaning roster... Have you? I've posted a sign-up
sheet near the cave reception area (next to the Halal toaster/griller).
Second: It's not often I make a video address
but when I do, I'm trying to scare the hell out of most of the world's
population, okay? That means that while we're taping, please do
not ride your scooter in the background or keep doing the 'Wasssuuup'
thing. Thanks.
Third: Food. I bought a box of Cathedral City
cheese recently, clearly wrote "Ossy" on the front, and
put it on the top shelf of the fridge. Today, two of my cheese slices
were gone. Consideration. That's all I'm saying.
Fourth: I'm not against team spirit and all that,
but we must distance ourselves from the Infidel's bat and ball games.
And please - do not chant "Ossy, Ossy, Ossy. Oii Oii Oii"
when I ride past on the donkey. Thanks.
Fifth: Graffiti. Whoever wrote "OSAMA FUCKS
DONKEYS" on the group toilet wall, it's a lie. The donkey backed
into me, whilst I was relieving myself at the edge of the mountain.
Sixth: The use of chickens is strictly for food.
Assam, the old excuse that the 'chicken backed into me, whilst I
was relieving myself at the edge of the mountain' will not be accepted
in future. (With donkeys there is a grey area).
Finally, we've heard that there may be Western
soldiers in disguise trying to infiltrate our ranks. I want to set
up patrols to look for them. First patrol will be Omar, Muhammad,
Abdul, Akbar and Dave. Love you lots, Group Hug. Os.
PS - I'm sick of having "Osama's Bed Linen"
scribbled on my laundry bag. Cut it out, it's not funny anymore
Have you guys checked out MyFreePaysite.com
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My inbox has been its usual hive
of activity lately... to the point my whole computer slowed to a
crawl and almost stopped working because Outlook got too full would
you believe. You've gotta love it though - of the couple of hundred
emails that roll in each day there's always something to keep me
If you'd like to contribute to
polluting my email inbox even more and possibly have whatever you
send in featured on the site then we're always ecstatic to receive
pics, vids, joke, stories and anything pretty much anything else
you can attach to an email. All you must do is click
giannis c
for the record the photos of palatial
Greece of your last update are from the island of Santorini
in the Aegean sea. There's an active volcano, seen in some
of the photos. The houses are built at the edge of a cliff
into caves and the veranda of a house is usually the roof
of the house below. It might be looking a quiet island for
relaxing holidays but it's also packed with bars and clubs
open 24hrs a day. party never stops. for further infos goto
Keep up the good work Mr Orsm
Subject: shark fin soup
Hey dude, to cut a long story short i
was out to dinner with some friends and they were talking
about shark fin soup and had no idea what the goings on
were. If you feel as though you can could you put in a link
to this
website to inform my fellow readers.
I've seen this shit on TV... absolutely
heartless, cruel and disgusting. -Orsm
mohammad idris
khan wrote:
Subject: about practicing Islaam
hi there. i am a very big fan of your
site from the last several years. i anxiously wait every
week for the new issue. and when it is on i go through it
from top to bottom. i was little bit surprised to see the
video you have put with word Practicing
Islaam in March 09, 2006 issue. let me tell you some
thing. i am a 43 year of age muslim from the last 20 generations,
i have not seen anybody in my family doing these kind of
crazy things. no muslim can even think about hurting him
self like that or anybody else. because the human body is
a gift from God, and a human being does not have any authority
to harm it. even if it is his own or someone else. the religion
Islam is very peace full and loving religion. the people
you have showed in that video are not muslim. these people
call them self muslims but actually they are not. they are
Shiite. muslim do not consider them as muslim. they even
don't practice the rolls of islam. so please correct it.
thank you very much.
Onur Çakir
Subject: about Practicing Islaam video
Well.... its sad that people dont have
any idea about islam. Also they dont will to learn too.
What will happen if i post a video about christians nailing
their hands to a big cross ?? (i guess it was in Spain or
? ) That will only help to push problem between nations
!!! By the way the ceremony on that
video belongs to a small group of people and they re
doing it in memory of a caliph who suffered big pain and
died after. So they re trying to share that pain ( same
as people nailing themself to cross ). Both of acts are
stupid i think.... So dont be a toy of politicians and be
cool, enjoy orsm. Cool site !
Subject: TWINS - Aren't they absolutely gorgeous!!!
A mixed-race British mom gave birth to
twins recently - one of each. No, not a boy and a girl.
Two girls - one black, the other white. The odds of such
a birth are about a million to one, experts said. "It
was a shock when I realized that my twins were two different
colors," Kylie Hodgson, 19, told London's Daily Mail.
"But it doesn't matter to us - they are just our two
gorgeous little girls." Hodgson and her partner, Remi
Horder, 17, were both born to mixed-race parents.
Subject: Bla Bla
I have sent you a picture of my finger
job that I had sorted in March of last year.I went to Coral
Bay with the boys on a fishing trip and to cut a long story
short, I got a coral spawn under my finger nail and the
infection set in and after the first operation that failed
I said cut the bastard off.Anyway as I said I felt compelled
to drop you a line to tell you that you sound like a dude
and that your site is awesome or orsm.Got to go.
<with held>
Subject: Stupid Ex girlfriend
Hey Orsm, my friend found this picture
of my ex-girlfriend on his computer the other day, and It
re-awakened the RAGE that I had supressed.... As you can
tell it was not a good relationship.. I ran for the HILLS.
unfortunately there was some collateral damage along the
lines of $1500 worth of DVD's that I will never see again...
if you could please post this, hopefully that will help
to alleviate my suffering... And it will be FUCKING cool!
<with held>
Subject: What NOT to do with your NEW $200K Ford GT
Great site I check it every Thursday
am. I thought you might want to see what some rich dickhead
is up to in Mission Hills, Kansas. He waited 2 years to
get this sweet ride. Does anyone want a used GT with only
9 miles on it?
Subject: FW: New Mazda 2 (2006) latest version
Hi, Mr Orsm. This just rocked up in
my mailbox. Times like these that I am not proud to be a
South African. Where in your bloody life have ever seen
something like this. The mentality of some people in this
country is enough to make you want to puke. Actually very
%^&* sad..... I know wheels r wheels, but there has
to be a limit somewhere. I am not even sure whether this
"THING" is roadworthy. Not worthy to be called
a vehicle...............
Subject: Truck show piccies
From the truck show last weekend at Ashfield.
And some models as well. I doubt that you have seen these.....
cheers again....
How good are the models! -Orsm
Subject: ComedyCast episode 2!
Dear Mr Orsm, Thanks for posting the
first episode of my comedycast on your killer site. It made
me wet. Episode 2 is now online and will be like a blowjob
for your readers minds im sure! Ive also hosted
them on a page where people can check the eps and can
email me. Keep
the comedy coming! Hugs and Kisses.
Subject: my commodore
hey there id just like to say that this
is a very mad website i enjoy everything about it especially
the women on here, i even have my mum checking this site
out! ( she's not a lezo either) my car is a power house
its a 308 commodore its the fastest car between sydney and
brisbane i reckon! please put this on your site i would
be so grateful and my mum would be so proud of me!
A Florist goes to the barber for a haircut and
when he goes to pay, the barber says "I can't accept any money -
I am doing a community service". The Florist is happy and leaves
the shop. The next morning when the Barber goes to open his shop,
there is a Thankyou Card and a dozen roses waiting at his door.
A Cop goes for a haircut and he also goes to
pay the Barber and the barber replies: "I am Sorry, I cannot accept
money from you - I am doing a Community Service". The Cop is happy
and leaves the shop. The next morning when the Barber goes to open
his shop, there is a Thankyou Card and a dozen Donuts waiting at
his door.
An Italian guy goes for a haircut and he also
goes to pay the Barber and the barber replies: "I am Sorry, I cannot
accept money from you - I am doing a Community Service". The Italian
guy of course is very happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the Barber goes to open
his shop, he finds a dozen Italians waiting for a haircut...
A man on his way home from work,
comes to a dead halt in traffic and thinks to himself, "This
traffic seems worse than usual. Nothing's even moving."
He notices a police officer walking back and
forth between the lines of cars, so he rolls down his window and
asks, "Constable, what's the hold up?" The constable replies,
"It's Eddie McGuire. He's just so depressed about his personal
life - the thought of moving with Carla and Joseph to Sydney and
the state of disruption amongst his beloved Magpies, Channel 9 losing
the football coverage, having to give up The Footy Show, Who wants
to be a Millionaire, and his Triple M radio show, that he's stopped
his motorcade in the middle of the freeway and he's threatening
to douse himself in petrol and set himself on fire. He says his
family hates him and he doesn't have the money to pay for the new
house renovations at Point Piper and to bring his current house
in Toorak up to scratch to put it on the market. We're taking up
a collection for him."
"Oh really? How much have you got so far?"
"About three hundred litres, but a lot of people are still
Just minutes before the church services started
the towns people were sitting in their pews and talking. Suddenly,
Satan appeared at the front of the church. Everyone started screaming
and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic
effort to get away from evil incarnate. Soon everyone had exited
the church except for one elderly gentleman who sat calmly in his
pew without moving, seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate
enemy was in his presence.
So Satan walked up to the old man and said, "Don't
you know who I am?" The man replied, "Yep, sure do."
"Aren't you afraid of me?" Satan asked. "Nope, sure
ain't" said the man.
"Don't you realise I can kill you with a
word?" asked Satan. "Don't doubt it for a minute,"
returned the old man, in an even tone. "Did you know that I
could cause you profound, horrifying, physical agony forever?"
"Yep," was the calm reply. "And you're still not
afraid?" asked Satan. "Nope.
"More than a little perturbed, Satan asked,
"Well, why aren't you afraid of me?" The man calmly replied,
"Been married to your sister for 45 years."
Two friends were in a bar drinking a beer when
one pulled out a cigar but he didn't have a lighter so he asked
his friend if he had one. "I sure do," he replied and
reached into his pocket and pulled out a 10 inch Bic lighter.
"Wow!" said his friend, "where
did you get that monster." "I got it from my genie."
"You have a genie?" he asked. "Yes, he's right here
in my pocket." "Could I see him?"
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a very
small genie. The friend says, "I'm a good friend of your master.
Will you grant me one wish?" "Yes I will," the genie
said so he asks him for a million bucks and the genie hops back
into his master's pocket and leaves the man standing there waiting
for his million bucks.
About this time, a duck walks into the bar followed
by another. Then more ducks come pouring in. Before long the entire
bar has ducks everywhere. The friend tells his buddy, "What
is going on here, I asked for a million bucks not ducks!" He
answers, "I forgot to tell you the genie is hard of hearing.
Do you really think I asked him for a 10 inch Bic?"
A woman and a man are involved in a car accident
on a snowy, cold Monday morning; it's a bad one. Both of their cars
are totally demolished but amazingly neither of them is hurt. God
works in mysterious ways. After they crawl out of their cars, the
woman says, "So... You're a man.
That's interesting. I'm a woman. Wow, just look
at our cars! There's nothing left, but we're unhurt. This must be
a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together
in peace for the rest of our days." Flattered, the man replies,
"Oh yes, I agree with you completely, this must be a sign from
The woman continues, "And look at this,
here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this
bottle of wine didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine
and celebrate our good fortune."
Then she hands the bottle to the man. The man
nods his head in agreement, opens it, and drinks half the bottle
and then hands it back to the woman.
The woman takes the bottle and immediately puts
the cap back on, and hands it back to the man. The man asks, "Aren't
you having any?" The woman replies, "No. I think I'll
just wait for the police..."
That's it! All finished for another
week! I've had to dig deep
into my heart and soul to crank this bad boy out but I can say
with great certainty that there is nothing else I would rather be
doing on a Thursday... and Wednesday... and all the other days it
took me to screw this update together.
In case you're new to these parts
and didn't know - I will return again next week on the same Orsm
station at the same Orsm time. If in the mean time you should find
yourself with nothing better to do feel free to spread the word
about this amazing site you found called O-R-S-M-DOT-NET!
Until next time be good, stay
off the chems and keep your finger out of tight places... Enjoy.
Mr. Orsm. |
2006.03.09-22.40 |
Welcome to Orsmnet. If you're
reading this you may already be a winner.
So how is everyone this week?
Good? Me... I'm in relatively high spirits, alive, happy, yet pessimistically
waiting for someone to come along and change all that!
I spent a good portion of my
blog last week crapping on about my plans for the long weekend and
it ended up being exactly that - long. It all sort of kicked off
late Friday afternoon with my brother heading over to re-weld some
stuff that we'd screwed up the week before.
Saturday was a killer. I had
a little sleep in, pottered around the house for a while then got
'stuck into it' outside. The aforementioned killer was the heat
- it was an absolutely roasting 37°C which made the whole mixing
cement, laying and paving bricks thing almost intolerable. Six hours,
at least eight litres of water and a trip to dump a trailer load
of sand later and I was utterly destroyed.
That night was a battle to stay
awake. I've worked out that no matter how tired I am I rarely require
more than six or seven hours of sleep. Come 10pm I couldn't fight
it anymore and I just fell into bed without too much resistance.
Obviously it was far too early...
I woke up Sunday at 5am on the
dot completely unassisted by alarms or noise or anything else other
than having filled my sleep quota. What a pain in the ass. The next
couple of hours were whittled away sitting in front of the computer
attempting to clear the never ending clutter... a frivolous pursuit
you may say.
I eventually got my shit together
and headed to the dog beach. The idea was to go early but not too
early so I wouldn't be finished up before the dog washing people
got there. Much to my surprise, at 8am when I got there the entire
car park was packed - people and dogs everywhere. Why? Another ridiculously
hot day...
An hour later I was done, dog
was stuffed and it was homeward bound. We were supposed to be doing
a big group lunch but that ended up being cancelled for whatever
reason so I made the somewhat stupid decision to carry on from where
I left off the day previous...
Did I mention that Sunday was
hotter than Saturday? Well it was... and I have the tan/sunburn
to prove it. It was one of those you move, you sweat days and lugging
around and laying concrete slabs didn't really help the situation.
I think I only managed about four hours out there before I could
handle it no longer and immersed myself in a long cold shower before
I overheated myself to an early death.
I spent the rest of the day inside
the house darting between the safety and comfort of sweet air-conditioned
air and slaving over the hotplates cooking up my contribution towards
Mondays Labour Day family lunch thing... which - once again despite
the incessant heat - was a damn good way to spend an afternoon.
There's a lot to be said for overeating and drinking ice cold beer
but if I had to break it down to just one sentence it would be:
Why can't every Monday be a Labour Day public holiday?
This weekend... I have no idea.
I still have to finish the paving that I started last week and with
some luck the Grano worker guy is going to come and lay the concrete
pad. That will take the whole project to about 95% complete with
only some cleaning up and minor electrical stuff remaining for whenever.
Beyond that - nothing! I need
some quiet time to relax, watch TV and keep the dog occupied. Okay
so we all know that I'm deluding myself thinking something won't
come along and destroy all chance of that happening but you can't
hate a guy for dreaming...
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it's because Newbie
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Hundreds of thousands of pics which are added to daily, tonnes of
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I can think of two reasons why you haven't checked
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Carey's Nipple - Tough
Bitch - Flea
World - Midget
Wresting - Ronnie
Johns - CamCuties
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Magic - Family
Guy - Darth
Vader - Censorship
- Shake
It - Rate
My Pix! - Webcam
Sex - Savvy
Three women were sitting in a bar, (brunette,
red head, and a blonde) they were all pregnant. The brunette says,
"I know what I'm going to have." The other two asked how.
She replied, "Well I was on top when I conceived so i will
have a boy". The red head said, "If that is true then
I will have a girl because I was on the bottom when I conceived.
The blonde starts crying and orders another shot and starts screaming,
The Devil walks into a crowded bar. Within seconds the bar emptied
with people running out screaming all over the place, all except
for one old man leaned over the bar. The Devil wanders across to
the old man and says "Do you know how I am?" The old man
took another sip of his beer and answered "Yep". The Devil
stared at the old man and asked "Well aren't you afraid of
me?" The old boy looks the Devil up and down for a minute and
shrugs "I married your sister 40 years ago, why the hell should
I be scared of you?"
Four friends, who hadn't seen each other in 30
years, reunited at a party. After several drinks, one of the men
had to use the rest room. Those who remained talked about their
The first guy said, "My son is my pride
and joy. He started working at a successful company at the bottom
of the barrel. He studied Economics and Business Administration
and soon began to climb the corporate ladder and now he is the president
of the company. He became so rich that he gave his best friend a
top of the line Mercedes for his birthday."
The second guy said, "Darn, that's terrific!
My son is also my pride and joy. He started working for a big airline,
then went to flight school to become a pilot. Eventually he became
a partner in the company, where he owns the majority of its assets.
He's so rich that he gave his best friend a brand new jet for his
The third man said: "Well, that's terrific!
My son studied in the best universities and became an engineer.
Then he started his own construction company and is now a multimillionaire.
He also gave away something very nice and expensive to his best
friend for his birthday: a 30,000 square foot mansion."
The three friends congratulated each other just
as the fourth returned from the restroom and asked "What are
all the congratulations for?"
One of the three said: "We were talking
about the pride we feel for the successes of our sons. What about
your son?"
The fourth man replied: "My son is gay and
makes a living dancing as a stripper at a nightclub." The three
friends said "What a shame... what a disappointment."
The fourth man replied "No, I'm not ashamed. He's my son and
I love him. And he hasn't done too bad either. His birthday was
two weeks ago, and he received a beautiful 30,000 square foot mansion,
a brand new jet and a top of the line Mercedes from his three boyfriends..."
A priest was being honoured at his retirement
dinner after 25 years in the parish. A leading local politician
and member of the Congregation was chosen to make the presentation
and give a little speech at the dinner.
He was delayed, so the priest decided to say
his own few words while they waited.
"I got my first impression of the parish
from the first confession I heard here. I thought I had been assigned
to a terrible place. The very first person who entered my confessional
told me he had stolen a television set and, when stopped by the
police, had almost murdered the officer. He had stolen money from
his parents, embezzled from his place of business, had an affair
with his boss's wife, taken illegal drugs, and gave VD to his sister.
"I was appalled. "But as the days went
on, I knew that my people were not all like that and I had, indeed,
come to a fine parish full of good and loving people. "
Just as the priest finished his talk, the politician
arrived full of apologies at being late. He immediately began to
make the presentation and give his talk. "I'll never forget
the first day our parish priest arrived," said the politician.
"In fact, I had the honour of being the first one to go to
him in confession."
Shane Warne's team mates were perplexed one morning
to see Shane walk into the change rooms with a pair of women's panties
on his arm. Somewhat used to Shane's tendencies, they let it go
and went about getting ready. The day wore on, Shane bowled a few
over's and the batsman came and went with a puzzled expression on
their faces but no one dared ask about the panties.
Finally, Ricky Ponting walked up to Shane between
over's and gently whispered to him. "Er Shane," he said, "We've
come to expect many unusual things from you, but we're a bit worried
that you seem to be wearing a pair of women's panties on your arm.
Please tell me this doesn't mean more trouble."
"Oh no," Shane grinned. "It's
a Patch. I'm trying to quit."
Have you guys checked out MyFreePaysite.com
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yourself and have
a look!
Reader mail is the section where
[surprisingly enough] you guys get to have your say about whatever
the hell you like. I spend more hours than I care to remember sifting
through the hundreds of emails that come my way each week trying
to come up with a handful of the best and most entertaining.
If you've got something interesting to
share or say then we are more than a little fond of opinions, jokes,
pics of your ex, stupid videos and pretty much anything else you've
got lying around... all you must do is click
here to make the magic happen!
<with held>
Subject: Re: Erdam Kilic
Mr. Kilic needs to get over himself.
a cartoon in a newspaper. I think it's funny how the
Muslims are all for peace, yet kill people who poke fun
at them. I saw the picture of the 2 guys doing a 69, with
the U. S. Rangers flag behind them. I didn't freak out and
order you to not show pictures like that, and I'm an Army
veteran. Mr. Kilic need to get over himself. Please don't
show my name or email, he may come to get me!
Jay Risland
Subject: Regarding erdems kilic
My response: Those were the funniest
cartoons ever. The depiction was dead on. I must have
missed them when they were on the site the last time. I'll
be sure to spread them around. Thanks erdem. You guys are
good for something at least.
Gary Krupa
Subject: Body Worlds (Irishtex email)
exhibit just finished a run at the Ontario Science Center
in Toronto. Here's
a link to the German guy's web site with lots of pictures.
Interestingly enough, for reasons that aren't entirely clear,
all of the bodies he uses seem to be Jews (just a joke).
Subject: Torino!!
hey orsm. just wanted to let the ignorant
english speaking fools out there on a little secret, Torino
is THE correct way to write and pronounce the name of the
city. the same way Australians write and pronounce sydney,
not syd or sodney. Cause by writing or pronouncing turin
or Milan or florance we are pronouncing the names wrong.
wouldnt you be offended if you were from sidna, australy?
its Torino, Italia... cheers mate and keep up the great
Subject: Heatwave
This actually happened during the heatwave in Adelaide last
weekend. Adelaide had the hottest heatwave in over 60 years.
Four days of over 40C+
Subject: Who say it doesn't pay to join the union
I took these photos in Edinburgh in aug
2005... we thought we had it bad with the freeway strikes...
just imagine if our unions see what these guys get on site!
It could also be a staged set-up for the Edinburgh comedy
<with held>
Subject: Hamilton Is. Bumping uglies on a Buggy
Hey Orsm.. couldn't resist sending in
this pic a mate and i got from Race Week 2005 at Hamilton
Island. this sailor pulled all the right moves with this
chick taking her up to the lookout and slamming her into
the buggy. note, they almost got away with it if his princess
wasn't moaning like a dying yak. wish we could see their
faces after the flash went off but our great escape had
began down the hill.
<with held>
Subject: happy snaps
Hey mate, Photos are from the Brisbane
motor show. I am trying to pick which model to purchase
;p I think the ones in photo 5 should be fine, just for
a ride here and there if you catch my drift. I think a quote
to go with that photo could be "yep, your lights are working"
or "are they straight?" Photo [3] was a fluke shot, unfortunately
it isn't really in focus because she wasn't going to hold
that position all day just so I could get it in focus.
<with held>
Subject: Amy, The slut that fucked me over. (pics)
I have stumbled across this posted elsewhere
on the Internet and thought it was too good not to share.
They came with the quote: "Melbourne, Australia's... Amy.
The slut that fucked me over, enjoy :)"
Hot! -Orsm
Subject: Response to a query, and my cuntribution...
Dear ORSM dude, Here's a little something
that I put together from various sources on the web, plus
some of my own added sense of humour (P.S. ...to our American
'friends' ...this is how the word is spelt ...H-U-M-O-U-R).
Cool site by the way!
Subject: Battle of New Orleans
This a a pretty funny video, hope everyone
enjoys. Mike from Kingman Arizona, USA
Subject: orsm comedycast ep1. for your site.
Hey mr orsm, love your shit. Id like
to taste it one day... mmmm orsm shit. Speaking of orsm
shit, Please check out the first episode of my comedycast!
<with held>
Subject: The movie Cameron Diaz tried to stop.....
Havenet seen this on your site before.
Do you know if its real? Looks like it if you ask me...
100% absolutely definitely NOT
Cameron Diaz... but still a good clip! -Orsm
A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock
in the morning by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and
goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring
rain, is asking for a push. "Not a chance," says the husband,
"it is 3 o'clock in the morning!"
He slams the door and returns to bed. "Who
was that?" asked his wife. "Just some drunken guy asking
for a push," he answers. "Did you help him?" she
asks. "No, I did not! Its 3 o'clock in the morning and it is
pouring out there!"
"Well, you have a short memory," says
his wife. "Can't you remember about three months ago when we
broke down and those two guys helped us? I think you should help
him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!"
The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and
goes out into the pounding rain. He calls out into the dark, "Hello,
are you still there?" "Yes" comes back the answer.
"Do you still need a push?" calls out
the husband. "Yes, Please!" comes the reply from the dark.
"Where are you?" asks the husband. "Over here...
on the swing!" replies the drunk.
A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and
one night he's doing a show in a small town in Arkansas. With his
dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde
jokes, when a blonde woman in the 4th row stands on her chair and
starts shouting:
"I've heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. What makes you think
you can stereotype women that way? What does the colour of a person's
hair have to do with her worth as a human being?"
"Its guys like you who keep women like me from
being respected at work and in the community and from reaching our
full potential as a person. Because you and your kind continue to
perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes, but women in
general... and all in the name of humour!"
The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to apologise,
and the blonde yells, "You stay out of this mister! I'm talking
to that little shit on your knee!"
An 8 year old boy walks home from school each
day past an 8 year old girl's house. One day as he is passing by,
carrying a football, he resist taunting the girl. He holds up the
football and says, "See this football? Football is a boys game,
and only boys can have a football!".
The little girl runs into the house and cries
to her mother, "I want a football!" Being a modern woman,
her mother runs out and gets her one.
The next day the girl is waiting for the little
boy and he rides up on his bike. She holds up the football... "Nah
Na Nah Nah!!". The little boy angrily points to his bike and
says, "Oh yeah, well this is a boys bike and only boys get
boys bikes and you can't have one!"
She runs in to mum and the next day is waiting
for him on her new boy's bike. The little boy gets furious and pulls
down his pants, and pointing to his most private of parts says,
"Look, only boys have these and your mum can't buy you one!!!".
The next day he walks by and says to her, "Well,
I guess I showed you!" To which she promptly pulls up her dress,
points to her parts and proclaims "My mother tells me that
as long as I have one of these I can have as many of THOSE as I
An Australian Soldier was attending some university
courses between deployments. He had completed tours in Timor, and
just returned from Iraq. One of the courses had a professor who
was an avowed atheist.
One day the professor shocked the class when
he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "God,
if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform.
I'll give you exactly 15 minutes."
The lecture room fell silent. You could hear
a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here
I am God. I'm still waiting."
It got down to the last couple of minutes when
the Soldier got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and
punched him; knocking him off the platform. The professor was out
cold. The Soldier went back to his seat and sat there, silently.
The other students were shocked and sat there looking on in silence.
The professor eventually came to, noticeably
shaken, looked at the Soldier and asked, "What the hell is
the matter with you? Why did you do that?" The Soldier calmly
replied, "God was too busy today protecting Australia's Soldiers
who are protecting your right to say stupid shit and act like an
arsehole, so He sent me."
You know what? I'm all done! It's been a labour
of love, a mix of emotions and a test of my character but the time
for me to call it a night, retire to my bedroom and attempt to recover
from the onslaught that is update day has arrived.
For anyone that's made it this far and still
wants more then make sure you swing by the site
archives and be dazzled by over 5 years of regular updates.
If that's not enough then I shall return next week with a whole
new update!
Until next time be good, stay off the chem's
and stay out of the sun! Enjoy. Mr. Orsm. |
2006.03.03-21.41 |
Welcome to Orsmnet. Welcome to
Orsmnet. Welcome to Orsmnet.
What the hell... can it REALLY
be March already? Wasn't Christmas and New Years just the week before
last? Unless I've been asleep for a month or two this year is moving
at such a rapid rate the damn thing is almost over.
The beginning of March also signifies
the start of Autumn [obviously] but I am choosing to think of it
as the end of Summer. I'm not sure if that makes me an optimist
or a pessimist...? It's probably safe to say that with Summer starting
as late as it did this year we've still got some warm days ahead.
Now please allow me to give you
an enthralling play by play rundown of the last week starting with
Saturday... the plan for the morning was car hunting with my sister.
I don't really know how it works elsewhere around the world but
here car dealerships close at 1pm and don't open Sundays so if you
want any chance of covering as many places as possible you had better
get an early start. We went car yard to car yard listening to bullshit
after bullshit. "Hi. We're looking for a 2000 Mazda. Do you have
any?" I would ask. "Very popular car. We don't have any but maybe
you would be happier in a <insert whatever car they had on
the lot>" was the almost standard reply. All assholes I
tell you...
After that it was back home to
meet up with my brother and help him with the welding I needed done.
Was actually good fun to sit around all afternoon and talk shit.
All up it was quite a family orientated day. I managed to bore myself
to sleep on Saturday nite by watching Empire Of The Sun... that
being another one of those movies that I loved as a kid but seemingly
don't have the patience for anymore. Seriously - what the fuck is
that movie about??
I just about sweated myself to
death on Sunday. It was stinking hot and my only task for the day
was to fill the trailer with sand I needed to get rid of. Did I
mention it was hot? I don't know how I managed it but I finally
understand why when you see council workers they're always standing
This weekend we have what is
the third public holiday for the year... Labour Day. Now I won't
bother pretending to know what Labour Day is in aid of but it does
mean that we get Monday off. I'd also be lying if I said I hadn't
been looking forward to this one for a while too. For the last three
or four weeks the whole weekend was planned in my head...
The intent was something along
the lines of rest, relax and just veg out. Of course the reality
is going to be far from it. Two or three Thursday evening 'social'
phone calls and practically the whole thing is already stitched
At this point it's looking something like quiet Friday nite drinks
with some of the boys, a sunburnt Saturday continuing the never
ending work on my carport project and a DVD that nite.
Sunday is pegged as an hour long
wait standing in line for a Dim Sum lunch in the city. I think the
last time we managed one was sometime back in December and I seem
to recall ranting on about how good the crab was. I've promised
myself that no matter what happens after lunch I am coming home
to clean the house. The place is an absolute frickin' pig-sty. Dust,
sand, dog hair - shit everywhere... and that's just the floor. I
gave up trying to walk around here without shoes on about two weeks
There's also some home show thing
which looks kind of interesting which I want to try and squeeze
in somewhere but with the weather forecast set for sweltering hot
again I get the feeling it'll get bumped from my agenda without
too much of a fight.
After reading through the
above I'm starting to realise why this year is going so quickly...
all my weekdays and weekends involve more or less the same shit!
They're all melding [in my head] into one big long day! It guess
it could be a lot worse so I'll just shut my mouth before I jinx
it and get on with the update...
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A mother had just given birth to a new baby boy.
The doctors take the baby away to an emergency room, a little later
the head doctor comes into the new mother's room. "What's wrong"
asks the mother. "Well, we have good news and we have bad news",
says the doctor. "The bad news is that, unfortunately, your
son has red hair". "What is the good news?" asks
the mother. The doctor replies "The good news is that he is
A woman is resting comfortably after giving birth. Her doctor walks
in and says everything is fine but your baby is a hermaphrodite.
She says " a what". Doc says, that means your baby has
both male and female parts. Mom says, oh you mean he has a penis
and a brain?
There was this little boy about 12 years old
walking down the sidewalk, dragging a flattened frog on a string
behind him. He came up to the doorstep of a house of ill repute
and knocked on the door. When the Madam answered it, she saw the
little boy and asked what he wanted.
He said, "I want to have sex with one of
the women inside. I have the money to buy it, and I'm not leaving
until I get it." The Madam figured, why not, so she told him
to come in. Once in, she told him to pick any of the girls he liked.
He asked, "Do any of the girls have any
diseases?" Of course the Madam said no. He said, "I heard
all the men talking about having to get shots after making love
with Amber. THAT'S the girl I want."
Since the little boy was so adamant and had the
money to pay for it, the Madam told him to go to the first room
on the right. He headed down the hall, dragging the squashed frog
behind him. Ten minutes later he came back, still dragging the frog,
paid the Madam, and headed out the door.
The Madam stopped him and asked, "Why did
you pick the only girl in the place with a disease, instead of one
of the others?"
He said, "Well, if you must know, tonight
when I get home, my parents are going out to a restaurant to eat,
leaving me at home with a baby-sitter. After they leave, my baby-sitter
will have sex with me because she just happens to be very fond of
cute little boys. She will then get the disease that I just caught.
When Mom and Dad get back, Dad will take the baby-sitter home. On
the way, he'll jump the baby-sitter's bones, and he'll catch the
disease. Then when Dad gets home from the baby-sitter's, he and
Mom will go to bed and have sex, and Mom will catch it. In the morning
when Dad goes to work, the Milkman will deliver the milk, have a
quickie with Mom and catch the disease, and HE'S the prick who ran
over my FROG!"
It was the first day of school and
a new student named Chandrashekhar Subrahmanyam entered the fourth
The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing
some American History. Who said "Give me Liberty, or give me
Death?". She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Chandrashekhar,
who had his hand up: "Patrick Henry, 1775" he said.
"Very good!" Who said "Government
of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from
the Earth?" Again, no response except from Chandrashekhar.
"Abraham Lincoln, 1863" said Chandrashekhar.
The teacher snapped at the class, "Class,
you should be ashamed. Chandrashekhar, who is new to our country,
knows more about its history than you do." She heard a loud
whisper: "Fuck the Indians," "Who said that?"
she demanded. Chandrashekhar put his hand up. "General Custer,
At that point, a student in the back said, "I'm
gonna puke." The teacher glares around and asks "All right!
Now, who said that?" Again, Chandrashekhar says, "George
Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991."
Now furious, another student yells, "Oh
yeah? Suck this!" Chandrashekhar jumps out of his chair waving
his hand and shouts to the teacher, "Bill Clinton, to Monica
Lewinsky, 1997!"
Now with almost a mob hysteria someone said "You
little shit. If you say anything else, I'll kill you." Chandrashekhar
frantically yells at the top of his voice, "Gary Condit to
Chandra Levy, 2001." The teacher fainted. And as the class
gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, "Oh
shit, we're fucked!"
And Chandrashekhar said quietly, "George
Bush, Iraq, 2005."
Have you guys checked out MyFreePaysite.com
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There's some cool shit in this weeks
Reader Mail and it cost me my entire Wednesday getting through it
all trying to decide what would bring the most delight to you guys.
Having said that, there is a tonne of emails that are far too good
to be deleted so with some luck I will get my shit together and
post them up next week in the OverFlow thingy.
If you would like to contribute
and have your exploits plastered all over Orsmnet for the world
to behold then we're happy to see anything including pics, vid,
jokes or pretty much anything else you can jam into an email...
which you can send to me right here. On
with it...
erdem kilic
Subject: dont forget and read
you show hz. muhammed's
caricatures. dont forget that some of your visitors
are muslims like ME! dont do this again!
Subject: say what?
Um, what was up with that jonbenet
dance recital video? I mean I wasn't offended or anything,
it's just not the usual stuff you post (i.e. funny or cool
or babelicious). Frankly I'm a little worried about the
group of guys that's sits around and decides to make a masturbatory
doll video. For godssake guys, get an Playstation or something.
Central Scrutinizer
Subject: Half an Enzo Thought you'd appreciate
this. |
Subject: Site you may find interesting.
Hey guy, You'll probably think this is
fake and/or staged, but all I can say is, I don't have an
imagination this
wild. This is happening in Hocking, like near wanneroo.
Check it out.
Brally Nobbledock
Subject: Ponting Catch
Hi Mr Orsm, Did you see this catch by
Ricky Ponting? I reckon its the best ever! What an aussie
legend! ps sorry i dont have a picture of my penis.
One of the best catches ever.
<with held>
Subject: Québec city!!!
Hi, I watch your site every week and
it was awesome. So, I decide to put some interest thing
via the girl who works with me. You know, maybe sometime,
it's important to don't do sexy pics with your webcam :)
Don't forget, we have also sexy and hot girl in Québec
city . See you next week with my pics:) Thank a lot
Subject: Pix,may I participate?
I've followed your site for a few years
now,farout! I'm Rodger {in the hat} my friend and companion
is Simon. Seeing our pix posted would be an honor. Rodger
with a "D".
Gorgeous dog. I want one! -Orsm
Subject: The Human Body - powerpoint
I remember seeing a TV special about
this museum. These are all real human bodies left to this
museum for a special presevation process that lets people
understand the innner workings of the human body. Fascinating....
but very weird....
Subject: Absolute funny phone prank - Speakers definately
I must admit, Im not much of a Fox-fm
listener here in Melbourne..... But Matt Tilley from the
Fox-fm Breakfast show in this instance is absolutely funny
in my opinion. If you guys dont find this audio a crack
up, then your all wankers. Either that or I have a stupid
sense of humour. You need to crank the speakers up to really
enjoy the prank...... This Audio is titled "Stutter".
<with held>
Subject: Redneckin' it!
Mr. Orsm, Here's how we play out in Nevada.
We had a friendly little rock crawling competition this
Saturday, and here's a few pics and a vid you might be interested
in. This is what happens when guys with more balls then
brains get together and start drinkin cheap beer. The madness
started as one of the local fabrication guys calling out
one of the home-built wheelers on a web forum. By the time
the event started, there was at least 300 people there.
In the end, it was just a few busted up jeeps, and some
spilled coolers. Everybody had a good time, and we'll be
out doin this again.
Subject: Masked Potato Avenger
Hey Mr. Orsm, Excellent site. I tune
in every Thursday for the new updates. Always wanted to
contribute something, so here goes. Out here in California
we're having an unusually nice February, and I decided to
take off from work early to play about with the potato cannon.
I live on a sailboat and have the luxury of a large body
of mostly uninhabited water right off my bow. Built this
potato cannon in about 12 hours over 3 days and at a cost
of about US $250. Some local girls who live a ways down
the dock and often share a beer or two or three decided
I needed to be in the videos I was taking, but I wasn't
comfortable showing my face for various fuzzy legal reasons.
Thought you might get a kick out of this. The potato travels
about 300 meters in to the distance and you can just barely
see the splash.
A guy walks into a bar and orders
a triple scotch. The bartender pours him the drink and the guy downs
it in one gulp. "Wow", says the bartender, "Something
bad must have happened".
Yeah it did, he said. "I came home early
today, went up to the bedroom, and found my wife having sex with
my best friend."
The bartender pours the guy another triple shot.
"This one's on the house". The guy gulps it down once again. The
bartender asks "Did you say anything to your wife?"
The guy answers "Yeah, I walked up to her,
told her to pack her bag's and get out!" "What about your
friend ?" asks the bartender. "I looked him straight in
the eye and said BAD DOG!!"
In the nursing home one evening.
The old man looked over and said to the old lady, "I know just
what you're wanting. For $5, I'll have sex with you right over there
in that rocking chair." The old lady looked surprised, but
didn't say a word.
The old man continued, "For $10 I'll do
it with you on that nice soft sofa over there, but for $20 I'll
take you back to my room, light some candles, and give you the most
romantic evening you've ever had in your life."
The old lady still said nothing, but after a
couple minutes, she started digging down in her purse. She pulled
out a wrinkled $20 bill and held it up.
"So you want the nice romantic evening in
my room," said the old man. "Get serious," she replied.
"Four times in the rocking chair please!".
This may be one of the best,
one of the cleanest, most funny, least disgusting RS's I've
stuck together for years... or not. Check it...
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS |
A black man and his son are on an airplane going
across the ocean when they hear the captain's voice coming over
the speakers. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid I have some bad
news. One of our engines has gone out. We still have 3 working fine,
but in order to make it across the ocean, we will have to dump all
the luggage. It will be picked up by boats and returned to the Airport
where you can pick it up. Sorry for the inconvenience."
Well, then about 15 minutes later, the captain
comes on again. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid I have some more
bad news. We just lost another engine. Since we already dumped the
luggage, we will now have to drop people. You will be given floating
devices and will be picked up immediately by a boat and taken safely
to shore. To be fair, we will do this in alphabetical order.
'A' is for African American. All African Americans
please rise your hands." Well, hearing this, the little black boy
started to raise his hand. His father pushed his hand down and said,
"No son, keep it down!"
When no one raised their hands, the captain said,
"Okay, fine, Let's move on to the letter 'B'. 'B' is for black.
All blacks, raise your hands." Again, the little black boy starts
to raise his hand, and his father stops him again.
The captain comes on once more, and says, "Well
then, I guess we'll move on to C. 'C' is for Coloured. All coloured
people, raise your hands." The little black boy starts to raise
his hand, and his father pushes it down and tells him no.
"But dad!" he says, "We are African American,
we are black, and we are also called coloured. Why won't you let
me raise my hand?" His father says, "No son, today, we're niggers.
Those damn Jews And Mexicans are going before us!"
There is a guy who has a dog that doesn't obey
him. Then he sees an ad in the paper for a great dog trainer. So,
he decides to go to the dog trainer and get his dog trained.
The guy walks in the room and asks, "Can
you train my dog, and are you a good trainer?" The trainer
replies, "Well, I can train your dog, and I will give you a
demonstration of how good I am."
He dumped a box full of bones on the floor and
blew a whistle. The first dog came in and made a skeleton with the
bones. "Wow!" said the guy, "What kind of dog is
that?" "That's a nurse's dog," said the trainer.
Then he blows the whistle again and a second
dog comes in the room. That dog makes a big building out of the
bones. The man says, "Wow! What kind of dog is that?"
"That's an architect's dog," replies the trainer.
Then the trainer blows the whistle again and
a third dog comes in. That dog screws the other two dogs takes the
bones and runs away. "Wow! What kind of dog is that?"
says the man. "That's a lawyer's dog!"
Well well well... here we are again - the end
of ANOTHER update and I'm spent. Was it as good for you as it was
for me?
God willing I will return again next week with
another huuuuge update that is guaranteed to help you avoid whatever
else it is that you're supposed to be doing! In the mean time it
would be just bloody great if you could all spend every waking moment
telling the world about this amazing site you found called O-R-S-M-DOT-NET!
Until next weekend be good, stay off the chem's
and have a good long weekend! Enjoy. Mr. Orsm. |