2006.02.23-22.56 |
Welcome to Orsmnet. Where
will you be?
Ah yes here we are again. Another
Orsm update! I think I'll start this update the way I start pretty
much all the other ones and delight you [read: bore you] with tales
of the last week or so and my life in general.
I'll begin with last Saturday
because it ended up being quite a highlight. Why you may ask? Because
we finished the carport roof! Okay so maybe in the grand scheme
of things it's just a few pieces of steel screwed together in such
a way that it provides cover but after having actually built it
with my own hands [and assistance of family and friends] there is
the feeling of reward you get upon seeing it finished. I figure
I should lap it up now because at some point I'll forget what went
into it and just see it as my parking spot...
I finished up mid afternoon,
showered and then parked it on the couch for a few hours watching
a DVD... a position I fully intended on maintaining for the duration
of the day but was enticed away by the offer of beer and socialising
with friends for the evening. How could anyone refuse that?
I don't know what it is with
Sundays lately. No matter what I do the previous day I tend to wake
up energised and ready to get moving regardless of having anything
planned or not. Come to think of it I was supposed to do a family
breakfast thing at some restaurant for mother dearest's birthday
but as I practically never eat brekky anyway I decided to flag it
and head for the dog beach instead. Turned out to be a good call
too - perfect weather and eye candy everywhere.
I kind of fudged the rest of
the day. I was supposed to swing past a friends place and say bon
voyage before said friend departed the country for the next couple
of years but managed to get sidetracked with gardening and car washing.
Does that make me a bad person? Maybe... but at least I have a clean
I started this week off in a
non-specific foul mood and spent most of Monday hoping someone within
arms reach would piss me off so I could attack them. Admittedly
this is no easy feat when you live by yourself so I settled for
bottling it deep within...
That nite was dinner to make
up for Sundays breakfast a few of us had missed. Meal was pretty
decent but there is just something that bugs the shit out of me
about restaurants that require you to pay as you go. Want a steak?
Pay now. Beer? Pay now. I didn't get as far as finding out why they
do it but I assume it's somewhere between people doing runners and
others only having to pay for exactly what they ate if there's a
large group. Now that I think about it that's probably exactly why...
The rest of this week has just
been like any other with the exception of the rampant Ben Cousins
coverage in the media. Most of you are probably scratching your
heads wondering who the fuck that is when he's not asleep but long
story short he was the captain of the West Coast Eagles Football
Club who resigned in 'disgrace' this week after fleeing his vehicle
when he realised a Police Booze Bus was ahead. The whole thing has
been the source of countless emails doing the rounds which you can
find here.
This weekend... I don't
have all that much planned except levelling off the sand in the
carport in preparation for the concrete pad and car hunting with
my sister for something that is 'cheap, newish, cheap, reliable,
cheap, a five door, cheap, automatic, economical and cheap'. Should
be easy!
Napster Of Porn - Nancy Hall at FreePorn-Resource.com
has been fighting for a free adult internet since 1999. As featured
on Howard Stern and featured adult resource on the top major search
engines. Surfers should never have to pay for porn ever again if
they use her free
adult comsumer resource.
Don't even think about paying for porn on the
net! What's the matter with you? Why are all you new surfers on
the net running around with your credit cards and paying for porn?
Don't you see that by paying for porn it ruins it for all of us
who get
it for free? Don't you see that the more people give in and
accept paying for porn the less free
porn we will see on the net? FreePornLessons.com
teaches you the in's and out so check it out now!
If you've been reading my site for any period
of time you would notice that each week I plug Newbie
Nudes. This just isn't because they are paying me to do so...
it's because Newbie
Nudes is easily the best site of its kind on the net today.
Hundreds of thousands of pics which are added to daily, tonnes of
vids and the ability to interact with thousands of people that love
to get their gear off and show what they've got... did I mention
it's all free too? Check
it now!
I can think of two reasons why you haven't checked
out Revenge TV
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to ever be surfed. Secondly, because you are a spastic. This is
truly the ultimate revenge site - thousands of vids and pics of
ex's that managed to leave a jilted lover in their wake. How does
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here to see what I mean...
Reid Fucking - Doctor
Boobs - Rate
My Pix! - I Was Bored
- You
Wanna What!? - Polizia
- Freaky
Topless - War
Bears - David
Spade - You
Suck! - Amateur
Gurl - Melons For Sale
- Jiggly
Butt - HardBody
The Eagles have now helped solve
parking problems at Subiaco - park at Applecross and run to the
I hear that Ben Cousins has already chosen his song for the Players
Review this year... "A doo run run run I do run run".
In order to stop Ben Cousins kicking goals, St Kilda will unveil
their new back man in Round 1 - Constable Care.
I hear that Ben Cousins has changed his footy jumper number for
2006, it is now .08.
The AFL are concerned about the smooth running of the tribunal system
this year as it seems Eagles players will take around 5 days before
they face up to their misdemeanours.
The Eagles are not concerned about losing any sponsorship revenue
over the Cousins incident as they are likely to pick up VB as a
new sponsor.
A South African rugby fan, an Australian rugby
fan and a New Zealand fan are all in Saudi Arabia, sharing a smuggled
crate of booze when, all of a sudden, Saudi police rush in and arrest
them. The mere possession of alcohol is a severe offence in Saudi
Arabia, so for the terrible crime of actually being caught consuming
the booze, they are all sentenced to death!
However, after many months and with the help
of very good lawyers, they are able to successfully appeal their
sentences down to life imprisonment.
By a stroke of luck, it was a Saudi national
holiday the day their trial finished and the extremely benevolent
Sheikh decided they could be released after receiving just 20 lashes
each of the whip. As they were preparing for their punishment, the
Sheikh announced: "It's my first wife's birthday today and
she has asked me to allow each of you one wish before your whipping."
The South African fan was first in line, he thought
for a while and then said: "Please tie a pillow to my back."
This was done but the pillow only lasted 10 lashes before the whip
went through. When the punishment was done he had to be carried
away bleeding and crying with pain.
The New Zealander was next up. After watching
the South African in horror he said smugly: "Please fix two
pillows to my back." But even two pillows could only take 15
lashes before the whip went through again and the New Zealander
was soon led away whimpering loudly (as they do).
The Australian was the last one up but before
he could say anything, the Sheikh turned to him and said: "You
are from a most beautiful part of the world and your culture is
one of the finest in the world. For this, you may have two wishes!".
"Thank you, your Most Royal and Merciful
highness", the Australian replied. "In recognition of
your kindness, my first wish is that you give me not 20 but 100
"Not only are you an honourable, handsome
and powerful man, you are also very brave" the Sheikh said
with an admiring look on his face. "If 100 lashes is what you
desire, then so be it. And your second wish, what is it to be?"
the Sheikh asked. "Tie the Kiwi to my back..."
A crusty old Sergeant Major found himself at
a gala event, hosted by a local liberal arts college. There was
no shortage of extremely young, Idealistic ladies in attendance,
one of whom approached the Sergeant Major for conversation. She
said, "Excuse me, Sergeant Major, but you seem to be a very
serious Man. Is something bothering you?" "Negative, ma'am,"
the Sergeant Major said, "Just serious by nature."
The young lady looked at his awards and decorations
and said, "It looks like you have seen a lot of action."
The Sergeant Major's short reply was, "Yes, ma'am, a lot of
The young lady, tiring of trying to start up
a conversation, said, "You Know, you should lighten up a little.
Relax and enjoy yourself." The Sergeant Major just stared at
her in his serious manner.
Finally the young lady said, "You know,
I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but when is the last time
you had sex?" The Sergeant Major looked at her and replied,
"1955." She said, "Well, there you are. You really
need to chill out and quit taking everything so seriously! I mean,
no sex since 1955!"
She took his hand and led him to a private room
where she proceeded to 'relax' him several times. Afterwards, and
panting for breath, she leaned against his bare chest and said,
"Wow, you sure didn't forget much since 1955!"
The Sergeant Major, glancing at his watch, said
in his matter-of-fact voice, "I hope not, it's only 2130 now."
Have you guys checked out MyFreePaysite.com
yet? Its the webs only FREE
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yourself and have
a look!
Reader mail has been brimming with
wonders from the world over this week and it was no easy task to
sort through hundreds, if not thousands of emails in the vein attempt
to whittle them all down to just a handful. It sucks to be me I
Anyway if you would like to contribute
and have your naked pictures, hilarious jokes, funny vids or pretty
much anything else featured on the site then you should feel welcome
to drop me a line here. On with the mail...
Subject: Goodbyes are so sad
I have been with your site for a long
time Oct or Nov of 1999 or 2000 cant remember exactly the
date you have always been something to look forward to for
jokes excitement videos and all things funny loved your
April fools joke BTW a few years back but i must say good
bye for now I don't know when or if I will be able to see
the site again I'm joining the US ARMY and for at least
8 months will be without Internet but it will be all worth
it I will be firing big missiles at little people ill miss
you and your site with all the fun I have had over the years
I will never forget your site.
Subject: toplessbeachhotness
Greetings. Fantastic site. It's the highlight
of my week when you do your updates. Almost makes work enjoyable
- almost! Enough sucking up. The music playing on the toplessbeachhotness
video is "The Spirit of Summer (Dave Warrin Remix)".
Subject: re funny pic 16/2/06
no wonder the fucktard who posted the
abortion debate photo kept his name witheld. what sort of
sick loser thinks a photo, that claims to show dead
foetuses, is funny? i check your update every week mate
and i must say i enjoy whatever sort of stuff you put on
but mate i really thought that pic would have even been
abit too bad taste for you. don't get me wrong but i'm pretty
sure the majority of viewers to your site would prefer not
having to witness disturbing images of foetuses, babies
or kids. that's just wrong. keep the updates coming dude
and please stick to the stuff you're good at. real humour,
porn, cars etc etc
Subject: audi vid
Unless Jeff lives in Pitkävuori,
Jämsä, Finland, where Audi made the two videos,
and has the facts, he don't know squat. 1985, with the
1st Quattro-video in Jyväskylä was made (driver
Harald Demuth, rallychampion), they did use a steel cable
as ensurance. However, celebrating the 20th anniversary
of the Quattro, video
made now was made with 6mm spikes and some sand, but
without any cables. Here
are some stills of making the 2005 version.
Phil Anderer
Subject: torino and footy
I don't understand why the Italian city
the English-speaking world has been calling Turin (after
which the famous shroud of Jesus H. Christ is named) for
ever is suddenly Torino just for the Winter Olympics. Fair
enough, that's what the Eye-ties call it, but does that
mean we're going to be talking about Milano, Roma and Venezia
(where zat?) from now on? I hope Copenhagen doesn't get
the games at any stage, 'cos I know most people are gonna
struggle with the Danish version - Kobenhavn. And another
thing - when talking about the footy codes in Australia,
heaps of dickheads say soccer, rugby and AFL. That last
one stands for Australian Footbal League: it ain't the game,
it's the fucking elite level of the game, which is Australia
Rules Football, so if you feel compelled to use an abbreviation,
try ARF. How many parents say their kids play AFL? Fuck
off!! You never hear anyone say their little son plays NRL
or NBL do you? Course not, it's rugby league and basketball.
As for the Bali Nine... I'll let others crap on about that.
Cop-u-later dude!
<with held>
Subject: Axl Rose's New Look
A Homeless man? A Hip-Hop Rapper? A friendly
Fireman? Nope, it's Axl Rose!
Holy crap! Axl got old...!! -Orsm
<with held>
Subject: Crazy Muslims
Hey orsm, With all the news lately being
about those crazy muslim kids getting a bit testy over some
cartoons, I got to thinking, instead of rioting in the streets
and making cunts of themselves, why don't they publish their
own offensive religious pics? Here's one to get them started!
<with held>
Subject: Paul Allen's Yacht
My friend's Mom lives in the Cayman Islands
and it was rumored the (Microsoft) Paul Allen's Yacht was
anchored off the beach about 100 ft. Note the sail boat,
car, speed boat, and helicopter. For all of you non believers
this picture was taken 5 minutes before I sent this. Love
the site!!!
<with held>
Subject: my ole lady
been checkin' ya site for years. hope
you like. with hold my info
B wrote:
Subject: Read the text FIRST!!!
Hi mr Orsm, Just wanted to say thumbs
up mate you have a great site and keep up the good work!!!
I got an email yesterday with the following attachment,
Looks like some poor bastard lost his camera and the person
who found it has passed it on via email in the hope that
the poor guy gets sent his own photo's. Mind you they are
rather nice. hahaha can you please post them up for all
to see.. It would be a shame for so many people to miss
Subject: Military
It is difficult to comprehend the number
of military aircraft in dead storage until you see these
photographs! Things of interest. 1- The 3rd largest Air
Force in the world is sitting on the ground here. 2- It's
the only unit in the U.S. Air Force that actually makes
a profit.
Anthony Gatt
Subject: Car. Its where all Holden's should end up... minced
Score - Train 1 - Holden VZ SS Police
Pursuit Car Nil. In pursuit of another late model Commodore
suspected of being in a break and enter, Police chased said
Commodore at high speed through a disused rail crossing
only to beach the pursuit car on the tracks. One officer
legged it after the suspects whose car was written off after
landing in a culvit on the other side of the tracks whilst
the remaining officer tried to call the rail control officer
to stop the fast coming coal train he had spotted. To no
avail, the Pacific National coal hauling loco hit the unmanned
Commodore at considerable speed dragging it some distance
down the track. To add insult to injury, the crimes got
away on foot.
Subject: jonbenet dance recital
We've got more... let us know!
Ummm... sure... keep them coming! -Orsm |
Subject: <kein Betreff>
Hello Mr. Orsm, Good work ..blabla...
long time reader ..blabla... Here is a vid of the erotic-event
"amor" in the capital of Switzerland. They said
it is not permitted to take photos and vids so here is a
scene of the special-live-sexshow, it did me cost around
50 bucks, anyway you can do with this what you like to.
enjoy.. kisses
A young man moved into a new apartment on his
own, and went to the lobby to put his name on his mailbox. While
there, an attractive young lady came out of the apartment next to
the mailboxes wearing a robe.
The boy smiled at the young woman and she started
a conversation with him.
As they talked, her robe slipped open, and it
was obvious that she had nothing else on. The poor kid broke into
a sweat trying to maintain eye contact. After a few minutes, she
placed her hand on his arm and said, "Let's go to my apartment,
I hear someone coming."
He followed her into her apartment; she closed
the door and leaned against it, allowing her robe to fall off completely.
Now nude, she purred at him, "What would you say is my best
feature?" Flustered and embarrassed, he finally squeaked, "It's
got to be your ears!"
Astounded, and a little hurt she asked, "My
ears? Look at these breasts; they are full and 100% natural! I work
out every day! My butt is firm and solid! Look at my skin - no blemishes
anywhere! How can you think that the best part of my body is my
Clearing his throat, he stammered, "Outside,
when you said you heard someone coming? That was me."
Sister Mary Katherine lived in a nunnery, a block
away from Jack's liquor store. One day, in walked Sister Mary Katherine
and she said, "Oh Jack, give me a pint o' the brandy."
"Sister Mary Katherine," exclaimed
Jack, "I could never do that! I've never sold alcohol to a
nun in my life!" "Oh Jack," she responded, "it's
only for the Mother Superior."? Her voice dropped. "It
helps her constipation, you know."
So Jack sold her the brandy.
Later that night Jack closed the store and walked
home. As he passed the nunnery, who should he see but Sister Mary
Katherine. And she was snookered. She was singing and dancing, whirling
around and flapping her arms like a bird, right there on the sidewalk.
A crowd was gathering so Jack pushed through
and exclaimed, "Sister Mary Katherine!? For shame!? You told
me this was for the Mother Superior's constipation!" Sister
Mary Katherine didn't miss a beat as she replied: "And so it
is, me lad, so it is. When she sees me, she's going to shit!"
In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a
trade name and generic name. For example, the trade name of Tylenol
also has a generic name of Acetaminophen. Aleve is also called Naproxen.
Amoxil is also called Amoxicillin and Advil is also called Ibuprofen.
The FDA has been looking for a generic name for
Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts,
it recently announced that is has settled on the generic name of
Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin,
Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.
Pfizer Corp. announced today that VIAGRA will
soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi
Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now
be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one.
I've filled this weeks RS with
sweetness and innocence. I mean I don't want to offend or
shock anyone with anything too far out there... or do I...?
I suppose you should check it an see for yourself...
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS |
It was getting a little crowded in Heaven, so
God decided to change the admittance policy. The new law was that
in order to get into Heaven, you had to have a really bad day on
the day that you died. The policy would go into effect at noon the
next day.
So, the next day at 12:01 the first person came
to the gates of Heaven. The Angel at the gate, remembering the new
policy, promptly asked the man, "Before I let you in, I need
you to tell me how your day was going when you died."
"No problem," the man said. "I
came home to my 25th floor apartment on my lunch hour and caught
my wife having an affair. But her lover was nowhere in sight. I
immediately began searching for him. My wife was half naked and
yelling at me as I searched the entire apartment. Just as I was
about to give up, I happened to glance out onto the balcony and
noticed that there was a man hanging off the edge by his fingertips!
The nerve of that guy! Well, I ran out onto the balcony and stomped
on his fingers until he fell to the ground. But wouldn't you know
it, he landed in some trees and bushes that broke his fall and he
didn't die. This ticked me off even more. In a rage, I went back
inside to get the first heavy thing I could get my hands on to throw
at him. Oddly enough, the first thing I thought of was the refrigerator.
I unplugged it, pushed it out onto the balcony, and tipped it over
the side. It plummeted 25 stories and crushed him! The excitement
of the moment was so great that I had a heart attack and died almost
The Angel sat back and thought a moment. Technically,
the guy did have a bad day. It was a crime of passion. So, the Angel
announced, "OK, sir. Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven,"
and let him in.
A few seconds later the next guy came up. To
the Angel's surprise, it was Donald Trump. "Mr. Trump, before
I can let you in, I need to hear about what your day was like when
you died." Trump said, "No problem. But you're not going
to believe this. I was on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment
doing my daily exercises. I had been under a lot of pressure so
I was really pushing hard to relieve my stress. I guess I got a
little carried away, slipped, and accidentally fell over the side!
Luckily, I was able to catch myself by the fingertips on the balcony
below mine but all of a sudden this crazy man comes running out
of his apartment, starts cussing, and stomps on my fingers. Well,
of course I fell. I hit some trees and bushes at the bottom, which
broke my fall, so I didn't die right away. As I'm laying there face
up on the ground, unable to move and in excruciating pain, I see
this guy push his refrigerator of all things off the balcony. It
falls the 25 floors and lands on top of me, killing me instantly."
The Angel is quietly laughing to himself as Trump
finishes his story. "I could get used to this new policy,"
he thinks to himself. "Very well," the Angel announces.
"Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven," and he lets Trump
A few seconds later, Bill Clinton comes up to
the gate. The Angel is almost too shocked to speak. Thoughts of
assassination and war pour through the Angel's head. Finally he
says, "Mr. President, please tell me what it was like the day
you died."
Clinton says, "OK, picture this. I'm naked,
inside a refrigerator..."
A man and a woman who had never met before, but
were both married to other people, found themselves assigned to
the same sleeping room on a transcontinental train.
Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over
sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly...
he in the upper bunk and she in the lower.
At 1:00 AM, the man leaned over and gently woke
the woman saying, "Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but would
you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket?
I'm awfully cold."
"I have a better idea," she replied.
"Just for tonight, let's pretend that we're married."
"Wow! That's a great idea!" he exclaimed. "Good!"
she replied. "Get your own fucking blanket!"
After a moment of silence, he farted.
You know what? I'm DONE! Yes
that's a wrap for another week and at this point I can tell you
with some honesty that I am thankful for this. It's been another
killer Thursday and I am in dire need of some serious sleep before
my eyes pop out of my head.
Will I return next week? Well
with next weekend being a public holiday long weekend the thought
may have crossed my mind a few times to shit-can the update and
enjoy a four day break... which would also mean I could slack off
in a very big way from now until the Tuesday after. Of course it
then occurred to me I wouldn't be able to stay off the computer
for that long anyway so to answer the question - yes I will return
next week! In the mean time if you can all do me a show me some
love and spread the word about O-R-S-M-DOT-NET
then I will be forever grateful!
Until next time be good, stay
off the chem's and remember to buy your mum a birthday present before
she cracks the shits with you! Enjoy. Mr. Orsm. |
2006.02.16-23.18 |
Welcome to Orsmnet. You can do it!
I'm happy to report that I have had a slightly
more sedate week which makes a nice change from practically every
other one this year until now. It's not as if I haven't been working
away like a good little boy but I did go as far as to take some
time here and there to chill out. Let me tell you about it...
Last weekend... you will probably recall me dribbling
on as usual about my long-running/never-ending carport project with
the next stage being "the structure". Pretty straight forward in
design - some legs, some beams, and some tin sheets for the roof.
Of course with most of the 'simple' projects I have undertaken around
here no matter how straight forward something looks it rarely is...
Saturday was the big day. Up out of bed at 7am
[far too early for any normal person] and ready to begin by 8am.
As soon as I stepped outside I knew it was going to be a killer
day. It was already warm and heating up quickly. My first job was
to move all the steel in from out the front which got a sweat going
nice and early. Not long after that the old man arrived ready to
begin what we'll call supervising...
Now keep in mind that dad is a builder by trade
and I'm an ex-cabinetmaker so as you would expect we have both have
plenty of experience constructing things. It would also be reasonable
to expect that he has his way and I mine.
Now combine these things with a stinking hot
day, some pre-existing injures, a lack of patience and family that
likes to get their point across and what you end up with is the
nearly constant use of the word 'fuck'. If I had to guess then I'd
say at a very minimum the expletive or variations and combinations
thereof was used at least 347 times... and that was just before
Thankfully throughout the morning we were joined
by my brother and best mate because there's a good chance someone
would have been attacked with a four inch angle grinder in retaliation
for telling me "you're doing it wrong" or "stop stuffing around
and get a move on". It was also far easier with the extra man power
because the day just got hotter and hotter but come 3pm we had all
had more than enough for the day.
How far did we get? The posts are in the ground
and cemented in place, all the beams are joined and screwed and
it sits perfectly plumb, level and square so I can quite proudly
say that we have a structure.
The rest of the weekend wasn't too bad at all.
I'm not sure how I managed it because I was thrashed, tired and
sore from the day's events but we spent Saturday nite at our favourite
nite spot in the city doing our best not to get too drunk. I can't
remember exactly when my last proper boozy nite was but we had an
awesome time and it was a big reminder to do it more often while
the weather is still good.
I was convinced Sunday was going to be a lazy
day but I woke up feeling so energised and ready to do something
it almost felt like a shame to waste it. The compromise was to get
the house clean for the first time in ages and bathe my sunburnt
skin in artificially cooled air.
Mixed in with that was the Cricket. How many
Aussies out there tuned in for the first few over's and didn't say
or at least think to themselves that we were toast? I know I did
and I was stoked to see Ricky Ponting and Andrew Symonds come out
and turn it all around. absolutely some of the best Cricket I have
ever seen.
This Saturday is most likely going to be a repeat
of the last whilst we attempt to finish the roof section. Four separate
[pointless] discussions plus several threats of a violent attack
following last weekend should ensure that everyone stays a little
more relaxed and 'in line'. If not there's a good chance my next
update will be coming to you guys from jail...
Don't even think about paying for porn on the
net! What's the matter with you? Why are all you new surfers on
the net running around with your credit cards and paying for porn?
Don't you see that by paying for porn it ruins it for all of us
who get
it for free? Don't you see that the more people give in and
accept paying for porn the less free
porn we will see on the net? FreePornLessons.com
teaches you the in's and out so check it out now!
Napster Of Porn - Nancy Hall at FreePorn-Resource.com
has been fighting for a free adult internet since 1999. As featured
on Howard Stern and featured adult resource on the top major search
engines. Surfers should never have to pay for porn ever again if
they use her free
adult comsumer resource.
If you've been reading my site for any period
of time you would notice that each week I plug Newbie
Nudes. This just isn't because they are paying me to do so...
it's because Newbie
Nudes is easily the best site of its kind on the net today.
Hundreds of thousands of pics which are added to daily, tonnes of
vids and the ability to interact with thousands of people that love
to get their gear off and show what they've got... did I mention
it's all free too? Check
it now!
I can think of two reasons why you haven't checked
out Revenge TV
yet. First up it's because you are new to the net and haven't heard
about what will long be remembered as one of the greatest sites
to ever be surfed. Secondly, because you are a spastic. This is
truly the ultimate revenge site - thousands of vids and pics of
ex's that managed to leave a jilted lover in their wake. How does
that jilted lover get his own back? Revenge
TV is how! Click
here to see what I mean...
Lingerie Bowl - Girls
Cumming - Angry
Man -
My Pix! - Hoff 5
- Hairy Pits - Meatball
Asses - Tripin'
Suvari Naked - Boy
Or Girl? - Nip
Slip - More
Lingerie Bowl - Oiled
Up - Foamy
- Nasty News
- Tasty
Highway patrol pulls over a Workcover
Inspector for doing 68 in a 60 zone. Workcover Inspector says nothing
and cops it sweet. Policeman finishes writing ticket and proceeds
back to his car. Workcover Inspector in the mean time, gets digital
camera out of bag, photographs the cop and proceeds to the police
car where he issues the Policeman with an $800.00 fine for not wearing
his high visibility vest when leaving his vehicle in a high traffic
While in China, a man is very sexually promiscuous
and does not use a condom all the time. A week after arriving back
home in the States, he wakes one morning to find his penis covered
with bright green and purple spots.
Horrified, he immediately goes to see a doctor.
The doctor, never having seen anything like this before, orders
some tests and tells the man to return in two days for the results.
The man returns a couple of days later and the
doctor says: "I've got bad news for you - you've contracted
Mongolian VD. It's very rare and almost unheard of here. We know
very little about it."
The man looks a little perplexed and says: "Well,
give me a shot or something and fix me up, Doc." The doctor
answers: "I'm sorry, there's no known cure. We're going to
have to amputate your penis." The man screams in horror, "Absolutely
not! I want a second opinion!!" The doctor replies: "Well,
it's your choice. Go ahead if you want but surgery is your only
The next day, the man seeks out a Chinese doctor,
figuring that he'll know more about the disease. The Chinese doctor
examines his penis and proclaims: "Ah, yes, Mongorian VD. Vely
lare disease."
The guy says to the doctor: "Yeah, yeah,
I already know that, but what can we do? My American doctor wants
to operate and amputate my penis!" The Chinese doctor shakes
his head and laughs: "Stupid Amelican docta, always want to
opelate. Make more money that way. No need to opelate!"
"Oh, thank God!" the man replies. "Yes," says
the Chinese doctor, "You no worry!... Wait two weeks... Faw off
by itself! You save money!"
After capture and posting bond, two young men
are released from jail for 30 days pending their trial for possession
of drugs. When their trial date finally arrived, they found themselves
standing before the Judge facing 5 long years in prison.
The Judge, looking down at the two young men
from his bench, was attempting to be empathetic with their case.
He asks the first young man, "If you can tell me anything you
have done, that has helped people in any way, while out on bond
for the last 30 days, I will be lenient on your jail time".
He replies, "Thank you sir. In the last 30 days
I've gotten 16 people off drugs and this is how I did it."
He begins by asking for a pen and paper, and
draws a very small circle. While pointing to the circle, he starts
by saying, "I simply explained to the kids, that the small
circle represented their brain on drugs. Then I drew a large circle
and told them that this was their brain if they stayed off of drugs.
Realising that they would be able to use more of their brain capacity
without drugs, they all decided to quit using drugs. And that's
how I did it your Honor.
The Judge after listening to the young man, felt
he made good sense, and only sentenced him to 30 days in county
Then the second young man was ordered to step
up to the bench. The Judge them asks him the same question. He also
begins by drawing two circles on a piece of paper, one large and
one small.
"Judge", he says, "I got 80 people off drugs
and here's how I did it". As he points to the smaller of the two
circles, he says, "This is your ass BEFORE you go to prison..."
This should make a few of you happy...
Chopper is back! By far one of the most popular things I have
ever run on the site and to answer the question I get almost
daily - Chopper is a character from The
Ronnie Johns Half Hour on the Ten Network in Australia.
The Good news? The crew from the RJHH returns with an all
new series starting this Sunday nite! Anyway here's the latest
from Chop Chop. Check it...
- Chopper
Does The Sports Report - |
Three tortoises, Russell, Steve and Dave, decide
to go on a picnic. So Dave packs the picnic basket with beer and
sandwiches. The trouble is the picnic site is ten miles away so
it takes them ten days to get there.
When they get there Dave unpacks the food and
beer. "OK Russ give me the bottle opener."
"I didn't bring it," says Russ. "I thought you packed
it." Dave gets worried, He turns to Steve, "Did you bring
the bottle opener?"
Naturally Steve didn't bring it. So they're stuck
ten miles from home without a bottle opener. Dave and Steve beg
Russ to go back for it. But he refuses as he says they will eat
all the sandwiches. After two hours, and after they have sworn on
their tortoise lives that they will not eat the sandwiches, he finally
So Russ sets off down the road at a steady pace.
Twenty days pass and he still isn't back and Dave and Steve are
starving, but a promise is a promise.
Another five days and he still isn't back, but
a promise is a promise. Finally they can't take it any longer so
they take out a sandwich each and just as they are about to eat
it, Russell pops up from behind a rock and shouts:
"I KNEW IT!!..... YOU BASTARDS!!..... I'M
Have you guys checked out MyFreePaysite.com
yet? Its the webs only FREE
adult megasite where you can see the hundreds of nude
webcam girls, stream thousands of DVD-quality full-length adult
movies, and even download
all the celebrity videos all for free. And all you need is an
email address to join! Shit, theyll even let you signup with a free
hotmail account! You will not believe this, just go over there for
yourself and have
a look!
Mail mail mail... so much mail. I
must be a sucker for punishment because each week I beg and plead
for you guys to bombard my inbox with
absolutely anything you like [and you do] but the result is me spending
almost an entire day sorting through it all. So lately I've been
trying to cut back a bit and aim for quality over quantity which
has made the task that much more harder. This been the case I put
the challenge out to all you guys to send in your very best! I don't
care what it is - a story, a joke, an opinion, a video, pics...
anything! All you gotta do is click here
and let the magic happen...
Marcus Percy
Subject: Clones
Hi, I was reading your blog about cloning
yourself and getting them to do all the stuff you don't
like doing and you going down south to fish and sink piss.
I noticed a fatal flaw in your plan. Because each one of
these clones will be an exact replica of yourself, they
also will want to go down south and leave everything behind.
And besides Clones all end up looking like Temuera Morrison,
which unless you also look like him well tend to give the
game away when he turns up at your family members houses.
Sorry to spoil your fun, but life is tough at the top!
Some valid points. I will have
to re-think this... -Orsm
<with held>
Subject: Quick compliment.
Hey mate awesome site, I have been visiting
for years. Just wanted to say I love how you put up the
negative comments sent to you aswell as the positive feedback.
Some are hell funny morons (majority), but I also like how
you post the intellectual rebuttals as well. Much respect
for an open dirty uncensoring mind! Hope you keep this going
for many more years to come.
Subject: Gays (In general)
Hi there Mr Orsm, I check out
your site weekly, and always find it amusing and informative.
Ok, enough of the ass kissing. I just wanted to make a comment
about why I think that fagg movie "Brokeback Mountain"
has received as much publicity as it has. From all accounts,
the movie is mediocre, and doesn't make any social statement
which appeals to the general population. Unless of course
you happen to be gay! As I see it, it is not enough for
the Gay's to have 'recognition' of their sexuality. They
also needed 'equality'. When was the last time 'heterosexuality'
was celebrated with an all night street parade and party??
Now they have recognition, and equality, they now want power.
We're already seeing outed polititians taking the stand
for Gay rights etc. FFS! When will we wake up as a society,
and put these people where they belong, back in the closet
with the rest of the awkward minorities. Thanks.
Rene Lopez
Subject: Brokeback mountain???
Not that there's anything wrong with
it..... but What are we getting into? Now we have a gay
cowboy movie, what next? gay police movies( I know there
has been some but not the leading guys) I remember when
I was a child I used to love heroes in movies cowboys and
firefighters etc, but i did not want to kiss them! Aghhh!
Not Homophobic just doesn't feel right. Now a cowgir lesbianl
movie I would dig. depending on leading ladies I would provably
agree for it to be nominated for Oscars(Not the winnies)
Subject: toplessbeachhotness
Hi Mr Orsm. In the file toplessbeachhotness
there is a song playing in the back ground. Do you have
any idea what it is. Not sure if you me the clip or not
but its great. Keep up the good work.
Have been wondering what the name
of this track is myself. Anyone know? -Orsm
Subject: Dannii Minogue Lesbian Lapdance Video Pictures
Hey, This is gonna be a big story. Apparently,
Dannii Minogue, sister of Kylie Minogue, had a very raunchy
full-contact lapdance at a London night club. THe pictures
in this post show the stripper
going down on Dannii, and more. Gotta love it!
<with held>
Subject: My Time to Contribute
I've been checking out the site for the
last half decade almost and finally I stumbled across something
worthy to send you. To all you idiots who think your cell
phone is a safe place to store hot pictures *Thanks*. Orsm
you rock for an Aussie, the only site I will check on a
weekly basis without fail!!!
<with held>
Subject: funny pic
Hi Mr Orsm, I love your site mate, always
catch every update, not sure if you saw the senate in Australia
voted this week to allow abortions to be carried out with
just a pill. I'm not big on politics, but I thought this
pic was funny considering the bill was sponsored by Lyn
Patrick Seifer
Subject: Can you scare a polar bear?
Shot from the USS HONOLULU (Los Angeles-class
fast attack submarine) at the Arctic Circle, 280 miles from
the North Pole--is there anything that scares a polar bear?
<with held>
Subject: Pics from a ski holiday
Hello ORSM. Long time reader and fan
from Antwerp Belgium. Last december, my mate Jan and I went
skiing at Val Thorens, France, which is the highest skistation
in Europe. We took these pictures of university students
from Birmingham, Britain. The guy should have kept his clothes
on, pencil dickie!
Subject: The Xmas Mu Mu In PNG
This is how they prepared the pork for
the Mu Mu, which is what they do when they have a party.
The pig cost Parker about $600-$700!! Just so you know a
couple of the pictures are a bit inhumane.
<with held>
Subject: Hope this makes it on your next update
Hello Mr. Orsm, Good work with your site
i'm a long time reader. This time I don't have a video of
a hot ex girlfriend giving the perfect blowjob, rather an
obese bisexual slut that doesn't hesitate to have her explict
videos and pictures floating around the internet.. So I
thought i would take the liberty of sending this to you
and sharing it with the world.
Subject: Another eBay pearler.
Here mate, thought you may be able to
use this on your site. The description of his wildebeast
wife is gold! Cheers
Absolute classic. -Orsm
mitsoyo moz
Subject: a video for Priceless Vid section
Here is a vid of an ex-girlfriend. She
is a well-known fitness competitor.
Known inside and out it would seem... -Orsm |
A couple attending an art exhibition at the National
art gallery were staring at a portrait that had them totally confused.
The painting depicted three black men sitting totally naked on a
park bench. Two of the black men had black penises, but the one
sitting in the middle had a pink penis.
The curator of the gallery realised that the
confused couple where having trouble interpreting the painting and
offered his assessment. He went on and on for nearly half an hour
explaining how it depicted the sexual emasculation of black African
Americans in a predominately white patriotical society. "In fact"
he pointed out, "some serious critics believe the pink penis reflects
the cultural and social oppression expressed by gay men in a contemporary
After the curator had left, a Scotsmen approached
the couple and said to the couple "Would you like to know what that
painting is really about?" The couple said "How would you claim
to know more about the painting than the curator of The Gallery."
"Because I'm the guy who painted it!" he replied "in fact, there
is no African American representation at all. They're just three
Scottish coal miners and the guy in the middle went home for lunch!"
A young lady, goes to her local
pet store in search of an exotic pet. As she looks about the tore,
she notices a box full of live frogs. The sign says: "Sex Frogs!
Only $20 each! Money Back Guarantee! Comes with complete instructions."
The girl excitedly looks around to see if anybody's
watching her. She whispers softly to the man behind the counter,
"I'll take one." The man packages the frog and says, "Just
follow the instructions." The girl nods, grabs the box, and
is quickly on her way home.
As soon as she closes the door to her apartment,
she pulls out the instructions and reads them very carefully. She
does exactly what is specified:
"Take a shower. Splash on some nice perfume.
Slip into a very sexy nightie. Crawl into bed and place the frog
down beside you and allow the frog to follow its training."
She then quickly gets into bed with the frog
and, to her surprise, nothing happens! The girl is very disappointed
and quite upset at this point. She re-reads the instructions and
notices at the bottom of the paper it says "If you have any problems
or questions, please call the pet store." So, the lady calls the
pet store. The man says, "I'll be right over."
Within minutes, the man is ringing her doorbell.
The lady welcomes him in and says, "See, I've done everything
according to the instructions. The damn thing just sits there."
The man, looking very concerned, picks up the
frog, stares directly into its eyes and sternly says: "Listen to
me you little bastard! I'm only going to show you how to do this
one more time...."
I went to great lengths to
make sure this weeks RS was an extremely varied bunch. There
is something for practically everyone... and i mean that!
Check it...
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS
- RS |
A man's car broke down as he was driving past
a beautiful old monastery. He walked up the drive and knocked on
the front door. A monk answered, listened to the man's story and
graciously invited him to spend the night. The monks fed the man
and led him to a tiny chamber in which to sleep. The man thanked
the monks and slept serenely until he was awakened by a strange
and beautiful sound.
The next morning, as the monks were repairing
his car, he asked about the sound that had woken him. "We're
sorry," the monks said, "We can't tell you about the sound.
You're not a monk."
The man was disappointed, but eager to be gone,
so he thanked the monks for their kindness and went on his way.
During quiet moments afterward, the man pondered the source of the
alluring sound.
Several years later the man happened to be driving
in the same area. He stopped at the monastery on a whim and asked
admittance. He explained to the monks that he had so enjoyed his
previous stay, he wondered if he might be permitted to spend another
night under their peaceful roof. The monks agreed, and so the man
stayed with them again.
Late that night, he heard the strange beautiful
sound. The following morning he begged the monks to explain the
sound. The monks gave him the same answer as before. "We're
sorry. We can't tell you about the sound. You're not a monk."
By now the man's curiosity had turned to obsession.
He decided to give up everything and become a monk, for that was
the only way he could learn about the sound. He informed the monks
of his decision and began the long and arduous task of becoming
a monk.
Seventeen years later, the man was finally established
as a true member of the order. When the celebration ended, he humbly
went to the leader of the order and asked to be told the source
of the sound.
Silently, the old monk led the new monk to a
huge wooden door. He opened the door with a golden key. That door
swung open to reveal a second door of silver, then a third of gold
and so on until they had passed through twelve doors, each more
magnificent than the last.
The new monk's face was awash with tears of joy
as he finally beheld the wondrous source of the beautiful mysterious
sound he had heard so many years before...
But, I can't tell you what it was. You're not
a monk!
A dedicated Union worker was attending a convention
in Kalgoorlie and decided to check out the local brothels. When
he got to the first one, he asked the madam, "Is this a union
house?" "No," she replied, "I'm sorry it isn't."
"Well, if I pay you $100, what cut do the girls get?"
"The house gets $80, and the girls get $20," she answered.
Mightily offended at such unfair dealings, the union man stomped
off down the street in search of a more equitable, hopefully unionised
shop. His search continued until finally he reached a brothel where
the Madam responded, "Why, yes sir, this is a union house.
We observe all the union rules."
The man asked, "And if I pay you $100, what cut do the girls
get?" The girls get $80, and the house gets $20." "That's
more like it!" the union man said He handed the Madam $100.00,
looked around the room and pointed to a stunningly attractive blonde.
"I'd like her," he said.
"I'm sure you would, sir," said the Madam. Then she gestured
to a 92-year old woman in the corner, "but Ethel here has 67
years seniority and she's next."
Ladies and gentlemen it is time to bid you farewell
for another week. With some luck I have managed to drag you away
from whatever else it is that you're supposed to be doing and provided
you with the finest entertainment known to man.
I shall return again in seven days with more
blogging on my adventures, humour, video and maybe even a pinch
of naked women for your enjoyment. Until then please retun the favour
by telling the world about this kick ass website you found called
Until next time be good, stay off the chems and
don't disappoint the ones you love. Enjoy. Mr. Orsm. |
2006.02.09-23.07 |
Welcome to Orsmnet. I'd like to start this update
with a personal message for Natalie Portman: Please stop calling
me! Its over!
It's been another one of those hectic 'blink
and you miss it' weeks around here and I've been thinking if ever
there was a right time for someone to crank out a couple of clones
of myself now would be the ideal time. I imagine life would then
be perfect... Clone #1 could spend his days chained to the computer
without any worry of criticism from family members when he doesn't
make it around to their houses to complete whatever chore is expected
[read: demanded] of him. Clone #2 would be the guy that does all
those chores loved ones so readily, yet selfishly expect as well
as answer the phone, take care of the laundry, general house keeping
and all that kind of crap don't wanna do.
As for me... I think I would head down south...
way down south... preferably somewhere isolated and far enough away
that any trip back home would be too much of an effort to make regularly.
I could spend my days fishing and drinking, enjoying the silence
and developing my eccentricity traits. Beyond that if we could possibly
designate one of the clones to somehow take care of toilet visits
for all three of us then that would be pretty cool too.
Anyway back to reality. As I was saying before
I got carried away in fantasy land - my week has been far too busy.
I spent my Friday doing the usual run around and catch up on a million
different errands and that nite in front of the computer working
Saturday started exactly the same - back on the
computer tinkering with the site for a couple of hours before realising
if I don't get out of the house now I will regret it. The decision
was soon made to head out for a shoot. I think the thing I have
most come to love about shooting is the release you get after unloading
a clip 'movie style'. You know... just rampantly firing in rapid
succession without any regard to nailing the bulls-eye or even targets
for that matter. Good fun. Two hours, two hundred rounds and twenty
shotgun shells later we were all done.
The rest of my day and nite were spent between
[I hate to admit this] staring deep into my computer screen again
and watching ads on TV with some Back To The Future II mixed in
for good measure. Sunday was a marginally better. The weather was
close to perfect so I did the standard bundle the dog in the car
and head for the dog beach. Turned out to be a good call too because
the place was pumping with a million dogs and more bikini-clad hot
chicks than one man can check out. The rest of the weekend... I'll
leave you guys to figure that out for yourselves suffice to say
it involved my computer, my internet connection and my website...
I can honestly say I'm looking forward to this
weekend. I've got the boys headed over Saturday morning to help
me build the carport roof. The roof is the next [and second last]
stage of this behemoth undertaking I have sucked myself into. With
a bit of luck everything will go smoothly and it will be completely
finished before the weekend is out.
In reality, and based on how my previous endeavours
have panned out, I think it's safe to say we have no chance. At
very least we'll have ample opportunity to talk shit and criticise
each other for not knowing how something goes together or lacking
the necessary skills to use certain tools. And when it's me on the
receiving end I can always pull out the “well at least I'm
not gay like you"... works every time.
Saturday nite is penned in as 'serious drinking
time' and I'm so going to make the most of it. I figured out that
since embarking on my drinking in moderation vow back in August
or whenever it was I actually haven't been hammered drunk. Funny
thing is that I completely forgot about the vow - I just for whatever
reason never got around to it. If you ask me five or six months
is far too long for any normal person to go without such pleasures
so I intend on making up for five months of sobriety all in the
one evening.
Napster Of Porn - Nancy Hall at FreePorn-Resource.com
has been fighting for a free adult internet since 1999. As featured
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engines. Surfers should never have to pay for porn ever again if
they use her free
adult comsumer resource.
Don't even think about paying for porn on the
net! What's the matter with you? Why are all you new surfers on
the net running around with your credit cards and paying for porn?
Don't you see that by paying for porn it ruins it for all of us
who get
it for free? Don't you see that the more people give in and
accept paying for porn the less free
porn we will see on the net? FreePornLessons.com
teaches you the in's and out so check it out now!
If you've been reading my site for any period
of time you would notice that each week I plug Newbie
Nudes. This just isn't because they are paying me to do so...
it's because Newbie
Nudes is easily the best site of its kind on the net today.
Hundreds of thousands of pics which are added to daily, tonnes of
vids and the ability to interact with thousands of people that love
to get their gear off and show what they've got... did I mention
it's all free too? Check
it now!
I can think of two reasons why you haven't checked
out Revenge TV
yet. First up it's because you are new to the net and haven't heard
about what will long be remembered as one of the greatest sites
to ever be surfed. Secondly, because you are a spastic. This is
truly the ultimate revenge site - thousands of vids and pics of
ex's that managed to leave a jilted lover in their wake. How does
that jilted lover get his own back? Revenge
TV is how! Click
here to see what I mean...
Tyler Naked - Jessica
Alba Hotness - I
Want One! - Jet
Black Mullet - Snake
Vs Pig - Best
Rack? - Hummer Limo
Bassinger Fucking - Choppy
- Got
Milk? - Face
Ball - What
The? - Rate
My Pix! - Smokin'
Chuck Fullmer, 38, yesterday became
the first American to get to grips with the concept of sarcasm.
"It was weird" Fullmer said. "I was in London and
like, talking to this guy and it was raining and he pulled a face
and said, "Great weather eh?" and I thought - "Wait
a minute, no way is it great weather". Fullmer then realised
that the other man's 'mistake' was in fact deliberate. Fullmer,
who is 39 next month and married with two children, aged 8 and 3,
plans to use sarcasm himself in future. "I'm, like, using it
all the time" he said. "Last weekend I was grilling steaks
and I burned them and I said "Hey, great weather."
A first-grade teacher, Ms. Brooks, was having
trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, "Harry, what's
your problem?" Harry answered, "I'm too smart for the 1st grade.
My sister is in the 3rd grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think
I should be in the 3rd grade too!" Ms. Brooks had had enough so
she took Harry to the principal's office.
While Harry waited in the outer office, the
teacher explained to the principal what the situation was. The principal
told Ms. Brooks he would give the boy a test. If he failed to answer
any of his questions he was to go back to the 1st grade and behave.
She agreed. Harry was brought in and the conditions were explained
to him and he agreed to take the test.
Principal: "What is 3 x 3 ?" Harry:
"9" Principal: "What is 6 x 6?" Harry: "36".
And so it went with every question the principal
thought a 3rd grader should know. The principal looks at Ms. Brooks
and tells her, "I think Harry can go to the 3rd grade."
Ms. Brooks says to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions."
The principal and Harry both agreed.
Ms. Brooks asks, "What does a cow have four of
that I have only two of?" Harry, after a moment: "Legs." Ms. Brooks:
"What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?" The principal
wondered, why would she ask such a question! Harry replied: "Pockets!"
Ms. Brooks: "What does a dog do that a man steps
into?" Harry: "Pants". Ms. Brooks: What's starts with a C and ends
with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin, whitish liquid?"
Harry: "Coconut."
The principal sat forward with his mouth hanging
open. Ms. Brooks: "What goes in hard and pink then comes out
soft and sticky?" The principal's eyes opened really wide and
before he could stop the answer. Harry: "Bubble gum"
Ms. Brooks: "What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting
down and a dog does on three legs?" Harry: "Shake hands."
The principal was trembling.
Ms. Brooks: "What word starts with an 'F'
and ends in 'UCK' that means a lot of heat and excitement?"
Harry: "Fire Truck".
The principal breathed a sigh of relief and told
the teacher, "Put Harry in the fifth-grade, I got the last
seven questions wrong.
The phone rings and the lady of the house answers,
"Hello". "Mrs. Ward, please." "Speaking."
"Mrs. Ward, this is Doctor Jones at the Medical Testing Laboratory.
When your doctor sent your husband's biopsy to the lab yesterday,
a biopsy from another Mr. Ward arrived as well, and we are now uncertain
which one is your husband's. Frankly the results are either bad
or terrible."
"What do you mean?" Mrs. Ward asks
nervously. "Well, one of the specimens tested positive for
Alzheimer's and the other one tested positive for AIDS. We can't
tell which is your husband's."
"That's dreadful! Can't you do the test
again?" questioned Mrs. Ward. "Normally we can, but Medicare
will only pay for these expensive tests one time."
"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"
"The people at Medicare recommend that you drop your husband
off somewhere in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't
sleep with him."
Have you guys checked out MyFreePaysite.com
yet? Its the webs only FREE
adult megasite where you can see the hundreds of nude
webcam girls, stream thousands of DVD-quality full-length adult
movies, and even download
all the celebrity videos all for free. And all you need is an
email address to join! Shit, theyll even let you signup with a free
hotmail account! You will not believe this, just go over there for
yourself and have
a look!
Ah Reader Mail... this is where you
guys get to have your say about whatever the hell you like and bombard
my inbox with countless emails from around the world. Not that I
have a problem with this – quite the opposite. If you guys
didn't pleasure me constantly with cool pictures, fucked up
vids and hilarious jokes I would have nothing to do all day. So
If you'd like to be one of the lucky ones who actually does
titillate and excite me then all you gotta do is click
here to make the magic happen!
Subject: Gay Cowboy
I'm also sick of hearing "Gay Cowboy"
this and that when the media is talking about Brokeback
Mountain. It's actually sad that it's been pinned with this
lame label. The reason it's in the media so much is because
it's a great love story, bottom line. I challenge you, Mr.
Orsm, to see the movie and still have anything negative
to say about it. Don't worry, no one will think you're gay
if you see it. More straight people have seen it than gays.
You know why? Because it doesn't matter what your sexuality
is. It's a good movie. Open your mind a little bit.
Subject: Gay Cowboys and South Park
Man, all I can think about with the cowboy
movie is the South Park episode, in which the independent
film festival moves to South Park, and Cartman calls independent
films "about a bunch of gay cowboys eating pudding."
NO, I haven't seen it Brokeback, nor do I have any desire
to. I'm not homophobic or anything like that; the movie
just looks lame. The only reason it's making waves is because
it doesn't fit the traditional "Hollywood" mold.
Subject: tiananmen search
Open these two google pages together and
compare. The first
is the standard google search for "Tiananmen". The
is if you search the same word in China. Not a trick. Censorship. |
Subject: Insane Bass
hey orsm, if you thought that the clip
little bit of bass" was cool, you have to check
video out! i hope you post it up on your site.
Subject: Sharon Stone Nude Video from Basic Instinct 2
Hey there, So, I think you're really going
to like this one. Check out Sharon
Stone nude, kissing another woman, and getting altogether
freaky in this uncensored video from Basic Instinct 2. Also
I think these
pictures definitely meet the exposed nipple requirement.
But I must say, Elle's looking really good for a woman of,
well, however old she is. |
Subject: ferrari
Could work on the site mate, keeps me
busy alot of my day at work. here are some picks that i
saw last tuesday 31st january on Mounts Bay Road out the
front of the bus station. This bloke ran up the arse of
a honda crv (that was hardley damaged becaues of its high
arse end) in his very nice ferrari 612 Scaglietti. i looked
on the ferrari site and its a nasty V12. on redbook.com
its worth $582,000, hate to think what just a bonnet is
worth let alone any other damage. keep up the good work
Mr Orsm.
Subject: Yahoo.com Screws Up Super Bowl Coverage
Nice job Yahoo. Unless you live under
a rock, or are blind deaf and dumb, you'd know who's playing
the Super Bowl. It's hard to avoid it when it's been all
over the media for weeks.
Subject: scotty
Mr Orsm, Just while we are on the subject
of gay cowboys, I thought I'd send in this photo of my mate
scott doing his best impersonation of a poofter pirate.
There appears to be some sort of bird on his shoulder and
he likes it. Anyway heres to scotts coming out, if you think
its worthy.
Subject: Stupid Muslims
I got hold of the pics from the Danish
paper which is making the muslims acting pathetic again,
but I guess they didnt see some really good ones. Put them
on your site, personally, the ones in the danish paper were
lame by comparison.
I don't see what the big deal
is!? -Orsm
Subject: Doing my part to control the moose population.
Hey Orsm, Great site, I'm a long time
fan. I hit a moose with my car this past October going about
100km/h. The results are obvious. I'm from Newfoundland,
Canada. Our highways can be vicious. Check it out.
Poor moosey. -Orsm
Subject: Cartoons
G'Day, Thought these Poofter Cowboy
cartoons might give you a laugh! Thanks for a GREAT site.
Subject: second house
Think you might find this another worthy
entry. Feel free to list the credit to John
Fitzgerald Photography, a very good friend of mine.
I hope these guys aren't for real...!!
<with held>
Subject: cool song
hey hey mr Orsm here is a song i found
apparently it is made by the british national party to try
and screw tony blair a bit, thought u might like it considering
all the riots you been havin it's about 4 mins long but
hey just enjoy...........then go kick an immigrants ass.
Subject: beretta
Just how good is this bloke??? Great
site keep up the good work mate. Cheers.
Thought I was watching a video
of myself for a minute there... -Orsm
The wife comes home early & finds her husband
in their master bedroom making love to a beautiful, sexy young lady!
"You unfaithful, disrespectful pig! What are you doing? How
dare you do this to me the faithful wife, the mother of your children!
I'm leaving this house, I want a divorce!"
The husband, replies "Wait, Wait a minute!
Before you leave, at least listen to what happened" "Hummmmm,
I don't know, well it'll be the last thing I will hear from you.
But make it fast, you unfaithful pig you"
The husband begins to tell his story. "While
driving home this young lady asks for a ride. I saw her so defenseless
that I went ahead and allowed her in my car. I noticed that she
was very thin, not well dressed and very dirty. She mentioned that
she had not eaten for 3 days. With great compassion and hurt, I
brought her home and warmed up the enchiladas that I made for you
last night that you wouldn't eat because you're afraid you'll gain
weight; the poor thing, practically devours them. Since she was
very dirty I asked her to take a shower.
While she was showering, I noticed her clothes
were dirty and full of holes so I threw her clothes away. Since
she needed clothes, I gave her the pair of jeans that you have had
for a few years that you can no longer wear because they are too
tight on you, I also gave her the blouse that I gave you on our
anniversary and you don't wear because I don't have good taste.
I gave her the pullover that my sister gave you
for Christmas that you will not wear just to bother my sister and
I also gave her the boots that you bought at the expensive boutique
that you never wore again after you saw your co-worker wearing the
same pair."
The husband continues his story... "The
young woman was very grateful to me and I walked her to the door.
When we got to the door she turned around and with tears coming
out of her eyes, she asks me: "Sir, do you have anything else
that your wife does not use?"
A mother was walking down the hall when she heard
a humming sound coming from her daughter's bedroom. When she opened
the door, she found her daughter naked on the bed with a vibrator.
"What are you doing?" She exclaimed. The daughter replied,
"I'm 35 and still living at home with my parents and this is
the closest I'll ever get to a husband."
Later that week the father was in the kitchen
and heard a humming sound coming from the basement. When he went
downstairs, he found his daughter naked on a sofa with her vibrator.
"What are you doing?" He exclaimed. The daughter replied,
"I'm 35 and still living at home with my parents and this is
the closest I'll ever get to a husband."
A couple of days later the mother heard the humming
sound again, this time in the living room. Upon entering the room,
she found her husband watching television with the vibrator buzzing
away beside him on the couch. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"
she asked. He replied, "Watching the cricket with my son-in-law!"
A young Aussie lad moved to London and went to
Harrods looking for a job. The manager asked "Do you have any
sales experience?" The young man answered "Yeah, I was
a salesman back home." The manager liked the Aussie so he gave
him the job.
His first day on the job was challenging and busy, but he got through
it. After the store was locked up, the manager came down and asked
"Okay, so how many sales did you make today?" The Aussie
said "One." The manager groaned and continued "Just
one? Our sales people average 20 or 30 sales a day." "How
much was the sale for?" "124, 237.64. pounds."
The manager choked and exclaimed "124,237.64 POUNDS?! What
the hell did you sell him?" "Well, first I sold him a
small fish hook, then a medium fish hook, and then I sold him a
new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and
he said down at the coast, so I told him he would need a boat, so
we went down to the boat department and I sold him that twin-engined
Power Cat."
"Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it,
so I took him down to car sales and I sold him the 4 x 4 Suzuki".
The manager, incredulous, said "You mean to tell me a guy came
In here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and 4x4?"
"No no no... He came in here to buy a box of tampons for his
wife and I said... Well, since your weekend's fucked, you might
as well go fishing!!!"
There was this couple that had been married for
20 years. Every time they made love the husband always insisted
on shutting off the light. Well, after 20 years the wife felt this
was ridiculous. She figured she would break him out of this crazy
habit. So one night, while they were in the middle of a wild, screaming,
romantic session, she turned on the lights. She looked down and
saw her husband was holding a battery-operated 'pleasure device'...
a vibrator! Soft, wonderful and larger than a real one.
She went completely ballistic. "You impotent
bastard," She screamed at him, "how could you be lying
to me all of these years? You had better explain yourself quick
smart!" The husband looks her straight in the eyes and says
calmly: "I'll explain the toy... you explain the fucking kids!"
A flat-chested young lady went to Dr. Smith about
enlarging her tiny breasts. Dr. Smith advised her, "Every day
after your shower rub your chest and say, "Scooby doobie doobies,
I want bigger boobies."
She did this faithfully for several months and
it worked! She grew terrific D-cup boobs! One morning she was running
late, got on the bus and in a panic realised she had forgotten her
morning ritual.
Frightened she might lose her lovely boobs if
she didn't recite the little rhyme, she stood right there in the
middle aisle of the bus closed her eyes and said, "Scooby doobie
doobies, I want bigger boobies."
A guy sitting nearby looked at her, "By any chance,
are you a patient of Dr. Smith's?" "Why, yes I am... How did you
know?" He leaned closer, winked and whispered, "Hickory dickory
Well gurls and men what we have here is the end
to another big ass update and I've got to admit I'm
quite chuffed at the thought. I can now engage in that thing known
as ‘sleep' for at least the next six hours before I
have to get up and restart the process of sending myself insane
In case you were wondering – YES I shall
return next Thursday with another update that will hopefully leave
you wanting more and more and more... like this one did right...?
In the mean time all I ask is that you spend every spare moment
tirelessly telling the world about the amazing site you found called
Until next time be good, stay off the chems and
share the love. Enjoy. Mr. Orsm. |
2005.02.02-23.55 |
Welcome to Orsmnet. Gay Cowboy.
I swear to god next time I hear
those two words I'm a chance to mount up and take my shootin' irons
on over to Brokeback Mountain and do some Gay Cowboy hunting.
If you haven't worked out what I am babbling about then you've somehow
escaped the incessant media onslaught about the new Gay Cowboy
movie starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. Did I mention that
they play Gay Cowboys?
Seriously but - what is the big
deal? I haven't seen the movie [and won't be] but I assume its something
to do with the two of them being Gay Cowboys. Is that any
reason for having to hear about Gay Cowboys on the news
every day? How come being a Gay Cowboy is cool all of a
sudden? And is Heath Ledger a Gay Cowboy in real life?
I've actually got a bit of a
bee in my bonnet about TV lately. I don't have that much spare time
to park it on the couch and whittle away the hours staring blankly
into the screen plus I don't have pay TV so I am at the mercy of
the commercial stations. Usually I can deal with it but over the
last month or so we've had a constant tirade of ad's for Prison
Break, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Commander In
Chief etc etc. It's too much. Don't they realise that anyone that
knows even the slightest thing about how to use the internet has
seen all the above months ago...?
Also in my bad books is the media.
Do they really think the average Aussie gives a crap about the Australian
Wheat Board paying bribes to Saddam Hussein? Answer: No! Please
make it stop and get back to reporting the real news about things
like Brad & Angelina and Tom & Katie...
Anyway on to me and my life...
I mean that's why you're all here right?
The past week has been just as
ridiculously busy as the last few. The only real saving grace was
last Friday which as I mentioned previously was a golf day with
a couple the lads. Did I suck as bad as I thought I would? The short
answer is yes but definitely not as much as I used to. For the most
part my shots ended up on the green or not too far from it and I
got more consistent as the day progressed after learning the all
important 'bend your knees' rule. My score? For nine holes I shot
an embarrassing 68 but I can at least take solace in the fact I
have done far worse before.
Next up we headed out for lunch
at a restaurant near my place to suck back some beers, enjoy some
seafood and, amongst other things, chat about why we don't do this
sort of stuff more often followed by vow's to fix that. After that
I headed home and fell asleep - turned out that forgetting to slip,
slop, slap the sun cream on left me kind of sunburnt and in dire
need of some air-conditioned revelry.
I got moving Saturday with the
intention of doing stuff around the house. Before long the phone
started ringing and I was up at the local shopping centre aimlessly
wandering shop to shop with some friends. I usually spend my life
avoiding the bigger malls because I can't be bothered with the human
traffic jams but three or four hours miraculously disappeared and
as a result I managed to get a couple of pending birthday presents
out of the way and even some groceries done.
I spent half of Sunday chained
to the computer doing actual work and the rest of the day
shovelling sand and finding places to stash it around the house
and then washed the car for the first time this year. As usual that
turned out to be a frivolous exercise because about five minutes
after I started my next door neighbour wheeled out his lawnmower
and made a mess of the place. That's the THIRD time he has done
that to me now... I'm starting to think its revenge for something
I have done to annoy them. Let's see how much lawn he has to mow
when it all inexplicably dies following a midnite mission at some
point soon...
This weekend... I already don't
want to think about it. Friday nite is drinks at a friends place
and then I think I'll be stuck helping my sister car hunting on
Saturday. Beyond that it's the dog beach on Sunday morning and possibly
even shooting later in the day. All I know is that a bit of peace
and quiet would go a long way. Chances of that happening? Fuck all
and buckleys...
Don't even think about paying for porn on the
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If you've been reading my site for any period
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it's because Newbie
Nudes is easily the best site of its kind on the net today.
Hundreds of thousands of pics which are added to daily, tonnes of
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I can think of two reasons why you haven't checked
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An upset woman storms into the golf pro shop
and says to the clerk, "I was just golfing on your course and
I was stung by a bee right in between the first and second holes.
What do you suggest I do?" The clerk says, "Well for starters
lady I'd suggest you narrow your stance a bit."
What is smoking, black, and at the top of the stairs? Christopher
Reeves after a house-fire.
What did a Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor? Make me one with
A Mexican family was considering putting their
Grandfather in a nursing home. All the Catholic facilities were
completely full so they had to put him in a Jewish home.
After a few weeks in the Jewish facility, they
came to visit grandpa.
"How do you like it here?" asks the
grandson. "It's wonderful! Everyone here is so courteous and
Respectful," says grandpa. "We're so happy for you. We
were worried that this was the wrong place for you. You know, since
you are a little different from everyone else."
"Oh, no! Let me tell you about how wonderfully
they treat the residents here," grandpa says with a big smile.
"There's a musician here - he's 85 years old. He hasn't played
the violin in 20 years and everyone still calls him 'Maestro'!"
"There is a judge in here - he's 95 years
old. He hasn't been on the bench in 30 years and everyone still
calls him 'Your Honor'!"
"And there's a physician here -- 90 years
old. He hasn't been practicing medicine for 25 years and everyone
still calls him 'Doc'!"
"And me... I haven't had sex for 35 years
and they still call me "The Fucking Mexican"!
A young cowboy walks into a seedy cafe in Prescott,
AZ. He sits at the counter and notices an old cowboy with his arms
folded staring blankly at a full bowl of chilli.
After fifteen minutes of just sitting there staring
at it, the young cowboy bravely asks the old cowpoke, "If you
ain't gonna eat that, mind if I do?"
The older cowboy slowly turns his head toward
the young wrangler and in his best cowboy manner drawls, "No
son, you go ahead."
Eagerly, the young cowboy reaches out and slides
the bowl over to his place and starts spooning it in with delight.
He gets nearly down to the bottom and notices a dead mouse in the
chilli. The sight was shocking and he immediately barfs up the chilli
into the bowl. The old cowboy quietly drawls, "Yep, that's
as far as I got, too..."
Mildred and Chester knew each other from childhood
but were in their seventies when they got married. They had to wait
for Mildred's mother to pass away first. Back in those days there
was no hanky panky before marriage so Chester and Mildred were both
still virgins.
Needless to say Chester was pretty excited on
their wedding night, having waited so patiently all these years.
However, Mildred was very apprehensive as she had developed a heart
condition and would have to tell Chester that they could not do
Chester is now sitting on the bed wanting Mildred
to hurry up. He detects a little reluctance on her part. Thinking
that she is shy he sends her off to the bathroom to get undressed.
When she reappears in her silk satin nightie,
he gets her to sit next to him on the bed. Not knowing how to get
things started he pulls the first strap on her nightie. She blushes
just as red as her silk satin nightie. She is really concerned about
telling Chester about her heart condition.
In the meantime Chester is looking at the first
breast he has seen since his own mother's. It is hanging there down
to her belly button: gravity having taken it's course over some
sixty years.
He realises her anxiety but figures she is going
have to be helped a little more. Now he pulls the second strap and
sees the second breast unroll downward before him. Poor Mildred
is now beside herself. She is going to have to tell Chester about
her heart.
With a quivering voice and mustering up all her
courage, she says, "Chester I have acute angina." Chester
says, "I sure hope so. Cuz you've sure got ugly tits!"
Have you guys checked out MyFreePaysite.com
yet? Its the webs only FREE
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yourself and have
a look!
Failing to disappoint as always has
been Reader Mail. I've been inundated with all sorts of bits and
pieces from the world over and it took forever deciding what to
post. Of course for you guys this means some cool shit for your
If you'd like to contribute something and have
your stuff posted on Orsmnet then we love getting jokes, pics, vids
and pretty much anything else. All you've got to do is click
here and make the email magic happen.
Subject: Broke back mountain
Nominated for 8 Academy awards! How can
I put this but tell the truth. The movie was shot in Canada
not Wyoming. Wyoming is getting influcted with calls from
the Gay community. I listened to transcripts of how the
gay community will be treated in the state of Wyoming. You
got kids, tying a gay person up to a barbed wire fence,
and left to die of exposure. My point is the movie Broken
back mountain is fantasy. The truth is out there.
<with held>
Subject: Can we have further of these?
I just wanted to let you know, after
watching this video, my wife was a very happy woman, I was
one of those that just dove straight into the pussy and
my wife was a miserable wench... however, Mr. Orsm, since
you posted this instructional video, I have been able to
make my wife less miserable, and more manageable.
Subject: shit happens
Thatmosis here, Took a close look at
the "ooops" photos on your last update, pretty
gruesome but just the kind of thing needed to shock some
people into taking more care on the road. Maybe thats whats
needed for young drivers, let them spend a night in a Casualty
Dept or a Morgue seeing the results of foolish actions taken
by drivers on our roads.
John Butler
Subject: Disappointed Viewer
Anyway, I was disappointed to see that
you'd show pictures of a decapitation under the heading
"what not to do to your girlfriend". The man in the pictures
is in obvious shock and will probably never recover fully
from such a horrific crash. I mean, if there was some reason
for the crash that could be blamed on him (like driving
while intoxicated or getting head or some other stupid trick
while driving) then I could see your reasoning for posting
the pictures under the heading you chose. However, you have
provided no such information. To be honest, I looked through
each picture to see if maybe the entire wreck was staged
for some sort of instructional or educational video. Nope.
You'll probably laughing and cursing me as a "fuckin' prude"
- which is fine. I still enjoy your site and will continue
to look forward to Thursday updates. I just think your better
judgment went south a bit. Don't get me wrong...the worst
part about those pics are that they were taken in the first
place. It says something about how far we will go to get
shocking footage when somebody stands and photographs a
man suffering, forced to remain in a vehicle with his decapitated
Rebecca Higgs
Subject: Commodore Gymnastics
Hey just writing to say the rims on that
guys car that he 'apparently' survived the crash in,
don't match up. I'm a chick so i might be missing something
but it doesn't look right to me! Also i love checking out
ur site - keep up the great work!! x
I think the first pic is before
the car was modified - not before it was crashed. -Orsm
Subject: seat belts...
I'm a Canadian Firefighter...... Fact
I have never pulled a Dead person out of a car that was
wearing their seat belt..... Wear them they work........
Acu Yico
Subject: Chick from Argentina
ORSM The chick is a starlet in Argentina
(not Spain) Her name is Pamela David. Find some pictures
I recieved SO many emails about
this hottie it was out of control so rather than post them
all I thought just the one would be enough and here are
some of the pics... -Orsm
Michael Corcoran
Subject: bear verse lion
are you for real with that bear verse
lion clip people who do that are cruel you think it is fun
to lock 2 animals in a cage like that? lion was obviously
trying to get out in beginning be humane dude how would
you like to b locked in with them? don't condone animal
cruelty on your site. I don't condone it - as a matter of
fact I was disgusted with it but that doesn't change the
fact it still goes on every day.
Exactly! -Orsm
Benjo 25
Subject: gay
Hi master, a little picture from my gay
neighbour when he is doing some garten work. :-)
Holy crap! Definitely one of the gayest things I have ever
seen! -Orsm |
Subject: Amusing
Hey Orsm. Love the site and i found something
you may find amusing. Our receptionist was flicking through
the latest TV Week magazine and came across this. How do
you sell a vibrator in TV Week? Easy.... just call it a
massager. You dont have to disguise it or anything. Just
show some lady rubbing it on her back. You can even offer
it in 7inch or 9.5inch sizes. Classic! :)
Tim and the
guys wrote:
Subject: Air conditioning.
Hey Mr Orsm, We slave away in the heat
all day (or play on the net) while our boss struggles to
keep himself awake in the heat of the air conditioned office
department. The other day he came up with an ingenious idea
to steal some of the nice cold air from the office next
to his with this amazing contraption, almost good enough
to go into manufacturing we think. It's worth a laugh, maybe
some other readers could copy it to keep themselves cool
so they don't fall asleep at their desks, all you need is
one old cardboard box, one roll of parcel tape, an old fan
and an extension lead. Cheers, keep up the good work.
<with held>
Subject: summernats pics
ahh, summernats. I think they have cars
there too.
Anyone manage to get Summernats
car pics? Email me! -Orsm
Cuca Wildman
Subject: (no subject)
this porche from San Bernardino, Ca.
says it all, doesn't it?
Took me a minute to get this one...
at 20psi.com wrote:
Subject: Big Day Out Gold Coast These
are some random images I took at the big day out this year on
the Gold Coast. My buddy gets in all the good shots of course.
There is one guy on a pole who had cans and water bottles thrown
at him non stop until he got the Aussie flag then he was everyone's
best friend. From there on it was business as usual... Girls
guys more girls and some funky outfits, oh and my favourite
girl Phoenix who does things for Pillfreak... |
held> wrote:
Subject: Crashed Ford GT
Hi Mr orsm. Well long time reader bla bla
bla..... Got these emails at work the other day. Near new
Fort GT slamed into a power pole here in auckland. Apparently
the driver lost control exiting his driveway. hhmmm.. enjoy
Subject: Cleaning up
Here is a video I made you can do what
you want with it.
Thanks...!! -Orsm
Subject: Video
Hi, the guy is from a nearby city. The
key from his car is in the trunk/car boot..... peace
What a fucking nut bar... -Orsm
<with held>
Subject: blow off
A mate of mine riding Cairns to Port
Douglas, QLD, escapes being hit by exhaust in front of him.Hope
you post it enjoy. thanks
Subject: head waxing
Hey, here is a video of my girlfriend waxing
my brother-in-laws head. He kept asking her so she did it,
and i recorded it. Then edited it, and set it to the Johnny
Cash version of Hurt by NIN. Enjoy
No way that wouldn't
sting a little... -Orsm |
There was this Spanish guy, this Korean guy and
this Russian guy all working for the same construction company.
At the beginning of the day the boss comes out
and says to the Spanish guy, "You're in charge of the cement."
Then he said to the Russian guy, "You're in charge of the dirt."
Then he said to the Korean guy, "You're in charge of the supplies."
Then he said, "I'm gonna be back at the end of the day to check
on your work. It better be good or you're fired." So they all
go off to go get their work done.
At the end of the day, the boss comes back to
check on their work. He looks at the big pile of cement and goes,
"Good work," to the Spanish guy. Then he looks at the
big pile of dirt and says, "Good work," to the Russian
Then he couldn't find the Korean guy so he asks,
"Where the heck is the Korean guy?" All of a sudden, the
Korean guy jumps out from behind the big pile of dirt and yells,
A man and his wife were discussing what they
thought their son might be when he grew up.
"I have an idea," said the father.
He put a ten-dollar bill, a bottle of whiskey, and a Bible on the
coffee table. "If he takes the money he'll be a banker. If
he takes the whiskey he'll be a wino, and if he takes the Bible
that means he'll be a preacher."
So the man and his wife hide just before their
son comes in the door, and watch from where they're hiding.
The boy saunters over to the coffee table. He
picks up the ten-dollar bill, looks at it, then sets it down. He
picks up the bottle of whiskey, uncorks it, sniffs it, then sets
it down. Then he picks up the Bible, leafs through it, then sets
it down.
Then the boy takes the money and stuffs it into
his pocket, grabs the whiskey, and walks off with the Bible under
his arm.
"Well how do you like that!" exclaims
the father. "He's going to be a politician!"
A wife and her husband were having
a dinner party for all the major status figures in Rome, Italy.
The wife was very excited about this and wanted everything to be
perfect. At the very last minute, she realised that she didn't have
any snails for this dinner party, so she asked her husband to run
down to the beach with the bucket she was handing him to gather
some snails.
Against his will - he agreed. He took the bucket,
walked out the door, down the steps, and out to the beach. As he
was collecting the snails, he noticed a beautiful woman strolling
alongside the water just a little further down the beach. He kept
thinking to himself "Wouldn't it be great if she would even
just come down and talk to me." He went back to gathering the
snails. All of a sudden he looked up, and the beautiful woman was
standing right over him. They got to talking, and she invited him
back to her place.
They were at her apartment a ways down the beach,
and they started messing around. It got so hot and heavy, that he
was exhausted afterwards and passed out there. At seven o'clock
the next morning he woke up and exclaimed, "Oh no!!! My wife's
dinner party!!!" He gathered all his clothes, put them on real
fast, grabbed his bucket, and ran out the door. He ran down the
beach all the way to his apartment.
He ran up the stairs of his apartment. He was
in such a hurry that when he got to the top of the stairs, he dropped
the bucket of snails. There were snails all down the stairs. The
door opened just then, with a very angry wife standing in the door
way wondering where he's been all this time. He looked at the snails
all down the steps, then he looked at her, then back at the snails
and said: "Come on guys, we're almost there!"
Orright folks that's all for
another week... where that week disappeared to I am yet to figure
out but you can guarantee I shall return next Thursday with more
monotonous tales of my life, canned humour and the finest adult
entertainment to be found online. In the mean time you should feel
free to tell as many people as possible about this amazing website
you found called O-R-S-M-DOT-NET!
Until next time be good, stay
off the chems and stay away from Gay Cowboys. Enjoy. Mr. Orsm. |